Anzo Vocabulary Manager (AVM) is a graph data platform for teams and communities to collaboratively develop semantic artifacts such as models, reference data, and validation constraints for seamless integration with the Anzo platform.
AVM is a collaborative tool that extends the Anzo platform with powerful ontology, vocabulary, and shapes graph editing and versioning and automation capabilities, creating an environment for teams and communities to accelerate exploration and harmonization of complex data systems. AVM leverages OWL 2 and SKOS for authoring ontologies and vocabularies, SHACL for authoring validation constraints, the SPARQL query language for data lookup, and a pluggable backend system for processing and handling graph data modeled using the Resource Description Framework (RDF). AVM natively integrates with Anzo onboard and dataset capabilities for ingesting and publishing semantic artifacts for blend and access across the platform.
User Guide
The AVM web application currently has eleven main modules:
the Catalog,
the Entity Search,
the Ontology Editor,
the Synchronization tool,
the Publishing tool,
the Linking tool,
the Shapes Editor (BETA),
the Mapping Tool,
the Datasets Manager,
the Discover Page,
and the Workflows module
The web application also has a My Account page to configure various settings and preferences of the logged in user and an Administration page for admin users to configure user accounts and groups. The Configuration for the AVM software itself is set in configuration files. The AVM Shell also provides several commands for accessing the application data.
The home page of AVM includes some quick action buttons for performing common tasks and a display of the latest key activities performed by users throughout the application. Each activity displays a summary about the action performed, who did it, and when it happened. The list is sorted with the latest activities first and is paginated so you can view earlier actions.

Additionally, the activity display has a tab to view a filtered list of the current user’s activities.

The AVM web-based Catalog allows users to publish data, dataset descriptions, analytics and other resources. It allows users to control the way their data is shared.
To reach the Catalog click on the link in the left menu.

The Local Catalog of AVM contains all Records contained within your AVM node. This includes all versioned ontologies created in the Ontology Editor, versioned mappings created in the Mapping Tool, versioned shapes graphs created in the Shapes Editor (BETA), and all datasets created in the Datasets Manager.
There are two main views of the Catalog:
the Record View
Catalog Landing Page

The landing page of the Catalog displays a paginated list of all the Records in the Local Catalog that can be searched, sorted, and filtered. The filters on the left contain all possible types of Records, any user who has created a record, and all possible user keywords. The selected options in each filter group can be reset and all selected filter options will appear beneath the search bar. The search bar allows you to perform a text search through all the Record metadata.
Each Record in the list is displayed as a card with the Record title, type with related icon, last modified date, description, and keywords. Clicking on the title of the Record will copy its unique identifier (IRI). The footer of each Record card shows the username of its creator, a button to Open that Record in its respective module (ontologies in the Ontology Editor, etc.) and a button to View the Record card in the Record View.
Record View

The Record View displays all metadata for the selected Record along with set of tabs that updates based on the type of Record. The top of the Record view shows the Record title, type icon, and its description. The Record description is meant to provide a short summary of the Record.
The right side of the Record View displays metadata, including the publisher’s username, the creation and modification dates, and associated keywords. The view includes a Statistics section that highlights key metrics relevant to the Record, providing a quick overview of its complexity. Each statistic is accompanied by a tooltip explaining its meaning, making it easier to understand the data. The statistics displayed are specifically tailored to the type of Record you are viewing. If no statistics are available for the Record type, the section will display the message "No statistics available.". Underneath all this is a button to open the Record in its associated module (ontologies in the Ontology Editor, etc.).
Every Record type will contain an Overview tab where you can view a Markdown description of the Record that provides more detailed information than the description field. If the Record is a Versioned RDF Record, such as an Ontology Record or Mapping Record, the tabset will also include a tab displaying the list of its Branches. The Branches in the list are expandable to view the description and commit history of the Branch. The Activity tab will show a list of activities associated with the Record.
If you have the permission to manage the Record, clicking on the title, description, overview, and keywords fields will turn them into editable fields for easy updates. In addition, you will see a Manage button which will navigate you to the Record Permissions page.
Record Permissions
The Record Permissions page enables you to specify which users and groups can perform various actions against a record, such as viewing, deleting, modifying, and managing. Modify refers to the ability to affect the data represented by the record while Manage refers to the ability to edit the Record metadata. Versioned RDF Records like ontologies and mappings will also provide the ability to restrict who can modify the MASTER branch. Each type of Record has its own default permissions that get set uploaded or created.
Permissions can be set to allow all authenticated users (the Everyone slider) or limit access to specific users and groups. To set the permission to a user or group, unselect the Everyone permission, find a user or group in the search box underneath the appropriate box, and select it. To remove a user or group from the permission, click the X button next to the username or group title. After you have finished making the changes you want, make sure to click the save button in the bottom right. You can also click on the back button if you want to go back to the Record View.

For Versioned RDF records, If a user is not allowed to modify the branch they are currently viewing, all actions in the editor that would affect the branch are disabled or removed. In addition, if a user is not allowed to edit the target branch of a merge request, they will not be able to accept the request.
Entity Search
The AVM Entity Search tool enables you to find relevant constructs related to your topic of interest across all records in the Catalog, reducing duplication and enhancing collaboration and extensibility across your enterprise.
To reach the Entity Search tool, click on the link in the left menu.

The Entity Search tool provides a filterable, sortable, paginated search across the latest MASTER branch data of all Versioned RDF Records in the Mobi Catalog. This includes Ontology Records, Shapes Graph Records, and more. The tool will always search through the compiled data of the head of the MASTER branch of each individual record, ensuring accurate and up to date results.
To view search results, search text must be entered in the search bar at the top of the right side of the page. Entered search text will be matched on all properties with literal values. The filters on the left contain all possible types of Versioned RDF Records and all possible user keywords. The selected options in each filter group can be reset and all selected filter options will appear beneath the search bar.

Each search result represents an entity (i.e. a subject in the triple sense) within a Versioned RDF Record and is represented with its IRI, calculated entity name, type(s), description, parent record, and matching annotation values to the search text. The Parent Record is represented with an record type icon, its title, and keywords. The Matching Annotations are displayed with the property name, IRI, and matching highlighted value. The footer of each search result card contains a button to Open that entity in its Parent Record in its respective module (ontologies in the Ontology Editor, etc.) and a button to View the Parent Record card in the Catalog Record View.
The state of the most recent search will be kept when navigating away and back to the tool and will be refreshed once interacted with (i.e. search submitted, filter changes, pagination control clicked). |
Ontology Editor
The AVM web-based Ontology Editor provides a Distributed Ontology Management System (DOMS) for local and community development of Web Ontology Language (OWL) ontologies and Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) vocabularies. The DOMS features a knowledge capture, collaboration, access policy management, ontology reuse, and extensibility.
To reach the Ontology Editor, click on the link in the left menu.

The main Ontology Editor page includes the same top action-bar as the Shapes Editor where all the actions related to opening and versioning the Ontology Record are located. From the action-bar, users can create, filter, and open different Ontology Records, branches, and tags as well as create branches/tags, merge branches, upload/download the ontology data, and make a new commit.

The starting point for any action on the page when you first navigate to the editor is the records dropdown. From here, you can create new ontologies, open existing ones, delete ontologies you have permission to do so, and download the latest version from the head commit of the MASTER branch. Clicking on an ontology will open it in the editor. You can open more than one ontology open at a time for parallel development.

When opening an ontology, the editor will load the previous branch and commit you were viewing. If you have not previously opened the ontology or the branch you were viewing no longer exists, the editor will load the HEAD commit of the ontology’s MASTER branch. For an explanation of commits and branches see the section on Ontology Versioning.
From this screen you can also filter the ontology list, create new ontologies, or upload existing ones.
Creating New Ontologies
To create a new ontology, click the New button in the records dropdown. In the creation dialog, you are required to provide an ontology IRI and title. You can also optionally provide a description and keywords. This metadata is used to describe the ontology in the local catalog.

The Ontology IRI is the unique identifier for the new ontology. The editor pre-populates this field with a configurable default namespace and a local name generated from the Title field. You can always override this behavior. The Title field populates the dcterms:title
annotations of both the new Ontology Record and the ontology object within the new ontology. The Description field populates the dcterms:description
annotations of both the new Ontology Record and the ontology object within the new ontology. The Keywords field will attach the entered values as keywords to the new Ontology Record. When the dialog is submitted, the new ontology will automatically be opened into the editor.
Uploading Existing Ontologies
To upload an existing ontology, click the Upload button in the records dropdown. This will bring up the browser’s native file browser to select one or more files containing initial ontology data.
Supported ontology file types are .owl , .ttl , .xml , .jsonld , .owx , .json , .n3 , .nq , .nt , .rdf , .txt , .json , .ofn , .omn , .owx , and .rdfs .
Once the file(s) are selected, a dialog will prompt you for metadata entry for the Ontology Record (title, description, keywords). This metadata is used to describe the ontology in the local catalog. By default, the editor will set the Title to the file name. Metadata for each ontology file can be entered and submitted separately, or default metadata can be entered for all records using the Submit All button. The Title field populates the dcterms:title
annotation of the new Ontology Record. The Description field populates the dcterms:description
annotation of the new Ontology Record. The Keywords field will attach the entered values as keywords to the new Ontology Record.

The status of each upload is recorded in the Upload Log which can be opened by clicking the button next to the records dropdown. Any errors will be detailed for each file. The file extension is used to guess the appropriate RDF Format to parse the file contents. If a parsing error occurs, the snackbar will display the error message relevant to guessed RDF Format.

Editing an Ontology
The Ontology Editor provides an interface for developing OWL 2 ontologies with additional features directed towards developing Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) vocabularies and extensions thereof, including support for (SKOS-XL)
To learn more about OWL ontologies, see the W3C Specification. To learn more about SKOS vocabularies, see the W3C Specification |
The Ontology Editor contains various tabs supporting activities for ontology development, search, and version control.

This section will describe the tools related to ontology development activities. These include:
the Overview Tab
the Classes Tab
the Properties Tab
the Individuals Tab
the optional Schemes Tab
the optional Concepts Tab
the Search Tab
The Schemes Tab and Concepts Tab will appear if the editor detects that the opened ontology contains SKOS classes and properties. The easiest way to have access to these tabs is to import the SKOS ontology (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core).
For a detailed description of the versioning components, refer to the Ontology Versioning section.
Ontology Project Tab
The Ontology Project Tab displays high-level information about the ontology. This includes the ontology annotations and properties, ontology imports, and a preview of the serialized ontology RDF.

The top of this tab contains the title of the ontology and its IRI. The IRI shown is the Version IRI, Ontology IRI, or a blank node identifier. The IRI can be copied quickly by clicking on it.
On the upper left side of this tab is a section containing a list of all the applied OWL Ontology Properties and Annotations. There are controls included to add, remove, and edit these properties.
On the lower left side of this tab is a section containing a list of all direct and indirect ontology imports. If an imported ontology could not be resolved, it will appear red. To add a new imported ontology, click on the plus button and either enter the IRI of an ontology available on the web or select an ontology within AVM. To refresh the cached versions of the imported ontologies and attempt to resolve any unresolved imports, click on the refresh button.
On the right of this tab is a card used to generate a preview of the ontology as RDF. There is a drop down with several different RDF serializations to choose from. Clicking Refresh will generate a preview of the saved state of the ontology in the specified RDF format in the area below. The preview will be limited to the first 5000 results. Additionally, there is a button for downloading the ontology in the selected format.
The serialized ontology is a representation of data stored in the repository and will not include uncommitted changes. |
Overview Tab
The Overview Tab provides quick access to classes and their associated properties as compared to the Classes and Properties tabs. Properties are associated to classes through the use of rdfs:domain

The left side of this tab contains the list of all classes and their associated properties, including imports. Any properties that have no rdfs:domain
are grouped into a folder in the hierarchy called "Properties". You can expand a class to view its properties by clicking the "+" icon or double-clicking the class name. Properties are displayed with a symbol representing the data type of the range property. If an entity has been changed and those changes have not been committed, it will appear bold and an indicator will be shown on the right of the entity name. Imported classes and properties will appear grey and italicized. The list also includes a search bar that will filter the list to classes/properties with annotations or local names containing your search query and the ability to apply one or more filters. The Hide unused imports filter will remove all imported entities from the list that are not used by any of the entities defined in the ontology. The Hide deprecated entities filter will remove all entities annotated with the owl:deprecated property. Clicking on an item in the tree will load that entity’s information into the other sections in this tab.
The title of the selected class or property, its IRI, and its type(s) are displayed at the top of the tab along with buttons to delete the entity and view its change history (see Entity History). The IRI can be copied quickly by clicking on it. The middle sections in this tab allow you to add, remove, and edit Annotations and Axioms for the selected class or property. Imported classes and properties cannot be edited.
If you selected a property, a section with checkboxes for adding different characteristics to the selected property is shown in the top right of the Overview Tab.
See the W3C Specification for the definitions of property characteristics. |
The last section on the right displays all the locations where the selected entity is used within the saved state of the ontology. For classes, this is anywhere the selected class is used as the object of a statement. For properties, this is anywhere the selected property is used as the predicate or object of a statement. Usages are grouped by the predicate of the statement and can be collapsed by clicking on the predicate title. Links in the usages section, as with links in various other components of the editor, can be clicked to navigate to that entity. If the number of usages exceeds 100, a button to load the next 100 is shown at the bottom of the section.
Classes Tab
The Classes Tab allows you to view, create, and delete classes in the opened ontology.

The left side of the tab contains a hierarchical view of the classes, including imports, nested according to their rdfs:subClassOf
property. That is, a class’s children are classes which are defined as subclasses of the particular class. Since classes can be defined as a subclass of multiple classes, they may appear several times within the hierarchy. If a class has been changed and those changes have not been committed, it will appear bold and an indicator will be shown on the right of the class name. Imported classes will appear grey and italicized. The list also includes a search bar that will filter the list to classes with annotations or local names containing your search query and the ability to apply one or more filters. The Hide unused imports filter will remove all imported entities from the list that are not used by any of the entities defined in the ontology. The Hide deprecated entities filter will remove all classes annotated with the owl:deprecated property. Clicking on an item in the hierarchy will load that class’s information into the other sections in this tab. Double clicking on a class with children will toggle the display of the children.
The title of the selected class, its IRI, and its type(s) are displayed at the top of the tab along with buttons to delete the class and view its change history (see Entity History). The IRI can be copied quickly by clicking on it. The middle sections in this tab allow you to add, remove, and edit Annotations and Axioms for the selected class. Imported classes cannot be edited.
The section on the right of the Classes Tab displays all the locations where the selected class is used within the saved state of the ontology. That is, anywhere the selected class is used as the object of a statement. Usages are grouped by the predicate of the statement and can be collapsed by clicking on the predicate title. Links in the usages section, as with links in various other components of the editor, can be clicked to navigate to that entity. If the number of usages exceeds 100, a button to load the next 100 is shown at the bottom of the section.
Properties Tab
The Properties Tab allows you to view, create, and delete properties in the opened ontology.

The left side of the tab contains a hierarchical view of the data, object, and annotation properties, including imports. The data, object, and annotation properties are grouped into three separate folders within the hierarchy that will open and close when clicked. Properties are nested according to their rdfs:subPropertyOf
property. That is, a property’s children are properties which are defined as subproperties of the particular property. Properties are displayed with a symbol representing the data type of the range property. If a property has been changed and those changes have not been committed, it will appear bold and an indicator will be shown on the right of the property name. Imported properties will appear grey and italicized. The list also includes a search bar that will filter the list to properties with annotations or local names containing your search query and the ability to apply one or more filters. The Hide unused imports filter will remove all imported properties from the list that are not used by any of the entities defined in the ontology. The Hide deprecated entities filter will remove all properties annotated with the owl:deprecated property. Clicking on an item in the hierarchy will load that property’s information into the other sections in this tab. Double clicking on a property with children will toggle the display of the children.
The title of the selected property, its IRI, and its type(s) are displayed at the top of the tab along with buttons to delete the property and view its change history (see Entity History). The IRI can be copied quickly by clicking on it. The middle sections in this tab change depending on whether you have selected a data, object, or annotation property. If the selected property is a data or object property, the sections for adding, removing, and editing Annotations and Axioms are shown. If the selected property is an annotation property, only the Annotation sections is shown. Imported properties cannot be edited.
If the selected property is a data or object property, a block with checkboxes for adding different characteristics to the selected property is shown in the top right of the Properties Tab. Imported properties cannot be edited.

See the W3C Specification for the definitions of property characteristics. |
The last section on the right of the tab displays all the locations where the selected property is used within the saved state of the ontology. That is, anywhere the selected property is used as the predicate or object of a statement. Usages are grouped by the predicate of the statement and can be collapsed by clicking on the predicate title. Links in the usages section, as with links in various other components of the editor, can be clicked to navigate to that entity. If the number of usages exceeds 100, a button to load the next 100 is shown at the bottom of the section.
Individuals Tab
The Individuals Tab allows you to view, edit, create, and delete individuals in the opened ontology.

The left side of the tab contains a view of all individuals, including imports, nested under their classes based on the rdfs:subClassOf
property. If an individual has been changed and those changes have not been committed, it will appear bold and an indicator will be shown on the right of the individual name. Imported individuals will appear grey and italicized. The list also includes a search bar that will filter the list to individuals with annotations or local names containing your search query and the ability to apply one or more filters. The Hide unused imports filter will remove all imported individuals from the list that are not used by any of the entities defined in the ontology. The Hide deprecated entities filter will remove all individuals annotated with the owl:deprecated property. Clicking on an item in the list will load that individual’s information into the other sections in this tab.
The title of the selected individual, its IRI, and its type(s) are displayed at the top of the tab along with buttons to delete the individual and view its change history (see Entity History). The IRI can be copied quickly by clicking on it. The section to the center and right of the tab allow you to add, remove, and edit Data, Object, and Annotation Properties for the selected individual. The options for Data and Object Properties are populated from the ontology and its imports. Furthermore, the Object Property Overlay also pre-filters the list of values based on the range of the property selected. The user entered values in both the annotation and datatype property overlays are validated against the type field of the overlay. Imported individuals cannot be edited.
The types of an individual are editable by clicking the pencil icon at the end of the types list. The overlay allows you to add and remove types from the ontology and its imports. The "Named Individual" type is required.

Schemes Tab
The Schemes Tab will appear if the editor detects the opened ontology is a SKOS vocabulary. It displays information about all the concept schemes and their directly related concepts defined in the opened vocabulary.

The left side of the tab contains a hierarchical view of the concept schemes, including imports. The top level items are the concept schemes, or subclasses of skos:ConceptScheme
, and their children are all concepts, or subclasses of skos:Concept
, within that scheme. This could be defined through the skos:hasTopConcept
, skos:topConceptOf
, or skos:inScheme
properties. If a concept scheme or concept has been changed and those changes have not been committed, it will appear bold and an indicator will be shown on the right of its name. Imported concept schemes and concepts will appear grey and italicized. The list also includes a search bar that will filter the list to concepts/schemes with annotations or local names containing your search query and the ability to apply one or more filters. The Hide unused imports filter will remove all imported schemes from the list that are not used by any of the entities defined in the ontology. The Hide deprecated entities filter will remove all schemes annotated with the owl:deprecated property. Clicking on an item in the hierarchy will load that concept scheme’s or concept’s information in the other sections in this tab. Double clicking on a concept scheme with children will toggle the display of the children.
The title of the selected concept scheme or concept, its IRI, and its type(s) are displayed at the top of the tab along with buttons to delete the entity and view its change history (see Entity History). The IRI can be copied quickly by clicking on it. The middle sections in this tab allow you to add, remove, and edit Annotations, Data Properties, and Object Properties for the selected concept scheme or concept. Imported concept schemes and concepts cannot be edited.
The third section on the right of the Schemes Tab displays all the locations where the selected concept scheme or concept is used within the saved state of the vocabulary. This is anywhere the selected concept scheme or concept is used as the object of a statement. Usages are grouped by the predicate of the statement and can be collapsed by clicking on the predicate title. Links in the usages section, as with links in various other components of the editor, can be clicked to navigate to that entity. If the number of usages exceeds 100, a button to load the next 100 is shown at the bottom of the section.
Concepts Tab
The Concepts Tab will appear if the editor detects the opened ontology is a SKOS vocabulary. The Concepts Tab displays information about all the concepts defined in the opened vocabulary.

The left side of the tab contains a hierarchical view of the concepts, including imports. The concept hierarchy is determined using all of the SKOS broader and narrower properties. If a concept scheme or concept has been changed and those changes have not been committed, it will appear bold and an indicator will be shown on the right of its name. Imported concepts will appear grey and italicized. The list also includes a search bar that will filter the list to concepts with annotations or local names containing your search query and the ability to apply one or more filters. The Hide unused imports filter will remove all imported concepts from the list that are not used by any of the entities defined in the ontology. The Hide deprecated entities filter will remove all concepts annotated with the owl:deprecated property. Clicking on an item in the hierarchy will load that concept’s information in the other sections in this tab. Double clicking on a concept with children will toggle the display of the children.
The title of the selected concept, its IRI, and its type(s) are displayed at the top of the tab along with buttons to delete the concept and view its change history (see Entity History). The IRI can be copied quickly by clicking on it. The middle blocks in this tab allow you to add, remove, and edit Annotations, Data Properties, and Object Properties for the selected concept. Imported concepts cannot be edited.
The third section on the right of the Concepts Tab displays all the locations where the selected concept is used within the saved state of the vocabulary. This is anywhere the selected concept is used as the object of a statement. Usages are grouped by the predicate of the statement and can be collapsed by clicking on the predicate title. Links in the usages section, as with links in various other components of the editor, can be clicked to navigate to that entity. If the number of usages exceeds 100, a button to load the next 100 is shown at the bottom of the section.
Search Tab
The Search Tab has two views, Find and Query, accessible through the dropdown. By default, clicking on the Search Tab will take you to the Find View.

Find View
The Find view allows you to perform a keyword search through all the entities within the saved state of the opened ontology and its imports.

The left side of the Find view contains a simple search bar and a list of search results. To perform a search, type a string into the search bar and press the ENTER key. The results are separated by type headers which are collapsible. Each result is displayed with its display name. Properties are displayed with a symbol representing the data type of the range property. Clicking on a result will load that entity’s information into the right section of this tab. The right section displays the entity’s display name, IRI, types, and properties. The parts of the property values that match the search text will be highlighted. The right section also includes a Go To button that will open the entity in the appropriate tab. Double clicking on an entity in the list will also open that entity in the appropriate tab.
Query View
The Query view allows you to perform a SPARQL query against the opened ontology. Similar to the Discover Query Page, the Ontology Query view provides a SPARQL query editor powered by the YASGUI SPARQL library. The top section of the page contains the query editor (powered by YASQE), a toggle of whether to include data from the entire imports closure, and a Submit button. Clicking Submit executes the entered query against the ontology and updates the bottom section with the results.

The bottom section displays the results of the most recently submitted SPARQL query (powered by YASR). The section has separate tabs for rendering the query result set depending on the type of SPARQL query submitted. SELECT query results are displayed under the Table tab where the headers of the table are the variables specified in the SPARQL query. The Table comes with features such as filtering, page size, sorting and pagination. CONSTRUCT query results can be displayed under the Turtle, JSON-LD and RDF/XML tabs. The query results are limited to 500 triples/rows for rendering, but the entire result set can be downloaded using the button in the upper right corner of the bottom section.

Visualization Tab
The Visualization Tab depicts the ontology in a force-directed graph layout. Each node represents a class, with dotted lines symbolizing the relationship between parent class and subclass, and solid lines representing the object properties.

The Ontology Visualization feature enables users to easily understand data within an ontology by allowing them to navigate across the classes and their relationships. The feature allows users to zoom, pan, select, drag, hover, and click nodes and links.
The number of classes displayed is limited to 500. Any in progress changes you have will not be rendered until they are committed. After initial graph calculation, the state of the graph will persist while users keep the ontology open. The graph will only be re-rendered when there is a new commit.

The side panel of the Visualization tab displays a searchable list of all the classes in the import closure (i.e. direct and imported) grouped by parent ontology. The checkboxes next to each class indicate whether a class is currently shown in the visualization and can be toggled to customize the displayed graph. Selecting the checkbox next to a class will update the graph by adding a new node with the class name, subclass relationships with other displayed classes, and object properties with other displayed classes. Deselecting the checkbox next to a class will remove these three things. Selecting a class in the side panel will highlight the node in the graph if displayed. Selecting a node in the graph will also highlight in the side panel. The side panel also includes a "Filter" dropdown with three options to help find the classes of interest in the list.
“All” which is the default. When selected, the list of classes contains both classes declared in the opened ontology and imported classes
“Local” which will filter the list of classes to only those declared in the opened ontology when selected
“Imported” which will filter the list of classes to only those from imported ontologies

The side panel can be hidden or shown with a button.

Imported Ontologies in the Visual Graph
The rendered graph will include every ontology within the imports closure. The classes in the graph are rendered with different colors based on which ontology within the imports closure they belong to. If a change to an imported ontology is made, the changes will not be rendered until a manual refresh is triggered which will reset the ontology cache or until a new commit is made.

Ontology Versioning
Just like the shapes graphs, each ontology in AVM is versioned similarly to the Git Version Control System, whereby all changes to an ontology are collected into a chain of "commits" which form a commit history called a "branch". Thus, every version in the history of an ontology can be generated by selecting a commit and applying all the changes in the branch back to the initial commit.
Every ontology is initialized with a MASTER branch that contains the initial commit. Work can be done on this MASTER branch or can be split out into separate branches. Work done on these branches exist in isolation until they are merged back into the MASTER branch, joining any other changes committed in the meantime. When merging two branches, the Ontology Editor does its best to combine any changes made on both branches. If a conflict occurs, the editor allows the user to resolve them manually. More information on merging branches can be found in the section on Merging Branches.
Branches & Tags
In order to create a branch or tag, click the corresponding button in the action-bar. The branch or tag will be associated with the commit that is currently checked out.
The branches dropdown provides a searchable list of branches and tags which can be checked out. To checkout a branch or tag, simply select the branch in the dropdown menu. Checking out a tag will open the ontology at the tagged commit in read-only mode. If you have checked out a commit from the commit history table, the commit will be in the dropdown list and show as selected. Note that the ability to check out a branch or tag will be disabled if you have any uncommitted changes on the current branch.

To edit the metadata of a branch or tag that is not checked out, click the pencil icon next to it in the dropdown menu. You cannot edit the MASTER branch of an ontology. To delete a branch or tag, click on the delete icon next to the branch/tag in the dropdown menu. If a branch is deleted, all commits on that branch that are not part of another branch will be removed, as well as the branch itself. If a tag is deleted, the commit is not removed. Note that these actions cannot be undone.
Uploading Changes
The Upload Changes button in the action-bar allows you to upload a new version of your ontology from a file and apply the changes. Clicking this button will bring up an overlay where you can select the file with the changed ontology. Uploaded changes will not be automatically committed, but will allow you to review changes before making a new Commit.

Viewing Saved Changes
Every edit made to an entity within an ontology is automatically saved and an indicator is shown in the action-bar. Users are able to reach the changes page by clicking the Show Changes button found in the right-hand side of the action-bar.
The changes page displays all saved and uncommitted changes in the opened ontology. Saving changes without committing allows a user to edit an ontology through a number of browser sessions before making any commits to the commit history. These changes are unique to the user, and are available to other users once a commit is performed. They are grouped by individual entity and display the triples on the entity grouped by property. When a “Show Full” toggle is active, the changes display is updated to include all the other triples on that changed entity. Clicking the Remove All Changes button will clear all the changes uploaded into the ontology, resetting to the state of the current commit.

The commit history graph displays of all the commits made in the history of the branch you are currently viewing. The username of the creator, ID, message, and date for each commit are displayed within the graph. The graph displays each commit connected to its parent commits continuing backwards until the initial commit. The graph displays any Tags and Branches associated with visible commits. To view more information about a particular commit in the history, such as the added and deleted statements, click on its hash id to open an informational modal. The graph also includes commit dots for "checking out" a commit in the history. Clicking the Commit dot will open the ontology at that commit in read-only mode.
Making Commits
After changes have been made to an ontology, they can be committed to the history, and thus viewable to others, by clicking the Commit button in the top action-bar. This will bring up a dialog where you can enter a description of the changes that were made in the commit. The commit will be added to the current Branch that is checked out.

Commits cannot be made when a Tag or Commit is checked out or you are behind the HEAD of the current Branch. If you are behind the HEAD of the current branch, an indicator wil be shown in the top action-bar with a button to checkout the latest commit.

Merging Branches
The Ontology Editor supports merging the head commit of the branch you are currently viewing into the head commit of another branch. Two branches can only be merged if there are no conflicts between the head commits of each branch. To perform a merge, click the Merge Branch button found in the action-bar.

The merge view displays the name of the current (source) branch, a select box for the branch (target) you want to merge into, and a checkbox for whether you want the source branch to be deleted after it is merged. The view also shows an aggregated view of all changes made in the source branch that will be merged into the target branch along with a list of all the commits that will be added to the target branch from the source branch.

Clicking Submit will attempt to perform the merge. If there are no conflicts between the changes on both branches, a new commit will be created merging the two branches, and a success message will appear in the top right corner of the screen.
Conflicts arise when the application cannot determine how to automatically merge specific changes to entities between two branches. If conflicts exist between the two branches, the merge process will be halted and the screen will update to notify you of those conflicts and provide you a way to resolve them. Each conflict is listed by entity within the ontology and with a marker indicating whether it has been resolved. Click on a conflict in the list to start resolving them.

When resolving a conflict, the tool displays the changes to the entity from both branches. To resolve the conflict, select the version of the entity you wish to keep. You can either click the Back to List button to go back to the list of all the conflicts or the Previous or Next buttons to iterate through the list of conflicts.
Currently the editor only supports accepting entire changes. Improvements to give more flexibility in resolving conflicts during a merge operation are coming soon. |

Once all conflicts have been resolved, the Submit with Resolutions button will become active and you can complete the merge operation. Completing the merge will create a new commit that incorporates your conflict resolutions into the target branch, and displays a success message in the upper right corner of the screen.
Entity History
Clicking on a See History button next to a selected entity in one of the tabs will open a view containing the change history of that specific entity in the ontology. The view is split into two columns. The left side contains a dropdown containing all the commits where that entity was changed and defaults to the latest commit. Any added triples will be green and any deleted triples will be red. The right side contains a table of all the commits where that entity was changed. The table behaves the same as the table in the [Commits Tab], just without the graph. To return to the main editor, click the back button in the top left.

Ontology Editor Reference
Edit IRI Overlay
The Edit IRI overlay provides the user with a simple way to edit and create valid IRIs. The Begins with field (required) is the beginning of the IRI. This is more commonly known as the namespace. When editing the IRI of entities within an ontology, this value is typically the ontology IRI. The Then field (required) is the next character in the IRI. This value can be thought of the separator between the namespace and local name (described below). The provided values for the Then field are "#", "/", and ":". The Ends with field (required) is the last part of the IRI. This value is commonly known as the local name. It is used in the drop down lists in this application as the easiest way to identify what the IRI references. Clicking the refresh button on the left will reset the three fields to their original values. You cannot create/save an edited IRI that already exists within the ontology. Clicking Cancel will close the overlay. Clicking Submit will save the IRI with the entered values for the selected entity and update the ontology.

Axiom Overlay
The Axiom Overlay is how you add new axioms to entities in your ontology. The Axiom dropdown provides a list of common axioms for the type of entity you have selected. Once selected, there are two ways to add a value. The first is choosing from a list of entities within the ontology and its imports. The second is writing out a class expression or restriction in Manchester Syntax in the Editor. Entities are referenced by their local name and must be present in the ontology or its imports.

Property Value Displays
Property Value Displays are a common way AVM displays multiple values for a property on an entity. These properties could be data properties, object properties, annotations, axioms, etc. The display consists of the title section and the values section. The title section includes a bold title and the property IRI. The values section lists all the values set for the displayed property along with the type, if the value is a literal, and edit and delete buttons when you hover over the value. The functionality of the edit and delete buttons for values differ depending on where the Property Value Display is being used. If a value of a property is a class restriction or expression, it will be represented in a simplified format or Manchester Syntax if it is supported. These values can be deleted, but not edited.
See the W3C Specification for information about blank nodes, class/property restrictions, and class/property expressions. |

Create Entity Button
The Create Entity Button is visible in any Ontology Editor tab in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. To add a new entity to the ontology, click on the Create Entity button. This will open an overlay with options for what kind of entity to create and once you have selected an option, an appropriate overlay will be shown for creating that type of entity. After creating the entity, a snackbar will appear at the bottom allowing you to navigate directly to your new entity.

Extension Mappings
The table below describes which file extensions are mapped to which RDF Formats when an ontology file is uploaded to AVM. In the event more than one RDF Format is possible for a single extension, all RDF Formats are attempted.
Extension | RDF Format Name |
.json |
.jsonld |
.ttl |
Turtle |
.xml |
.ofn |
Rio Functional Syntax |
.omn |
Rio Manchester Syntax |
.owx |
.rdf |
.rdfs |
.owl |
.trig |
TriG |
.nt |
N-Triples |
.nq |
N-Quads |
.obo |
Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies |
The Synchronization tool in AVM allows you to pull vocabularies from a Graphmart in AnzoGraph and create Ontology Records in AVM for enhanced versioning and approval workflows. In order to synchronize a Graphmart, you must create a Graphmart Configuration within AVM.
To reach the Synchronization tool, click on the link in the left menu.

The initial view of the Synchronization tool shows a list of all the Graphmart Configurations in AVM. Each configuration is displayed with a title, the Anzo Graphmart name, the current Graphmart status (on, off, or not found), the status of the latest sync of the Graphmart, how many vocabularies were discovered in the latest sync, and an action menu. The Graphmart status is dependent on the selected Anzo Configuration at the top. If the connection to Anzo failed, the Graphmart status of each item of the list will display a question mark. To create a new Graphmart Configuration, click the "Create Graphmart Configuration" button in the top right. Enter a title for your new configuration and select a Graphmart from the provided dropdown. Each Graphmart is listed with its current activation status, but a configuration can still be created for an inactive Graphmart.

To view more information about a Graphmart Configuration, click on the item in the list. A new view will open with the full synchronization history of the Graphmart.

At the top is a button to go back to the list of Graphmart Configurations, the title of the Graphmart Configuration, the Graphmart URI, the Anzo Graphmart name, the current Graphmart status (on, off, or not found) and buttons to Sync and Delete. Below that is an expandable list of all the past synchronizations performed with the selected Graphmart Configuration. For each item, it displays the start and end time, the current status, the number of vocabularies that were discovered, and the number of vocabularies updated. If you expand an item in the list, a table will be shown with the title of each vocabulary discovered and whether it was created or updated.
To initiate a sync of a Graphmart, open the action menu of the configuration for the Graphmart and select Sync. Confirm the sync in confirmation modal and it will begin the process. Only one Graphmart can be syncing at a time. Synchronization will query the Graphmart for ontologies that contain SKOS entities. For each ontology discovered, an Ontology Record will be created in AVM with a specific branch structure to facilitate a review workflow. The branch structure is as follows:
Branch Name | Description |
Contains the “main” version of the vocabulary. On initial sync, this branch will point to an initial commit containing all triples on the OWL ontology object discovered. On subsequent syncs, this branch will not be changed. |
synchronization |
Will contain the latest approved vocabulary data synchronized from the Graphmart. On initial sync, this branch will point to the initial commit like the MASTER branch. On subsequent syncs, this branch will not be changed. |
synchronization/{TIMESTAMP} |
Called a “sync data” branch. Will contain the vocabulary data discovered in the sync performed at the timestamp in the branch name. On initial sync, a sync data branch will be created and point to a commit containing all data besides the triples on the OWL ontology object. On subsequent syncs, a new sync data branch will be created containing the differences found between the vocabulary on the synchronization and the data discovered in the Graphmart. |
The recommended review workflow would be to create a merge request from the sync data branch into the synchronization for review of the data that was discovered. Once that merge has been completed, the synchronization branch would then be merged into MASTER to be combined with any manual changes made in AVM. The synchronization should not have any manually made commits since subsequent synchronizations will compare the state of that branch to the data discovered in the Graphmart.

The AVM Vocabulary Linking Tool allows you to create semantic links between terms found in two different vocabularies. The tool uses the Levenshtein algorithm by default to determine the similarity of labels between terms
To reach the Vocabulary Linking tool, click on the link in the left menu.

The initial view of the Vocabulary Linking Tool shows a form on the left for selecting the vocabularies and a space for matched terms to be displayed. To select a vocabulary, you must select the Ontology Record and a Branch. All selected semantic relations you wish to add will be committed to the selected branches for both vocabularies.
To adjust the configuration for the linking algorithm, click on Advanced and a configuration modal will appear. The modal contains fields for the “Matching Sensitivity”, which controls the range of percentages that matching results must be within to be returned, and the “Matching Properties”, which controls which properties are analyzed for similarity by the linking tool.

After you have selected 2 different ontologies, click on Analyze and the right section of the view will update with the matched terms in a paginated list.

The top of the results section shows a checkbox for selecting or deselecting all the results in addition to two dropdowns. One is for filtering the results based on whether terms have already been semantically linked. The other is for sorting the results based on the highest matched percentage of all the labels of each matched term pair.
Each result in the display shows the display name for each term, which semantic relation will be committed, and the highest matched percentage between labels of both the terms. Each result is also expandable to show all the properties for each term in the pair along with a select for which semantic relation to use. If the terms in a matched pair are already semantically linked, they will be marked as such and the checkbox on the row will be disabled.

To mark which terms you wish to link, select which relation you wish to use from the select in the expanded section and check the box next to the pair. The options are “Exact Match”, “Close Match”, or “Related”. Use the following as a reference for what each type of relation means:
- Exact Match
Used to link two concepts that can always be used interchangeably.
- Close Match
Used to link two concepts that can sometimes be used interchangeably depending on the application. Not as strong of a link as “Exact Match”.
- Related
Represents associative (non-hierarchical) links.
After you have selected the type of link you would like to make and checked the checkbox for the row, repeat this process for all the terms that you want linked. To commit the links, click on Commit in the top right corner of the page, above the “Sort” dropdown. You should then see a modal open with options for how to commit the selected linking to the ontologies. You have a choice of committing to one ontology or both. Once you have selected which ontology(s) to commit to, click on Submit.

You should then get a message saying that the Linking Matches were successfully committed for each ontology.

The Publish Page in AVM allows you to push versioned RDF data to external systems including Anzo. Ontology Record data can be pushed as either models used as the foundation of all views into the Knowledge Graph or as referential datasets used for further processing, such as linking with other data sources, unstructured processes, and Hi-Res Analytics. Shapes Graph Record data can be pushed as a dataset for use in SHACL based validation logic within Graphmarts. The publish capability is extensible and custom publish targets can be easily added via the Extensible Publishing Framework.
To reach the Publish Page, click on the link in the left menu.

The initial view of the Publish Page shows a filterable, searchable, and paginated list of all the current Versioned RDF Records in AVM, including Ontology Record and Shapes Graph Records. Each Record is displayed with a title, an icon representing the type of Record, the identifier IRI for the latest data in the Record, and the provenance data of the latest publish successfully completed. To publish a Record to Anzo, click the checkbox found on the corresponding row and click the Publish Record button, prompting a configuration modal to appear. This modal displays a list of all registered publish services compatible with the type of Record you selected. Each publish service comes with its own configuration options to customize how the data is sent to the external system.

AVM comes with three registered Anzo Publish Services for pushing ontologies, vocabularies, and shapes graphs to the Anzo Catalog. All allow you to specify which configured Anzo instance to publish to.
The "Publish to Anzo as SKOS Concepts" service allows AVM users to select whether to publish the concept hierarchy, the class hierarchy or both as SKOS vocabulary concepts.
When publishing the concept hierarchy, all individuals who are instances of SKOS Concept and of a subclass of SKOS Concept will be included. |

The "Publish to Anzo as OWL Dataset/Model" service allows AVM users to publish the entire contents of an Ontology Record to either an Anzo model or dataset.
When publishing large ontologies, it’s recommended to publish as an Anzo dataset rather than an Anzo model as the Anzo Model Editor does not support ontologies at that scale. |

The "Publish Shapes Graph to Anzo" service allows Mobi users to create an Anzo dataset containing their shapes graph data for use in validation logic within Graphmarts.

After selecting either the entity types or target location, click Submit, and AVM will push the ontology/vocabulary data at the head commit of the MASTER branch to Anzo.

To view more details about the publish history of a particular Versioned RDF Record, click on the Record in the Publish Landing Page. The Publish History page displays each publish executed for the Record as well as relevant metadata including the user who published, the head commit at the time of publishing, and the time of the publish.

Shapes Editor (BETA)
The AVM web-based Shapes Editor is an innovative feature that provides users with a Distributed Management System for local and community development of (SHACL Shapes). The Shapes Editor features constraint capture, collaboration, shapes graph reuse, and extensibility.
To reach the Shapes Editor, click on the link in the left menu.

The main Shapes Editor page includes the same top action-bar as the Ontology Editor where all the actions related to opening and versioning the Shapes Graph Record are located. From the action-bar, users can create, filter, and open different Shapes Graph Records, branches, and tags as well as create branches/tags, merge branches, upload/download the shapes graph data, and make a new commit.

The starting point for any action on the page when you first navigate to the editor is the records dropdown. From here, you can create new shapes graphs, open existing ones, delete shapes graphs you have permission to do so, and download the latest version from the head commit of the MASTER branch. Clicking on a shapes graph will open it in the editor. You can open more than one shapes graph open at a time for parallel development.

When opening a Shapes Graph Record, the editor will load the previous branch and/or commit you were viewing. If you have not previously opened the shapes graph or in the case that the branch you were viewing no longer exists, the editor will load the HEAD commit of the shape graph’s MASTER branch. For an explanation of commits and branches, see the section on Shapes Graph Versioning.
Creating New Shapes Graphs
To create a shapes graph, click the New button in the records dropdown. The creation dialog requires a title for the record and an IRI for the shapes graph. You can also optionally a description and keywords which will be used to describe the Shapes Graph Record in the local catalog.

Shapes graphs in Mobi will always include an OWL ontology object to capture high level information about the shapes graph, following best practices from the SHACL W3C specification (see this section as an example).
The Shapes Graph IRI is the unique identifier for the new shapes graph. The editor pre-populates this field with a default namespace and a local name generated from the Title field. You can always override this behavior. The Title field populates the dcterms:title
annotations of both the new Shapes Graph Record and the ontology object within the new record. The Description field populates the dcterms:description
annotations of both the new Shapes Graph Record and the ontology object within the new record. The Keywords field will attach the entered values as keywords to the new Shapes Graph Record. When the dialog is submitted, the new shapes graph will automatically be opened into the editor.
Uploading Existing Shapes Graphs
To upload an existing shapes graph, click the Upload button in the records dropdown. This will bring up the browser’s native file browser to select one or more files containing initial shapes graph data (accepts all standard RDF formats).
Once the file(s) are selected, a dialog will prompt you for metadata entry for the Shapes Graph Record (title, description, keywords). This metadata is used to describe the shapes graph in the local catalog. By default, the editor will set the Title to the file name. Metadata for each shapes graph file can be entered and submitted separately, or default metadata can be entered for all records using the Submit All button. The Title field populates the dcterms:title
annotation of the new Shapes Graph Record. The Description field populates the dcterms:description
annotation of the new Shapes Graph Record. The Keywords field will attach the entered values as keywords to the new Shapes Graph Record.

The status of each upload is recorded in the Upload Log which can be opened by clicking the button next to the records dropdown. Any errors will be detailed for each file. The file extension is used to guess the appropriate RDF Format to parse the file contents. If a parsing error occurs, the snackbar will display the error message relevant to guessed RDF Format.

Editing a Shapes Graph
Once a Shapes Graph Record has been opened, the overview page displays a list of high-level information surrounding the shapes graph. This includes a shapes graph’s annotations, properties, imports, and a preview of the shapes graph serialized as RDF in Turtle syntax. Mobi will capture this high level information about a shapes graph with an OWL ontology object, following best practices from the SHACL W3C specification (see this section as an example).
In-app shapes graph editing features are coming soon. In this BETA version, updates can be uploaded using the Upload Changes feature |

Shapes Graph Versioning
Just like ontologies, each shapes graph in AVM is versioned similarly to the Git Version Control System, whereby all changes to a shapes graph are collected into a chain of "commits" which form a commit history called a "branch". Thus, every version in the history of a shapes graph can be generated by selecting a commit and applying all the changes in the branch back to the initial commit.
Every shapes graph is also initialized with a MASTER branch that contains the initial commit. Changes to the shapes graph can be uploaded to the MASTER branch or can be uploaded into separate branches. Changes uploaded on these branches exists in isolation until they are merged into the MASTER branch, joining any other changes committed in the meantime. When merging two branches, the Shapes Editor does its best to combine any changes made on both branches. If a conflict occurs, the editor allows the user to resolve them manually. More information on merging branches can be found in the section on Merging Branches.
Branches & Tags in Shapes Graphs
In order to create a branch or tag, click the corresponding button in the action-bar. The branch or tag will be associated with the commit that is currently checked out.
The branches dropdown provides a searchable list of branches and tags which can be checked out. To checkout a branch or tag, simply select the branch in the dropdown menu. Checking out a tag will open the shapes graph at the tagged commit in read-only mode. If you have checked out a commit from the commit history table, the commit will be in the dropdown list and show as selected. Note that the ability to check out a branch or tag will be disabled if you have any uncommitted changes on the current branch.

To edit the metadata of a branch or tag that is not checked out, click the pencil icon next to it in the dropdown menu. You cannot edit the MASTER branch of a shapes graph. To delete a branch or tag, click on the delete icon next to the branch/tag in the dropdown menu. If a branch is deleted, all commits on that branch that are not part of another branch will be removed, as well as the branch itself. If a tag is deleted, the commit is not removed. Note that these actions cannot be undone.
Uploading Changes to Shapes Graphs
The Upload Changes button in the action-bar allows you to upload a new version of your shapes graph from a file and apply the changes. Clicking this button will bring up an overlay where you can select the file with the changed shapes graph. Uploaded changes will not be automatically committed, but will allow you to review changes before making a new Commit.

Viewing Saved Changes on Shapes Graphs
Changes that have been uploaded to a Shapes Graph Record are automatically saved and an indicator is shown in the action-bar. Users are able to reach the changes page by clicking the Show Changes button found in the right-hand side of the action-bar.
The changes page displays all saved and uncommitted changes in the opened shape graph. Saving changes without committing allows a user to edit an shape graph through a number of browser sessions before making any commits to the commit history. These changes are unique to the user, and are available to other users once a commit is performed. They are grouped by individual entity and display the triples on the entity grouped by property. When a “Show Full” toggle is active, the changes display is updated to include all the other triples on that changed entity. Clicking the Remove All Changes button will clear all the changes uploaded into the shape graph, resetting to the state of the current commit.

The commit history graph displays of all the commits made in the history of the branch you are currently viewing. The username of the creator, ID, message, and date for each commit are displayed within the graph. The graph displays each commit connected to its parent commits continuing backwards until the initial commit. The graph displays any Tags and Branches associated with visible commits. To view more information about a particular commit in the history, such as the added and deleted statements, click on its hash id to open an informational modal. The graph also includes commit dots for "checking out" a commit in the history. Clicking the Commit dot will open the shapes graph at that commit in read-only mode.
Making Commits to Shapes Graphs
After changes have been made to a shapes graph, they can be committed to the history, and thus viewable to others, by clicking the Commit button in the top action-bar. This will bring up a dialog where you can enter a description of the changes that were made in the commit. The commit will be added to the current Branch that is checked out.

Commits cannot be made when a Tag or Commit is checked out or you are behind the HEAD of the current Branch. If you are behind the HEAD of the current branch, an indicator wil be shown in the top action-bar with a button to checkout the latest commit.

Merging Branches on Shapes Graphs
The Shapes Editor supports merging the head commit of the branch you are currently viewing into the head commit of another branch. Two branches can only be merged if there are no conflicts between the head commits of each branch. To perform a merge, click the Merge Branch button found in the action-bar.

The merge view displays the name of the current (source) branch, a select box for the branch (target) you want to merge into, and a checkbox for whether you want the source branch to be deleted after it is merged. The view also shows an aggregated view of all changes made in the source branch that will be merged into the target branch along with a list of all the commits that will be added to the target branch from the source branch.

Clicking Submit will attempt to perform the merge. If there are no conflicts between the changes on both branches, a new commit will be created merging the two branches, and a success message will appear in the top right corner of the screen.
Conflicts arise when the application cannot determine how to automatically merge specific changes to entities between two branches. If conflicts exist between the two branches, the merge process will be halted and the screen will update to notify you of those conflicts and provide you a way to resolve them. Each conflict is listed by entity within the shapes graph and with a marker indicating whether it has been resolved. Click on a conflict in the list to start resolving them.

When resolving a conflict, the tool displays the changes to the entity from both branches. To resolve the conflict, select the version of the entity you wish to keep. You can either click the Back to List button to go back to the list of all the conflicts or the Previous or Next buttons to iterate through the list of conflicts.
Currently the editor only supports accepting entire changes. Improvements to give more flexibility in resolving conflicts during a merge operation are coming soon. |

Once all conflicts have been resolved, the Submit with Resolutions button will become active and you can complete the merge operation. Completing the merge will create a new commit that incorporates your conflict resolutions into the target branch, and displays a success message in the upper right corner of the screen.
Merge Requests
The AVM Merge Requests module allows users to create long lived representations of a merge between two branches of a record to provide checks and balances before including changes into the object the record represents. Each merge request is connected to a particular Versioned RDF Record in the local Catalog and specifies a "source" and "target" branch. The request represents what would occur if the "source" branch were merged into the "target" branch.
To reach the Merge Requests module, click on the link in the left menu.

The initial view of the Merge Requests module displays a list of all currently open merge requests. The list can be searched and sorted by the issued date and title, and the list can also be filtered by multiple parameters: the request status, the creator, the assignees, or the attached Record. The selected options in each filter group can be reset and all selected filter options will appear beneath the search bar. The search bar, sort options, and the create a merge request button are located in the top right corner of the page.
Each merge request in the list displays a preview of the request metadata, an icon representing the type of Versioned RDF Record associated with the request, a button to close the request, and a button to delete the request. Clicking on a merge request in the list displays the individual merge request.

The individual merge request view displays all information regarding the merge request. The top displays more metadata about the request including the request’s description and whether the source branch will be removed once the request is accepted. Below the metadata are a series of tabs containing the discussion on the request, the changes between the source and target branch, and commits that will be added from the source to the target branch. The bottom of the view contains a button to delete the request, a button to accept the request if it not already accepted, and a button to go back to the main list of merge requests.
The discussion tab allows users to comment and discuss the changes within the request to facilitate more collaboration in a distributed environment. You can create new comments to start new threads of communication or you can reply to existing comments and further the discussion. Comments can also be edited and deleted by the user who created the comment.
The comment editor supports GitHub flavored Markdown which you can find more information about here. |
The Changes tab displays the full difference of the source branch from the target branch. They are grouped by individual entity and display the triples on the entity grouped by property. When a “Show Full” toggle is active, the changes display is updated to include all the other triples on that changed entity.
The metadata of a request can be edited by hovering over the area and clicking the pencil button. In the resulting overlay, you can change the Title, Description, target branch, Assignees, and whether the source branch should be removed on acceptance.

Create a Merge Request
To create a merge request, click New Request on the initial view of the Merge Requests module. Creating a merge request is a three part process. The first step is to select which record in AVM to attach to the new request by searching within the displayed paginated list of records. All types of Versioned RDF Records are supported by the tool. This currently includes: Ontology Records, Shapes Graph Records, Mapping Records, and Workflow Records. Once you have selected a record, click Next.
If the record a request is attached to is deleted, that request is removed. If the source branch of a request is removed, that request will also be removed. |

The second step of creating a merge request is to pick the "source" and "target" branch from the attached record. The source branch will be the branch in the first select box and the target branch will be in the second select box. Once both are selected, you will see an aggregated view of all changes made in the source branch that will be merged into the target branch along with all the commits from the source branch that will be included in the target branch. Once you have selected the branches you want to merge, click Next.

The third step of creating a merge request is to provide any metadata you want to include about the request. This includes the required Title, optional Description, any Assignees of the request, and whether the source branch should be removed when the request is accepted. Once you have provided the metadata you wish to include, click Submit and a new Merge Request with your selections will be created.

Accepting a Merge Request
A merge request can be accepted only if there are no conflicts between the source and target branch and the user accepting the request has permission to modify the target (see Record Permissions). If there are conflicts between the source and target branches, a notification will be shown with the option to resolve the conflicts from within the Merge Requests module. Resolving conflicts behaves the same as in the Ontology and Shapes Editor, except that the resolution will become a commit on the source branch.

If a merge request is accepted, the merge will be preformed from the source into the target and the request will be moved into an Accepted state. All accepted merge requests are saved within the application for provenance.
Closing a Merge Request
A merge request can be closed so that the history of the proposed changes and the discussion can be kept, but the merge will not be performed. Users can still make comments on a closed merge request, but it cannot be edited. A closed merge request can be reopened as long as the source and target branches on the request still exist.

Mapping Tool
The AVM web-based Mapping Tool allows users to define custom, ontology-driven definitions to control and execute input data transformations to the Resource Description Framework (RDF) semantic data model. User-defined mappings load semantic data into the AVM store for analysis, sharing and linking.
To reach the Mapping Tool, click on the link in the left menu.

To use the Mapping Tool to map data, an ontology must be in the AVM repository, but it does not have to be opened to access it. If there are no available ontologies, you will not be able to map delimited data. To upload an ontology go to the Ontology Editor and follow the steps for uploading ontologies or creating a new ontology.
The initial view of the Mapping Tool shows the Mapping Select Page which contains a searchable paginated list of the mappings within the local AVM repository. Each mapping is displayed with a portion of its metadata along with a dropdown menu with buttons to preview, duplicating, editing, running, download, and delete the mapping. The Preview button will bring up a display of the classes and properties it maps along with the title of the source ontology. If the selected source ontology no longer exists in the local AVM repository, you will not be able to edit, run, or duplicate the mapping. Click New Mapping to create.
Creating a Mapping
To create a new mapping, click Create Mapping on the Mapping Select Page. The creation overlay requires you to enter a Title which will populate the dcterms:title
annotation of the new mapping record. The Description field populates the dcterms:description
annotation of the new mapping record. The Keywords field will attach the entered values as keywords to the new mapping record.

Clicking Submit brings you to the File Upload Page to continue the process of creating a mapping. You must upload a delimited file to use as a standard for the mapping. You can also check whether the file contains a header row and select the separator character if the file is CSV. The accepted file formats are .csv
, .tsv
, .xls
, and .xlsx
. Selecting a file in the form on the left loads a preview of the first 50 rows and columns of the delimited file into the table on the right. Clicking Continue brings you to the Edit Mapping Page.

The Edit Mapping Page contains three tabs: Edit, Preview, and Commits. The Edit tab contains a section for displaying the currently selected source ontology, the list of class mappings, and a list of property mappings for a particular class. For every row in the delimited data, an instance of a mapped class will be made according to each class mapping. Each created class instance will have a set of properties as defined by the property mappings associated with each class mapping. The values of data properties will have assigned datatypes based on the range of the mapped data property unless otherwise specified. The Preview tab allows you to map the first 10 rows of the selected delimited file using the current state of the mapping in a variety of different RDF serializations. Just like ontologies, mappings are versioned with commits which can be viewed in the Commits tab.
To learn about the structure of a mapping, refer to the AVM Mappings Appendix. |

When creating a mapping, the first thing you will see is the Source Ontology Overlay. This setting can always be changed by clicking the pencil button next to the ontology name in the Edit form. The Class section contains a select box with all the class mappings, a button to delete a specific class mapping, and a button to create a new class mapping. Clicking Add Class opens an overlay where you can select a class in the imports closure of the source ontology that has not been deprecated.
The IRI Template section displays the template AVM will use when generating IRIs for the created class instances from the selected class mapping. The value within the ${}
indicates what will be used for the local name of each class instance’s IRI. "UUID" means that a unique identifier will be generated for each class instance. An integer means that AVM will grab the value from the column with that index (zero-based) for each row and use each value with all white space removed as the local name for the class instance. This template can be edited by clicking the pencil button next to the section title and filling in the fields in the IRI Template Overlay.
The Properties section lists all the property mappings for the selected class mapping with a button to add a new property mapping. Object property mappings are displayed with the name of the class mapping whose instances will be used as the range of the property. Data or Annotation property mappings are displayed with the name of the column whose values will be used as the range of the property, a preview of what the first value would be, the datatype for the mapped value, and the language for the values if specified. Each property mapping also provides a button to edit and delete. If a data property mapping is invalid, meaning it points to a column that does not exist in the delimited file, it must be handled before the mapping can be saved or run.
Clicking Add Property opens an overlay where you can select a property in the imports closure of the source ontology that has not been deprecated or a common annotation. The common annotations that can be mapped are rdfs:label
, rdfs:comment
, dcterms:title
, and dcterms:description
. The list of properties from the imports closure is determined by searching for properties that meet the following criteria.
The class (or a superclass) of the class mapping is a direct
on the property (or one of the property’s super properties) -
The class (or a superclass) of the class mapping is enumerated in a
restriction on therdfs:domain
of the property (or one of the property’s super properties) -
The property and none of its super properties has no
If you select a data property or an annotation, a select box appears containing identifiers for each column in the delimited file along with a preview of the first value of the selected column. At this point, you can also specify a manual datatype override which the mapper will use over the range of the property if set. If a property has more than one rdfs:range
value, the datatype override box will be displayed and you must select which type the generated values must be. You can also specify the language for the property values by selecting rdfs:langString
as the type and then a language select will appear underneath.

If you select an object property, a select field appears containing the titles of all class mappings of the appropriate type along with an option to create a new class mapping. The list of class mappings displayed is determined by the rdfs:range that is set on the selected property and its super-properties. If no range has been set on the property or there is a range of owl:Thing
a full list of class mappings becomes available alongside the ability to create a new class mapping with all classes within the imports closure being an option.

Clicking the main Save button at the bottom of either the Edit or Preview tab saves the current state of the mapping and brings you back to the Mapping Select Page. Clicking on the arrow to the right of the Save button provides you options for running the mapping in addition to saving it. These options are downloading the mapped data, uploading the mapped data into a data within a AVM repository, or committing the mapped data to a specific branch of an ontology. Each option will bring up an appropriate overlay for choosing a RDF format and file name, a dataset, or an ontology and branch respectively. Clicking Submit in an overlay will save the current state of the mapping and run it.
To learn about datasets in AVM, refer to the Datasets Manager. |
For more information about running a mapping into an ontology, refer to Mapping into an Ontology. |

Editing a Mapping
To edit a mapping, click Edit on the Mapping Select Page. The application performs a quick check to see if the source ontology or its imported ontologies changed in such a way that the mapping is no longer valid. If this check does not pass, an overlay is displayed informing you of the error and giving you the option to continue and have the tool automatically remove incompatible mappings. If you continue or the check passes, you are brought to the File Upload Page where you must upload a delimited file to use as a standard for the mapping. If the delimited file you choose does not contain enough columns for the mapping’s data property mappings, a list of the missing columns are displayed under the file select. However, you can still edit the mapping as long as those data properties are fixed. From there, editing the mapping works the same as creating a mapping.

Duplicating a Mapping
To duplicate a mapping, click Duplicate on the Mapping Select Page. The application performs a quick check to see if the source ontology or its imported ontologies changed in such a way that the mapping is no longer valid. If this check does not pass, an overlay is displayed informing you of the error. If it passes, the Create Mapping overlay will appear allowing you to choose new values for the Title, Description, and Keywords. The rest of the process is the same as editing a mapping including how missing columns are handled.
Running a Mapping
To run a mapping against delimited data without editing it, click Run on the Mapping Select Page. The application performs a quick check to see if the source ontology or its imported ontologies changed in such a way that the mapping is no longer valid. If this check does not pass, an overlay is displayed informing you of the error and giving you the option to continue and have the tool automatically remove incompatible mappings. If you continue or the check passes, you are brought to the File Upload Page where you must upload a delimited file to be used when generating RDF data. You can also check whether the file contains a header row and select the separator character if the file is CSV. The accepted file formats are .csv
, .tsv
, .xls
, and .xlsx
. The classes and properties that will be created using the mapping are displayed under the file select. The columns that must be present in the delimited file are highlighted in the table on the right. Selecting a file in the form on the left loads a preview of the first 50 rows and columns of the delimited file into the table. If the delimited file you choose does not contain enough columns for the mapping’s data property mappings, the properties that are missing columns turn red and you will not be able to run the mapping.
To learn about datasets in AVM, refer to the Datasets Manager. |

Clicking Run Mapping will provide you with options for downloading the mapped data, uploading the mapped data into a data within a AVM repository, or committing the mapped data to a specific branch of an ontology. Each option will bring up an appropriate overlay for choosing a RDF format and file name, a dataset, or an ontology and branch respectively.
For more information about running a mapping into an ontology, refer to Mapping into an Ontology. |

Mapping Tool Reference
Source Ontology Overlay
The Source Ontology Overlay allows you to select the source ontology for the mapping from all uploaded ontologies in the local AVM repository.

The left side of the overlay contains a searchable list of all the ontologies in the local AVM repository and a select for the version of the ontology to use. For most ontologies, this will only contain the "Latest" value. However, if an ontology was previously selected for a mapping and that ontology has changed since then, there will be an option for the "Saved" version of the ontology. The right side of the overlay displays information about the Ontology Record in the Catalog and a sample of the classes in that ontology. Setting the source ontology will remove any class and property mappings in the mapping that are incompatible. The criteria for incompatible mappings are as follows:
The referenced class or property no longer exists in the imports closure of the source ontology
The referenced class or property is now deprecated
The referenced property has changed from a datatype property to an object property or vice versa
The range of the referenced object property has changed such that the target class mapping is no longer valid
The class of the range class mapping of the referenced object property is incompatible
IRI Template Overlay
The IRI Template overlay provides you a way to edit each portion of the IRI template of a class mapping. The template will be used to generate the IRIs for each instance created by a class mapping.

The Begins with field (required) is the beginning of the IRI. This is more commonly known as the namespace. The Then field (required) is the next character in the IRI. This value can be thought of the separator between the namespace and local name (described below). The provided values for the Then field are "#", "/", and ":". The Ends with dropdown field (required) is the last part of the IRI. This value is commonly known as the local name. The values in this dropdown are "UUID", which represents generating a unique identifier as the local name for each generated instance of each row, and the title of each column, which represents using the value of that column as the local name for each generated instance of each row. Clicking Cancel will close the overlay. Clicking Submit will save the IRI template.
Mapping into an Ontology
The overlay for mapping into an ontology contains several configurations on how the mapping result data will be committed. First, you must select the Ontology and Branch that will receive the new commit. After that, there are radio buttons that will determine how the mapping result data will be treated when the commit is made. The first option will treat all the mapping result data as new data, meaning no existing data in the ontology branch will be removed. The second option will treat all the mapping result data as changes to the existing data on the ontology branch. This means that if there are entities or properties on entities in the ontology that are not present in the mapping result data, they will be removed.

A sample workflow using this tool would be to create an ontology in the Ontology Editor and create a branch that will received all mapped data commits. Then run your mapping from the Mapping Tool, committing to the new branch as additions. Finally in the Ontology Editor, merge that branch with the mapped data commit into the MASTER branch. Then any subsequent runs of the mapping with updated data would be committed as changes to the mapped data branch and merged into the MASTER branch.
Datasets Manager
The AVM Datasets Manager allows users to create, edit, clear, and delete datasets within the application to group and store Resource Description Framework (RDF) semantic data into various graphs for enhanced query isolation, data segmentation, and management.
To reach the Datasets Manager, click on the link in the left menu.

The page displays a searchable paginated list of all the datasets within the local AVM repository. Each dataset in the list displays a preview of the dataset metadata and a dropdown menu with upload data, edit, clear, and delete buttons. Deleting a dataset deletes the dataset, catalog record, and all associated data graphs. Clearing a dataset removes all associated data graphs except the system default named graph. Clearing a dataset does not remove the dataset or the catalog record. Editing a dataset allows to you to change some information about the dataset. The Upload Data button allows you to upload graph data to the dataset from a file.
To create a new dataset, click New Dataset and fill out the information in the creation overlay.
Create Dataset

The Create New Dataset overlay contains several sections. The Title field populates the dcterms:title
annotation of the new dataset record. The Dataset IRI field allows you to specify what the IRI of the new dataset should be. If not provided, the system will create a unique one for you. The Description field populates the dcterms:description
annotation of the new dataset record. The Keywords field will attach the entered values as keywords to the new dataset record. The Repository field allows you to specify the identifier of the repository registered within AVM where the dataset and all associated named graphs will be stored. The default option is the system repository and should be used in most cases. Finally, you can select which ontologies should be used as the basis for the data. Select an ontology from the searchable list of ontologies to add it to the dataset. To remove a selected ontology, click the x next to the ontology name. Clicking Cancel will close the overlay. Clicking Submit will create the dataset with the provided metadata.
The ability to create new repositories in AVM is coming soon! |
Edit Dataset

The Edit Dataset overlay allows you to modify information about the dataset. The Title field modifies the value of the dcterms:title
annotation of the dataset record. The Description field modifies the value of the dcterms:description
annotation of the dataset record. The Keywords field allows you to add/remove keywords attached to the dataset record. The ontologies area allows you to modify the ontologies associated with the dataset record; just as during creation. Clicking Update will update the dataset record with the new metadata.
Datasets are associated with specific versions (commits) of an Ontology Record. In order to update a dataset to the latest version of an Ontology Record, you’ll need to remove the ontology, click Submit, then add that ontology back to the dataset. |
The AVM web-based Discover module allows users to quickly search and explore their knowledge graphs. The Explore tab provides an intuitive interface for quickly navigating through ontology-defined entities. The Query tab allows users to develop and execute SPARQL queries.
To learn more about SPARQL queries, see the W3C Specification. |
The ability to save, publish, share and reuse SPARQL queries as part of applications or larger workflows is coming soon! |
To reach the Discover page, click on the link in the left menu. The first tab shown is the Explore tab.

The Explore tab of the Discover page allows you to get a high-level overview of the structure of your data within a dataset.

The Explore tab opens with a view of all the classes found within the selected dataset and a button to create a new instance. Each card displays the label and a brief description about a class, the number of instances defined as that class, a few of those instances, and a button to explore the instances themselves. Clicking Explore Data opens the instances view.

The instances view contains a paginated list of all the instances defined as a particular class. Each card displays the label, brief description about an instance, a button to explore the instance itself, and a button to delete the instance. The label is determined based on the values of the rdfs:label
, dc:title
, or dcterms:title
properties on the instance. The description is based on the values of the rdfs:comment
, dc:description
, or dcterms:description
properties on the instance. You can navigate back to the classes view using the breadcrumb trail in the top left. Clicking View Class Name opens the single instance view. Clicking Create Class Name opens the single instance editor. If the particular class has been deprecated in the ontology, you will not be able to create a new instance.

The single instance view displays the IRI, label, brief description, and list of all properties associated with the selected instance. Each property will only show one value by default; however, you can view more values, if there are any, by clicking the "Show More" link for that property. The instance view can also display any assertions on a reification of a property value statement by clicking on the small downward arrow on the right side of a property value. Clicking Edit opens the single instance editor.

The single instance editor displays the IRI and a list of all properties associated with the selected instance in an editable format. The IRI can be edited by clicking the pencil button next to the IRI which will open the Edit IRI Overlay. If the instance being edited does not have all the required properties set, as described by cardinality restrictions in the ontology, the instance cannot be saved. To add a another property value, type in the provided input and press the ENTER key. To remove a property value, click on the "X" button of the associated chip. To view a complete property value and add assertions to its reification, click on the associated chip.
Editing the instance IRI might break relationships within the dataset. |
To add a new property to the instance, click Add New Property and select the property in the overlay. After all edits have been made, clicking Cancel will discard the current changes and go back to the single instance view. Clicking Save will save the current changes to the repository and then go back to the single instance view.
The Query tab of the Discover page allows you to submit SPARQL query against the AVM repository and optionally a specific dataset.

The Query tab provides a SPARQL query editor powered by the YASGUI SPARQL library. The top section of the page contains the query editor (powered by YASQE), a Dataset field and a Submit button. The Dataset field contains a list of all available datasets within the AVM repository. Selecting a dataset limits the query to search through the data within the selected dataset. Clicking Submit executes the entered query against the AVM repository, optionally limited by the selected dataset, and updates the bottom section with the results.
The bottom section displays the results of the most recently submitted SPARQL query (powered by YASR). The section has separate tabs for rendering the query result set depending on the type of SPARQL query submitted. SELECT query results are displayed under the Table tab where the headers of the table are the variables specified in the SPARQL query. The Table comes with features such as filtering, page size, sorting and pagination. CONSTRUCT query results can be displayed under the Turtle, JSON-LD and RDF/XML tabs. The query results are limited to 500 triples/rows for rendering, but the entire result set can be downloaded using the button in the upper right corner of the bottom section.

Workflows Module
Workflows are the gateway into agile and responsive knowledge graphs that are able to adapt to new changes, empowering faster and more informed decision making. The extensible Workflows framework allows for user defined actions and triggers to meet a wide variety of use cases. These user defined actions and triggers will be usable within the Workflows UI module without any customization needed. Workflows are also managed within the catalog as Versioned RDF Records ensuring that the change history is preserved.
To learn more about the extensible interface and the structure of the configuration, see the Workflows Appendix. |
To reach the Workflows module, click on the link in the left menu.

The initial view of the Workflows module displays a searchable, filterable, sortable, and paginated table of all the configured workflows within the local AVM repository along with the latest status of their executions (status, user who started the execution, start time, and running time). Each Workflow is displayed with its title and toggle-able active status which determines whether that workflow can be executed, including manually or automatically by a Trigger. The latest execution details will update automatically as workflows trigger across the system.
From the landing page, you can download and delete one or more workflows if you have the permissions by checking the box next to all the workflows of interest. You can also start a manual execution of a workflow by checking the box next to it and clicking the run button.

Click the icon next to the workflow title to open up the Individual Workflow Page for that workflow.
Creating a Workflow
To create a new workflow, click the New button above the table. The creation dialog requires a title for the record and an IRI for the Workflow object itself. You can also optionally provide a description and keywords which will be used to describe the workflow record in the local catalog.

The Workflow IRI is the unique identifier for the new workflow. The editor pre-populates this field with a default namespace and a local name generated from the Title field. You can always override this behavior. The Title field populates the dcterms:title
annotations of both the new workflow record and the workflow object within the new workflow. The Description field populates the dcterms:description
annotations of both the new workflow record and the workflow object within the new workflow. The Keywords field will attach the entered values as keywords to the new workflow record. When the dialog is submitted, the new workflow will automatically be opened into the Individual Workflow Page. New workflows are always initialized with no trigger and a single Test Action with a templated message.
Uploading a Workflow
In addition to creating a new workflow from scratch, you can upload an existing conformant workflow definition (see the Workflows Appendix for a valid structure). To do so, click the Upload button above the table. This will bring up the browser’s native file browser ot select a file containing a workflow definition (accepts all standard RDF formats).
Once the file is selected, a dialog will prompt you for metadata entry for the workflow record (title, description, keywords). This metadata is used to describe the workflow in the local catalog. By default, the editor will set the Title to the file name. The Title field populates the dcterms:title
annotation of the new workflow record. The Description field populates the dcterms:description
annotation of the new workflow record. The Keywords field will attach the entered values as keywords to the new workflow record.

Individual Workflow Page
The Individual Workflow page will display all metadata about the workflow record along with the full execution history, the commit history, and a visualization of the workflow components that can be expanded to fill the entire screen. The page also includes the same active status toggle and buttons to run, delete, and download the workflow as on the Workflows landing page. If the page is in edit mode (see Editing Workflows), the download button will include any in progress changes made to the workflow.

The graphical display of the Workflow will display the Trigger, if set, as a yellow square and all configured Actions as green circles. Every workflow can have at most one Trigger and must have at least one Action. If a Trigger has not been configured for the workflow, "Default Trigger" will be displayed on the Trigger node. The nodes will display the type of the Trigger/Action and clicking on a node will bring up a summary of the configuration for the component.

The Workflow Execution History is presented in a filterable, paginated table with the latest executions displayed at the beginning. Each execution is displayed with its status, user who started the execution, start time, and running time and each row can be expanded to provide further details about each Action that was executed during the run. Each execution also has a button to open a page to view the detailed logs output by that run. The page will display metadata about the execution you are viewing along with a dropdown selector to load the overall execution logs or the logs output from an individual action. Each log file can also be downloaded for further investigation.

Editing Workflows
To update the configuration of an individual workflow, open the Individual Workflow Page and click on the pencil icon in the top right corner of the graphical display as long as the workflow is not currently running. This sets the Individual Workflow Page into edit mode where the execution history and overall metadata is still visible, but the workflow active status cannot be toggled and the workflow cannot be run or deleted. In edit mode, the graphical display will contain buttons to upload a new version of the workflow as a file and have the system determine the changes and a button to save all changes made so far. If changes have been made, the graphical display will also contain an info message stating as such.
If the new version of the Workflow being uploaded is invalid, the modal will display a SHACL validation report detailing what invalid triples need to be addressed. |

In edit mode, the nodes in the graphical display will have a menu that can be opened with a right click so that each component can edited individually. Right clicking on the Trigger node will provide the options to remove any existing Trigger configuration (trash icon), to add/edit the Trigger configuration (pencil icon), or to add a new Action (plus icon). Right clicking on an Action node will provide the options to remove the Action configuration or to edit the Action configuration.
A Workflow must always have at least one Action. |
Editing Triggers
When adding/editing a Trigger, the modal will contain a dropdown with all the available types of Triggers within the system (see the description of Extending Workflows). Once you’ve selected a Trigger type, the modal will update with an appropriate form with all the configuration options for that Trigger type. AVM currently supports two Trigger types:
A Scheduled Trigger will execute the Workflow according to a configured Quartz compatible expression.
A Commit To Branch Trigger will execute the Workflow whenever a commit is made to a configured Branch on the configured Versioned RDF Record.

Editing Actions
When adding/editing an Action, the modal will contain a dropdown with all the available types of Actions within the system (see the description of Extending Workflows). Once you’ve selected an Action type, the modal will update with an appropriate form with all the configuration options for that Action type. AVM currently supports two Action types:
A Test Action will simply output the configured message to the logs. Meant for simple Workflow execution testing.
An HTTP Request Action will execute a call to the configured URL using the configured HTTP method. The Action also allows you to configure a body for the request with a media type, a request timeout in seconds, and a list of custom HTTP Request headers.

My Account
The My Account page of AVM provides users with a way to configure their own account and customize various aspects of the application to suit their needs.
To reach the My Account page, click on the display of your username/name in the left menu.

The My Account page contains four main tabs for configuring your account:
The Profile tab contains a form for viewing and editing your basic profile information. This information includes your First Name, Last Name, and Email address. None of this information is required. Your current settings for these fields will be displayed to start. To edit, simply change the values in one or more of the fields and and click Save in the bottom right. If the change was successful, you will see a success message at the top of the section.

The Groups tab contains a list of all the groups you belong to. Next to each group title is an indicator of how many users are within that group. If a group has the admin role, an indicator will be next to the group’s title.

The Password tab contains a form for updating your password. To change it, you must first input your Current Password in the first field. Then enter your desired New Password in the second field and click Save in the bottom right. If the change was successful, you will see a success message at the top of the tab.

The Preferences tab will dynamically populate with user preference definitions added to the repository (see documentation here). These preferences are specific to your user.

Default preferences coming soon! |
The Administration page provides administrators with a portal to create, edit, and remove users and groups in AVM. From this module, you can also assign high level access control for common actions within the application.
To reach the Administration page, click on Administration in the left menu. This option is not available to non-administrators.

There are six main tabs of the Administration page:
The Users tab allows you to create, edit, and remove users from the application.

The left side of the tab contains a list of all the users in AVM. Each user is displayed using their first and last names, if available, or their username. If a user is an administrator, whether by having the admin role or by being a part of a group with the admin role, an indicator will be next to their username in the list. At the top of the list is a search bar that will filter the list of users based on their first name, last name, or username. Clicking on a user will load that user’s information into the right side of the section.
The default Admin user can not be deleted. |
The middle of the Users tab contains the username of the selected user, a block for viewing and editing the user’s profile information, and a block for resetting the user’s password. Resetting a user’s password cannot be undone.
The right side of the tab contains blocks for viewing and editing the selected user’s permissions and viewing the user’s groups. Clicking on the title of a group will open it in the Groups section.
To create a user, click Create User and the Create User overlay will appear. The Username field (required) must be unique within the application. The Password fields (required) allow you to enter the password for the new user. The First Name, Last Name, and Email fields are not required, but allow you to enter in basic profile information for the new user. The last section contains a checkbox for setting whether the new user is an administrator. Clicking Cancel will close the overlay. Clicking Submit will create a new user with the entered information.

The Groups tab allows you to create, edit, and remove groups from the application. Groups allow you to associate users with one another and apply the same permissions and roles to all members.

The left side of the tab contains a list of all the groups in AVM. Next to each group title is an indicator of how many users are within that group. At the top of the list is a search bar that will filter the list of groups based on their title. Clicking on a group title will load that group’s information into the right side of the section.
The right side of the tab contains the selected group’s title and two rows of blocks. The top row contains blocks that allow you to edit the group’s description and permissions. If a group has the "Admin" role, all members within that group are considered administrators.
The bottom row contains a block that allows you to view, add, and remove the group’s members. To add another user to the group, click Add Member and that line in the table will transform into a dropdown selector of all the users in AVM that have not already been selected. Selecting a user in this drop down will automatically add them to the group. To remove a user from the table, click on the corresponding delete button at the end of the row. Any changes in this table will immediately be applied. Clicking on a username in this table will open that user’s information in the Users section.
To create a group, click Create Group and the Create Group overlay will appear. The Group Title field (required) allows you to specify a name for the group. The Description field allows you to enter a description about what the group represents. At the bottom of the overlay is a table for adding users to the group. Your user account will be added automatically. To add others to the group, click Add Member and that line in the table will transform into a dropdown selector of all the users in AVM that have not already been selected. To remove a user from the table, click on the corresponding delete button at the end of the row. Clicking Cancel will close the overlay. Clicking Submit will create a new group with the entered information and add the listed users to it.

The Permissions tab allows you to set high level access control for common actions in the application, such as creating Ontology Records and querying the system repository. Permissions can be set to allow all authenticated users (the Everyone slider) or limit access to specific users and groups. To set the permission to a user or group, unselect the Everyone permission, find a user or group in the search box underneath the appropriate box, and select it. To remove a user or group from the permission, click the X
button next to the username or group title. After you have finished making the changes you want, make sure to click the save button in the bottom right.
More permissions coming soon! |

Application Settings
The Application Settings tab enables you to alter/maintain system-wide settings. Below are descriptions of the settings currently available in the application.
More Application Settings coming soon! |
- Default Ontology Namespace
The namespace to be used when generating default IRIs for new ontologies/vocabularies in the Ontology Editor.

Anzo Configuration
The Anzo Configuration tab enables runtime updates to the configured Anzo servers that AVM will utilize for all external connections. AVM supports multiple Anzo configurations that can be utilized within the individual modules.

The left side of the page has a selector for anzo configurations with a button to add a new configuration. The right side has a form for setting the fields for the selected configuration. Currently, there are these required and non-required fields that appear as text inputs:
Anzo FLDS Datasource - The URI of the Anzo Data Source to be used when creating datasets in the Anzo server (such as for publishing). The default value is http://cambridgesemantics.com/AnzoDataStore/LocalServerDefault
Hostname - The hostname of the configured Anzo server.
Password - The password for the configured Anzo server. If an Anzo Configuration has a pre-existing password, a placeholder of masked dots (••••••••••) will be displayed in the form field, rather than the actual password. You will need to clear the existing password field before entering a new password for the configuration.
Port - The port of the configured Anzo server.
SSL - SSL setting for configured Anzo server.
Username - The username for the configured Anzo server.
Connect - The connect timeout in milliseconds(ms) for communicating with the configured Anzo server. The default value is 60000.
Read - The read timeout in milliseconds(ms) for communicating with the configured Anzo server. The default value is 30000.
After applying your configuration changes, you can click Save which will save the changes you have made to the configuration. It will prompt you with a success or failure toast, and the application will now apply those settings when performing operations with that Anzo configuration.
For more details on Anzo Configurations, take a look at the Anzo Connection Configuration section.
The Licensing tab allows you to view and update the current license of the server (see the section on Add License File). The values displayed are pulled from the current license file contents on the installation server and any updates made will be persisted back to that file. The page displays the unique Server ID of the installation, the Owner of the license, the expiration date of the license, the policy attached to the license metadata (older licenses may not have this set), and the full license string that is stored within the license file. To update the license contents, click the pencil button shown on hover, replace the field contents with the complete new license string, and click the save icon.

The "LDAP/SSO" tab available in AVM provides a clear view of your current LDAP/SSO configurations, allowing you to easily review the settings used by the application for authentication. The values displayed are pulled from the configuration file contents on the installation server and any updates made will be persisted back to those files. If a configuration is not set, the left hand link will be italicized.
To learn about the available LDAP and SSO configuration files, see LDAP Configuration |

If an LDAP configuration is set using the associated form, users can log into the application with the Users/Groups defined in your organization’s directory. The form also allows you to remove the configuration. The changes will immediately go into effect once the form is saved/cleared.

The LDAP form is separated into two sections. The "Connection" section contains the following fields:
Hostname: The hostname for the LDAP server.
Disable Authentication: This checkbox, when checked, disables direct authentication to the LDAP engine.
Expiry: The number of milliseconds before a User from the LDAP engine should be retrieved again.
Timeout: The number of seconds AVM will keep trying to reach the LDAP server before it gives up.
Anonymous Connection: This is a checkbox. When unchecked, it displays the following subfields:
Admin DN: This is a required text field for the administrator’s distinguished name (LDAP DN).
Admin Password: This is a required password field for the administrator’s password.
The administrator account is expected to have appropriate permissions to query all users, groups, and attributes desired
The "Data Retrieval" section contains the following fields:
Users Base: The base DN at which to start looking for users on the LDAP server.
Filter Users: When checked, it displays a field to set an LDAP filter for retrieved users. Any user that does not meet this filter will not be authenticated.
User ID: The field name on users that the AVM application will use as the username to log in.
User First Name: The field name on users whose value is the first name of the user.
User Last Name: The field name on users whose value is the last name of the user.
User Email: The field name on users whose value is the email address of the user.
User Membership: The field name on users whose values are the groups they are a part of.
User Membership Values: The format of the user membership field. Should be set to the field name on groups that the values of the user membership field uses. If this is not set, AVM assumes the values are full group DNs.
Groups Base: The base DN at which to start looking for groups on the LDAP server.
Filter Groups: When checked, it displays a field an LDAP filter for retrieved groups. Any group that does not meet this filter will not be represented in AVM.
Group ID: The field name for groups' ids.
Group Name: The field name for groups' names/titles.
Group Description: The field name on groups whose value is the description of the group.
Group Membership: The field name on groups whose values are the users that are a part of the group.
Group Membership Values: The format of the group membership field. Should be set to the field name on users that the values of the group membership field uses. If this is not set, AVM assumes the values are full user DNs.
In addition, AVM can be configured to integrate with an SSO provider for authentication. LDAP can be configured alongside the SSO provider to retrieve additional user details, but it is not required. If SSO is configured with LDAP, it is recommended to disable direct authentication against the LDAP directory by checking the "Disable Authentication" box in the LDAP form. AVM supports SAML, OAuth 2.0, and OpenID SSO providers.
If a SAML or OAuth/OpenID configuration is present and not set to standalone, the LDAP link on the left hand side will notify you if you are missing the required LDAP configuration. |

The SAML form provides options to customize the connection from AVM, acting as a Service Provider (SP), to a SAML Identity Property (IdP) and how to pull various user details out of the SAML responses. The form also allows you to remove the configuration. The changes will immediately go into effect once the form is saved/cleared.
When removing the configuration, any uploaded files will not be removed from disk. |
In SAML flows, the Identity Property (IdP) will often require the Reply URL, at minimum, so that the IdP will know where to return the authorized user details. For AVM, that Reply URL should be set to $AVM_HOST/mobirest/auth/saml .
The SAML form contains the following fields:
Title: The title for the SSO provider. This title will be used in the UI for triggering the SSO authentication in the format of “Login with title”
ID Attribute: The name of the
in the SAML response where the username can be found. If configured with LDAP, this must match the values of the User ID attribute. Defaults to using the<NameId>
. -
Entity ID: The SP EntityId. The SSO provider must be configured to expect requests with this SP EntityId.
SSO URL: The URL for the SingleSignOnService from the IdP. This is where AVM will redirect to.
SSO Binding: The binding to be used for the SAML Requests. Options are HTTP Redirect or HTTP POST. The default is HTTP Redirect.
Token Duration Mins.: How long in minutes a token generated through a SAML flow should last. If not specified, will use a default of 1 day.
Certificate File: The file containing the X509 certificate for verifying the signature of SAML responses.
Key File: The optional file containing the PKCS8 key for verifying the signature of SAML responses.
Standalone: Whether the SAML configuration should be used by itself or with a LDAP backend as well. If unchecked, an LDAP configuration is required. If checked, the following fields are shown:
First Name Attribute: The optional name of the attribute in the SAML responses that contains the first name of the authenticated user.
Last Name Attribute: The optional name of the attribute in the SAML responses that contains the last name of the authenticated user.
Email Name Attribute: The optional name of the attribute in the SAML responses that contains the email name of the authenticated user.
Group Attribute: The optional name of the attribute in the SAML responses that contains the groups of the authenticated user. The values of this attribute will be used as the Group’s title in AVM.

The OAuth/OpenID form provides options to customize the connection from AVM to either a generic OAuth 2.0 Provider or an OpenID provider. The form also allows you to remove the configuration. The changes will immediately go into effect once the form is saved/cleared. Certain fields are the same between both OAuth and OpenID configurations and others that are unique to one vs. the other. The form contains a radio button to allow you to specify which type of provider is configured.
When removing the configuration, any uploaded files will not be removed from disk. |
The OAuth/OpenID form contains the following fields for both types of providers:
Title: The title for the SSO provider. This title will be used in the UI for triggering the SSO authentication in the format of “Login with title”
Client ID: The ID for the AVM installation. The OAuth/OpenID provider must be configured to expect requests with this ID.
Scope: The OAuth scopes to include in the authentication request.
Client Secret: The optional client secret to use in requests to the OAuth/OpenID provider.
User Identifier Claim: An optional property to specify which claim in the returned JWT contains the user’s username. If configured with LDAP, these values must match the values for the LDAP User ID attribute. Defaults to using the
of the JWT. -
Standalone: Whether the SAML configuration should be used by itself or with a LDAP backend as well. If unchecked, an LDAP configuration is required. If checked, the following fields are shown:
Group Claim: The optional claim in the returned JTW that contains the groups the user is a part of. The values of this attribute will be used as the Group’s title in AVM.
If the form is set to OAuth, the following fields are displayed:
Grant Type: The OAuth 2.0 grant type to use for authentication. AVM currently supports the Code and Implicit flows.
Redirect URL: The URL for the OAuth/OpenID provider. This is where AVM will redirect to.
Token URL: The URL to hit to retrieve the token in the Code grant type flow.
Key File: The file containing the PKCS8 key for verifying the signature of returned JWT tokens.
If the form is set to OpenID, the following fields are displayed:
OpenID Configuration Hostname: The hostname of the OpenID provider. The standard
path will be appended to this value.
All default configuration files for Apache Karaf and AVM are located inside the etc
directory of the AVM installation home.
From now on, the installation directory for AVM will be referred to as $AVM_HOME .
Basic Service Configuration
The basic AVM services can be configured using the following files:
Configuration File | Description |
Configurations for the AVM Catalog |
Configurations for the AVM State Manager |
Configurations for the AVM System Repository |
Configurations for the AVM Provenance Repository |
By default, all resources besides provenance data are stored in the system repository which is an RDF triplestore located in the data/repos/system
directory of the AVM distribution. The provenance data is stored within the prov repository. Each repository in AVM is uniquely identified by its id. To change the data location, id, or title of either repository, edit the dataDir, id, and title properties respectively in the appropriate file. Apache Karaf will dynamically reload any changes made to this existing file.
You can create new repositories to be used for storage in AVM. First, choose either a "native" repository or a "memory" repository. These two types of repositories are defined in the NativeRepositoryConfig
and MemoryRepositoryConfig
classes in the com.mobi.repository.impl.sesame
module. Once you have chosen the type of repository, make a new .cfg
file in the $AVM_HOME/etc
directory with a file name that starts with either "com.mobi.service.repository.native" or "com.mobi.service.repository.memory". In the file, set the id, title, and dataDir properties you wish for the repository. The file should look like this:
id=demo title=Demonstration dataDir=path/to/directory
Apache Karaf will automatically recognize the new configuration file and create the new repository.
The repository that all Catalog resources are stored with is controlled within the com.mobi.catalog.config.CatalogConfigProvider.cfg
file. The storage repository for all other types of data are controlled individually in other configuration files. To change each of these repository configurations, open the associated .cfg
file and change the id of the repository.target property to be the id of the new repository. For example to change the repository for storing Catalog resources to the repository in the example above, you would open the com.mobi.catalog.config.CatalogConfigProvider.cfg
file and edit the repository target line to be:
repository.target = (id=demo)
Apache Karaf will automatically detect the changes and reload the new configuration.
Anzo Connection Configuration
To enable Synchronize and Publish between Anzo and AVM, you must configure AVM with connection details about an Anzo server. More than one Anzo connection can be configured at a time. The platform comes with a default dev
configuration that can be updated located in com.mobi.enterprise.anzo.connector.api-dev.cfg
in the $AVM_HOME/etc/
directory. To add another configuration, create a file named com.mobi.enterprise.anzo.connector.api-{identifier}.cfg
in the same directory. All Anzo configuration files must have the following fields.
The Publish integration requires an Anzo version of 5.4.7 or later. |
Property Name | Description | Required | Default |
The identifier for the Anzo server within AVM. Must match what is in the file name. |
✓ |
The host name of the Anzo server. |
✓ |
The port for the Anzo server. |
✓ |
Whether to use SSL when connecting to the Anzo server. Most the time, this should be |
✓ |
The username of the account AVM should use when connecting to the Anzo server. |
✓ |
The password of the account AVM should use when connecting to the Anzo server. |
✓ |
The connection timeout in number of milliseconds when communicating with the Anzo server. |
10000 |
The read timeout in number of milliseconds when communicating with the Anzo server. |
30000 |
The URI of the Data Source that should be utilized when creating datasets on the Anzo server. If not specified will use the default Datasource URI. |
An example file would look like this.
id = dev
anzo.hostname = localhost
anzo.port = 8443
anzo.ssl = true
anzo.username = sysadmin
anzo.password = 123
If the default Anzo Data Source does not meet your environment’s needs (eg. is not mounted to your AnzoGraph deployments), you can set the flds.datasource` property to a different Anzo Data Source within your installation with the following steps:
Within the Anzo Administration view, go to Connections → Anzo Data Store and click on the target Anzo Data Source.
Click the copy button next to the Anzo Data Source’s URI in the right hand gray box.
Edit the
property in your.cfg
file either manually on the server or by using the Anzo Configuration UI and the new value will automatically be used next time a publish is made.
Core Security Configuration
The configuration for user authentication, authorization, and management are stored in the following files in the $AVM_HOME/etc
Configuration File | Description |
Configurations for the AVM RDF Engine |
Configurations for the XACML security policy manager |
AVM utilizes JAAS for user authentication and basic authorization. By default, user credentials and information are managed by the RdfEngine
service which is configured with the com.mobi.jaas.engines.RdfEngine.cfg
file. The file contains an id of the repository to be used for storage, the encryption settings for JAAS which are enabled to start, and the two default roles: "user" and "admin". Apache Karaf will automatically detect any changes and reload the updated configurations.
The default user for AVM is "admin" with password "admin". To change the credentials of the "admin" user or perform any other user management activities, utilize the Administration page, the My Account page, or the appropriate REST endpoints.
For more advanced authorization functionality, AVM uses the an Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) system called XACML. Policies describing the attributes for allowing or denying individual access requests are managed by the XACMLPolicyManager
service which is configured with the com.mobi.security.policy.api.xacml.XACMLPolicyManager.cfg
file. The file contains an id of the repository to be used for storage, the location the XACML policy files should be stored in, and whether the policy file location should be created if it does not already exist. Apache Karaf will automatically detect any changes and reload the updated configurations.
Default Authentication Token (JWT) Duration Configuration
In order to configure the token duration for non-SSO authentication, you must create a file called com.mobi.jaas.SimpleTokenManager.cfg
with the property detailed below and put it in the $AVM_HOME/etc/
directory before starting the application, otherwise the token duration will use the default of 24 hours.
Property Name | Description | Required | Default |
tokenDurationMins |
Token Duration time in minutes |
1440 |
An example file would look like this.
### 1 day token duration
tokenDurationMins = 1440
.p12 and .jks files should both be supported |
LDAP Configuration
AVM supports LDAP integration into its security framework. In order to log into the AVM application with the Users/Groups defined in your organization’s directory, you must create a file called com.mobi.enterprise.ldap.impl.engine.LDAPEngine.cfg
with the following properties and put it in the $AVM_HOME/etc/
directory before starting the application. If a property is not required, you can delete the line from the config file. The list of possible fields for the config file are shown in the table below.
Property Name | Description | Required | Default |
Should always be (id=system) |
✓ |
The hostname of the ldap server (ex: https://localhost:10389). |
✓ |
The number of seconds it will keep trying to reach the LDAP server before it gives up (ex: |
✓ |
30 |
Whether direct authentication to the LDAP engine is disabled (ex: |
false |
The number of milliseconds before a LDAPUser should be retrieved (ex: |
3600000 |
The admin DN on your LDAP server (ex: |
The admin password on your LDAP server (ex: |
The base DN at which to start looking for users on the LDAP server ( |
✓ |
An optional LDAP filter for retrieved users. (ex: |
The field name on users that the AVM application will use as the username to log in (ex: |
✓ |
The field name on users whose value is the first name of the user (ex: |
The field name on users whose value is the last name of the user (ex: |
The field name on users whose value is the email address of the user (ex: |
The field name on users whose values are the groups they are a part of (ex: |
✓ |
The format of the user membership field. Should be set to the field name on groups that the values of the user membership field uses. If this is not set, assume the values are full group DNs. (ex: |
The base DN at which to start looking for groups on the LDAP server (ex: |
✓ |
An optional LDAP filter for retrieved groups (ex: |
The field name for groups' ids (ex: |
✓ |
The field name for groups' names/titles (ex: |
The field name on groups whose value is the
description of the group (ex: |
The field name on groups whose values are the users that are a part of the group (ex: |
✓ |
The format of the group membership field. Should be set to the field name on users that the values of the group membership field uses. If this is not set, assume the values are full user DNs. (ex: |
An example file would look like this.
repository.target = (id=system)
ldap.hostname = http://localhost:10389
ldap.timeout = 30
ldap.admin.dn = uid=admin,ou=system
ldap.admin.password = secret
ldap.users.base = ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
ldap.users.filter = (businessCategory=Superhero)
ldap.users.id = uid
ldap.users.firstName = givenName
ldap.users.lastName = sn
ldap.users.membership = memberOf
ldap.groups.base = ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
ldap.groups.id = cn
ldap.groups.name = cn
ldap.groups.description = description
ldap.groups.membership = member
SSO Configuration
AVM can be configured to integrate with an SSO provider for authentication. LDAP can be configured alongside the SSO provider to retrieve additional user details, but it is not required. If configured, it is recommended to disable direct authentication against the LDAP directory by adding ldap.disable-auth = false
to the com.mobi.enterprise.ldap.impl.engine.LDAPEngine.cfg
file. AVM supports SAML, OAuth 2.0, and OpenID SSO providers.
SAML Configuration
In order to configure AVM to use SAML, you will need to create a file called com.mobi.enterprise.auth.saml.api.SAMLConfigProvider.cfg
to the $AVM_HOME/etc/
directory. The must have the following fields.
${karaf.etc} is a reference to the $AVM_HOME/etc/ directory that the application will understand and replace
In order for the certFile to ba valid format, it must contain the appropriate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- header and -----END CERTIFICATE----- footer
Property Name | Description | Required |
The title for the SSO provider. This title will be used in the UI for triggering the SSO authentication in the format of “Login with title” |
✓ |
The SP EntityId. The SSO provider must be configured to expect requests with this SP EntityId |
✓ |
The file path to a file containing the X509 certificate for verifying the signature of SAML responses. Best practice is to put the file in the |
✓ |
The optional file path to a file containing the PKCS8 key for verifying the signature of SAML responses. Best practice is to put the
file in the |
The URL for the SingleSignOnService from the IdP. This is where AVM will redirect to. |
✓ |
The name of the |
The full URN of the binding to be used for the SAML Requests. Defaults to |
Whether the SAML configuration should be considered by itself or with a LDAP backend as well. Defaults to |
An optional property to specify the name of the attribute in the SAML responses that contains the first name of the authenticated user. Only applicable if |
An optional property to specify the name of the attribute in the SAML responses that contains the last name of the authenticated user. Only applicable if |
An optional property to specify the name of the attribute in the SAML responses that contains the email of the authenticated user. Only applicable if |
An optional property to specify the name of the attribute in the SAML responses that contains the groups that the authenticated user is a part of. The values of this attribute will be used as the Group’s title in AVM. Only applicable if |
An example file with an LDAP backend would look like this.
An example standalone
configuration would look like this.
In SAML flows, the Identity Property (IdP) will often require the Reply URL, at minimum, so that the IdP will know where to return the authorized user details. For AVM, that Reply URL should be set to $AVM_HOST/mobirest/auth/saml
. An example value would look like https://example.com/mobirest/auth/saml
Default SAML Token Duration
In order to configure the token duration for SAML logins, you must create a file called com.mobi.enterprise.auth.rest.SAMLRest.cfg
with the following properties and put it in the $AVM_HOME/etc/
directory before starting the application, otherwise the token duration will use the default of one day. There is only one possible field for the config file as shown in the table below that is configurable and not required to set the token duration value.
Property Name | Description | Required | Default |
tokenDurationMins |
Token Duration time in minutes |
1440 |
An example file would look like this.
### 1 day token duration
tokenDurationMins = 1440
OAuth/OpenID Configuration
In order to configure AVM to use OAuth or OpenID, you will need to create two files in the $AVM_HOME/etc
directory: com.mobi.enterprise.auth.oauth.api.OAuthConfigProvider.cfg
and com.mobi.enterprise.auth.oauth.impl.token.OAuthTokenLoginModuleProvider.cfg
. The latter must be an empty file. The former can be used to configure a generic OAuth 2.0 Provider or an OpenID Provider. For either, the file must have the following fields.
Property Name | Description | Required |
The title for the SSO provider. This title will be used in the UI for triggering the SSO authentication in the format of “Login with title” |
✓ |
The ID for the AVM installation. The OAuth/OpenID provider must be configured to expect requests with this clientId |
✓ |
The OAuth scopes to include in the authentication request |
✓ |
The optional client secret to use in requests to the OAuth/OpenID provider. |
An optional property to specify which claim in the returned JWT contains the user’s username. These values must match what is configured for the LDAP users id. Defaults to using the |
Whether the OAuth/OpenID configuration should be considered by itself or with a LDAP backend as well. Defaults to |
An optional property to specify which claim in the returned JWT contains the groups the user is a part of. The values of this attribute will be used as the Group’s title in AVM. Only applicable if |
For OAuth 2.0, the file must also contain these fields.
Property Name | Description | Required |
The OAuth 2.0 grant type to use for authentication. AVM currently supports the CODE and IMPLICIT flows. |
✓ |
The URL for the OAuth/OpenID provider. This is where AVM will redirect to. |
✓ |
The URL to hit to retrieve the token in the CODE flow. |
The file path to a file containing the PKCS8 key for verifying the signature of JWT tokens. Best practice is to put the file in the |
✓ |
An example file would look like this.
title=Mock OAuth
For OpenID, the file must also contain these fields.
Property Name | Description | Required |
The hostname of the OpenID provider. The standard |
✓ |
An example file would look like this.
title=Mock OAuth
Azure AD OpenID Setup
If you want to configure OpenID integration with Azure AD, there are a few extra steps that need to be taken due to the unique structure of the returned JWTs.
The complementary LDAP configuration for an Azure AD OpenID provider must set the userPrincipalName
as the ldap.users.id
property in the com.mobi.enterprise.ldap.impl.engine.LDAPEngine.cfg
as the Azure AD JWTs do not contain the typical samAccountName
In addition, v2.0 of Azure AD adds an additional field to the header of the JWT after signing it, thus making the signature incapable of being verified by the algorithms returned from the JWKS endpoint. In order to stop Azure AD from adding this additional field, you can add a new custom scope to the App registration. The steps to do this are described in this article (https://medium.com/@abhinavsonkar/making-azure-ad-oidc-compliant-5734b70c43ff) under “Problem 1”.
Password Encryption Configuration
AVM provides a way to automatically encrypt plaintext passwords stored within service configurations on startup and subsequent updates. The setup for this is very short. All you have to do is ensure that a file called com.mobi.security.api.EncryptionService.cfg
exists in the $AVM_HOME/etc
directory and contains the following fields:
This password is not the password you want to encrypt, rather it is a unique master password used for encrypt and decrypt operations. |
This encryption config is present and enabled by default, meaning your passwords will be automatically encrypted. An alternate way of providing an encryption master password is via environment variable. To configure the use of an environment variable, use the following fields:
If you use an environment variable, make sure before you start AVM that you have stored a unique password as the value for that environment variable.
If there is a default password in the Encryption Config (i.e. CHANGEME ) make sure you change it to a unique password before starting AVM, otherwise your passwords will be easy to decrypt.
Once the encryption config is added, start AVM and if an AVM service configuration includes a plaintext password, it will encrypt the value and update the configuration file. To change an encrypted value, simply replace it with the new plaintext value in the configuration file and after a few seconds it will be automatically re-encrypted and the file will be updated.
Services that use Encryption
Service | Config File | Field that gets encrypted |
SSO OAuth/OpenId |
AnzoConfigProvider |
To update the encryption master password, change the password field in the com.mobi.security.api.EncryptionService.cfg
file while AVM is running. After a few seconds have passed, all passwords will be automatically re-encrypted using the new master password.
If the master password is changed while AVM is not running, all previously encrypted passwords must be re-entered in plain text for the encryption service to re-encrypt. |
Imports Resolver Configuration
When resolving imported ontologies from the web, Mobi uses a default set of configuration for making those connections, but in some deployments it may be beneficial to tweak the timeouts utilized when making those external web connections. To customize the read and connection timeouts, create a file called com.mobi.ontology.utils.imports.ImportsResolver.cfg
in the $MOBI_HOME/etc/
directory with the following fields.
Property Name | Description | Required | Default |
The connection timeout in milliseconds when attempting to resolve a web ontology URI. |
3000 |
The read timeout in milliseconds when attempting to resolve a web ontology URI. |
10000 |
An example file would look like this.
connectionTimeout = 5000
readTimeout = 20000
Ontology Cache Configuration
AVM utilizes a caching mechanism within a triple store to improve performance when retrieving ontology and shapes graph data. The maintenance and cleanup of the cache is configured in the com.mobi.cache.impl.repository.CleanupRepositoryCache.cfg
file in the $AVM_HOME/etc
This file is responsible for deleting stale ontologies and shapes graphs within the repository after a specified period in order to preserve resources and improve processing. The format looks like the following:
repoId = ontologyCache
expiry = 1800
scheduler.expression=0 0 * * * ?
Workflow Engine Configuration
The Workflows framework supports different implementations of the underlying engine used for actual execution of the defined Workflows. The chosen engine does not affect the Workflow RDF definition, but does affect how the execution logs will be structured. Workflows can thus be defined and managed by the platform, but execution of the Workflow requires a Workflow Engine to be installed and configured. By default, Mobi supports Dagu as the Workflow Engine of choice.
Dagu Workflow Engine
Dagu is a free and open source workflow engine that defines executions as Directed Acrylic Graphs (or DAGs) and supports interaction with AVM via REST. To utilize Dagu in executing Workflows, you will need to install the software, and then configure AVM’s connection to Dagu.
Install Dagu 1.13 according to their installation instructions. It is recommended that you configure Dagu with Basic Authentication enabled such that only authorized users can execute DAGs in your installation. AVM supports interaction with Dagu both locally (i.e., on the same server) or remotely. The following table describes the recommended Dagu installation method based on the OS of the system AVM is installed on and the desired Dagu location.
AVM currently only supports Dagu version 1.13. |
The default port of 8080 for Dagu is fine when installing Dagu locally on the AVM server. |
AVM OS | Dagu Location | Supported Dagu Installation |
Unix |
Local |
Brew, Bash script, Binary, Docker |
Unix |
Remote |
Brew, Bash script, Binary, Docker |
Windows |
Local |
Docker |
Windows |
Remote |
Brew, Bash script, Binary, Docker |
To configure AVM’s connection to Dagu, create a file called com.mobi.workflows.impl.dagu.DaguWorkflowEngine.cfg
with the following properties and put it in the $AVM_HOME/etc/
Property Name | Description | Required | Default |
The full URL of the Dagu server (ex: http://localhost:8080) |
✓ |
The full path to the directory where the Dagu generated Workflow execution logs should be stored. This is recommended to be somewhere in the |
✓ |
Whether the Dagu installation is local to the AVM server or remote. |
✓ |
true |
Number of seconds between calls to Dagu to check on a Workflow’s execution status. |
10 |
Number of seconds before AVM will treat the workflow execution as failed if it has not completed. |
300 |
The username of the Basic Auth account configured on the Dagu server. |
The password of the Basic Auth account configured on the Dagu server. |
The number corresponding to how many workflows can be run concurrently |
100 |
An example file would look like this.
Banner Configuration
AVM can be configured to show a banner at the top of every page with custom HTML and background color. To enable the banner and configure the content, edit the com.mobi.enterprise.branding.rest.BrandingRest.cfg
file in the $AVM_HOME/etc
directory. The default contents will look like this.
htmlBody=<div>Change me</div>
There are three properties in the file that control how the banner is shown to the user. The enabled`
property controls whether the banner should be shown and accepts either “true” or “false”. The htmlBody
property accepts any valid HTML string that will be the body of the banner. The backgroundColor
property accepts any valid hex string representing a color. This W3School site provides a helpful tool for picking HTML color that will output a hex string for you.
An example configuration could look like this which will result in the the screenshots below. Note that hyperlinks are supported within the HTML body.
htmlBody=<div>This is the banner for AVM, you can change this text in the configuration file <a href="url">Google.com</a> </div>

Multi-Line HTML Template
To use a multiline value for htmlBody, add a \
(backslash) to the end of each line. See an example below.
htmlBody= <div>\
Change me \
<a href="url">http://www.google.com</a> \
Inline CSS
The htmlBody
property supports inline CSS such as <p style=”color:red”>This is RED.</p>
. Inline CSS can be useful for adding custom styling to specific elements in the custom content and will override internal or external style sheets.
Because inline styles take precedence, you could accidentally override internal or external styles that you did not intend to. For example, changing the element positioning like in the configuration below could break the general layout of the application. |
htmlBody= <div style="position:absolute; top:80px; width:300px; height:300px;right:50%;background: black;">\
Change me \
<a href="url">http://www.google.com</a> \
Email Service Configuration
The configuration for the AVM Email Service is stored in the com.mobi.email.api.EmailService.cfg
file in the $AVM_HOME/etc
directory. The AVM Email Service is built on the Apache Commons Email API. The Email Service provides the ability to connect to a provided SMTP server and send an email using a configured email account. By default, the service is configured to connect to a Gmail SMTP server. The service has configurations for smtpServer
, port
, emailAddress
, emailPassword
, security
, and emailTemplate
. Please see below for different configurations of popular email services.
To send emails with Gmail, you must also follow the steps here to allow less secure apps to access the gmail account. Gmail also has strict sending limits that can impair functionality as your organization grows. Additionally, Gmail may flag a machine that it does not recognize and prevent access. If this occurs, log in to your gmail and grant the device access.
smtpServer = smtp.gmail.com
emailAddress = my.email@gmail.com
emailPassword = my-password
port = 587
security = STARTTLS
emailTemplate = emailTemplate.html
smtpServer = smtp-mail.outlook.com
emailAddress = my.email@outlook.com
emailPassword = my-password
port = 587
security = STARTTLS
emailTemplate = emailTemplate.html
Office 365
smtpServer = smtp.office365.com
emailAddress = my.email@yourdomain.com
emailPassword = my-password
port = 587
security = STARTTLS
emailTemplate = emailTemplate.html
smtpServer = smtp.mail.yahoo.com
emailAddress = my.email@yahoo.com
emailPassword = my-password
port = 465
security = STARTTLS
emailTemplate = emailTemplate.html
smtpServer = smtp.mailgun.org
emailAddress = my.email@mg.gitlab.com
emailPassword = my-password
port = 587
security = STARTTLS
emailTemplate = emailTemplate.html
Email Template
The AVM Email Service supplies a default email template that works across most email clients. The default file is located in the $AVM_HOME/etc
directory. If you want to provide your own email template, modify the emailTemplate
configuration to the new email template with either a relative or absolute path to the file. The email service will resolve relative file paths for an email template using the $AVM_HOME/etc
directory as the base directory.
The email service provides a method for doing a simple string replace on the !|$MESSAGE!|$
binding within the template. For more complex HTML inserts, the service provides a method to replace all HTML between the two !|$BODY!|$
bindings. Custom templates must have the aforementioned bindings (!|$MESSAGE!|$
& !|$BODY!|$
). The !|$MESSAGE!|$
binding must be between two !|$BODY!|$
bindings. For example:
<html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<!-- A simple message to replace -->
Apache Karaf
The Karaf instance that runs AVM can be configured using the configuration files located in the $AVM_HOME/etc
Configuration File | Description |
Configurations for Maven repositories used for bundle resolution and deployment |
Configurations for HTTPS connections |
The org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg
file specifies how Apache Karaf will resolve Maven URLs. This file is set up so that Apache Karaf will use the basic Maven repositories along with your local Maven repository and the public AVM remote repository to resolve artifacts.
The org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg
file configures the web service Apache Karaf uses to run AVM. By default, AVM only runs HTTPS on port 8443.
AVM Shell
The AVM Shell is a wrapper around the Karaf shell which provides additional commands and tools for working with AVM data. To access the shell, run the bin/client
script in $AVM_HOME`
(that’s bin\client.bat
for you Windows users). The startup screen of the AVM shell looks like the following.
######### #######
##### ##### #### ### ___ _ ____ ___
### ### ### ## / | | / / |/ /
### ### ### *### / /| | | / / /|_/ /
#### ### ####### / ___ | |/ / / / /
##### ######## #### /_/ |_|___/_/ /_/
######### ##########
### ##
Anzo Vocabulary Manager (x.x.x)
Powered by Apache Karaf (4.4.3)
Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or 'osgi:shutdown' to shutdown AVM.
The AVM specific commands all start with mobi:
. To view the list of available commands, type mobi:
and hit TAB. To get information about a particular command, type the name of the command and --help
afterwards and run it. For example, running mobi:import --help
would show you this.
karaf@avm>mobi:import --help
Imports objects to a repository or dataset
mobi:import [options] ImportFile
The file to be imported into the repository
-c, --continueOnError
If true, continue parsing even if there is an error on a line.
-d, --dataset
The id of the DatasetRecord the file will be imported to
-r, --repository
The id of the repository the file will be imported to
Display this help message
-b, --batchSize
The number representing the triple transaction size for importing.
(defaults to 10000)
You can also run commands in the AVM shell without opening it by running bin/client "command"
. For example, to run the mobi:repository-list
command, you would run bin/client "mobi:repository-list"
. If the command you are running involves files with spaces in the name, make sure the spaces are escaped, meaning use "\ "
instead of " "
. The same goes for commands that include text within quotes, make sure the quotes are escaped as well.
Administration Guide
Anzo Vocabulary Manager (AVM) is made available as a compressed distribution package. Deployment consists of unpacking this distribution to an appropriate location on the filesystem and modifying included configuration files. AVM comes pre-bundled with an open-source, file-based RDF database. By default, all data, logs, and configurations will be stored in the extracted file location. All AVM logs are stored in ${AVM_HOME}/data/log
AVM will not run without a valid license file. You will need to collect your server ID from the installation and provide it to your sales or support team so they can create your unique license file.
AVM customers will be individually provided with distributions and license files. Please consult your sales or support representative for more information. |
AVM Requirements
Hardware Requirements
We provide recommended hardware requirements as a guideline. These specifications are based on standard deployment environments. Larger production data or user requirements may require more powerful hardware configurations.
The table below provides a summary of the recommended hardware for production servers and the minimum requirements for test servers.
Component | Minimum | Recommended | Guidelines |
Available RAM |
1 GB |
8 GB or more |
AVM needs enough RAM to load large ontology and data files and run AVM processes. The configurations provided refer to maximum Java heap size. |
Disk Space |
10 GB |
40 GB or more |
By default, AVM stores all data and configurations in the extracted file location. |
1 core |
4 cores or more |
Multi-core configurations dramatically improve performance of the bundled application server and database. |
Software Requirements
The table below provides a summary of the software requirements.
Component | Minimum | Recommended | Guidelines |
Operating System |
RHEL/CentOS 6 |
RHEL/CentOS 8 |
AVM runs within standard Java runtimes; however, we recommend RHEL/CentOS operating systems for on-premise or cloud-based server environments. |
Java |
1.17 |
1.17 (latest) |
The latest versions of Java 17 include security and performance updates. |
Web Browser |
Chrome |
Chrome |
Use the latest versions of web browsers for best compatibility, performance, and security. |
Firewall Requirements
The table below lists the TCP ports to open on the AVM host.
Port | Description |
8443 |
Application HTTPS port. |
We recommend running AVM on the default port 8443 and using firewall configuration or a proxy server for SSL (port 443) termination and redirection. AVM does not run on non-SSL ports by default. |
Installing AVM
Pre-Installation Configuration
Create Service Account
Before installing AVM, create a service account on the host server. The account will be used to run AVM. The service account should meet the following requirements:
The service account must have read and write permissions for the AVM installation directory (i.e.
). On Linux, this is typically/opt/anzo/avm-distribution-<version>
On a standard RHEL/CentOS system, this can be created using the following command:
sudo useradd -d /opt/anzo anzo
Install Java 17
AVM requires the latest version of Java 1.17 to operate. Refer to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/ for details on how to download and install Java SE 1.17.
If you are using a Red Hat system, you can install Java 17 with sudo yum install java-17-openjdk prior to version 8 and sudo dnf install java-17-openjdk-devel on versions 8+.
On a standard RHEL/CentOS system, there is no package available via yum to install. We suggest Downloading the Oracle installer from here and running sudo rpm -Uvh jdk-17_linux-x64_bin.rpm to install.
environment variable must be set for the user running AVM. On a Red Hat system, the path looks something like /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk
. On a standard RHEL/CentOS system (after running the rpm above), the path looks something like /usr/java/jdk-
. Either way, the variable can be set using the following commands:
sudo su - anzo
echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/home' >> ~/.bashrc
Install AVM
Collect the Server ID
After the pre-installation configuration steps, follow the instructions below to collect your AVM Server ID. These instructions assume that you have copied the AVM distribution to the server. The AVM distribution comes packaged as a .zip
file for Windows and a tar.gz
file for Linux/OSX.
These instructions are prepared for a standard RHEL/CentOS deployment server. |
Unpack AVM to the installation parent directory (e.g.
)sudo su - anzo tar -xf $AVM_HOME.tar.gz
Create a symlink to the latest distribution
ln -s $AVM_HOME latest
Start the AVM Enterprise server
cd latest ./bin/start
The server will shut down immediately without a valid license file. This will output your unique server ID to the $AVM_HOME/etc/com.mobi.platform.server.cfg
file. Open that file and copy the Server ID from the serverId property. It should look like the following.
serverId = "{UUID}"
Send this Server ID to your sales or support team so they can generate you a valid license file.
Add License File
Copy the provided license file to the $AVM_HOME/etc/
cp license.lic $AVM_HOME/etc/
Now you can start the AVM installation.
cd latest
All AVM prepackaged bundles, services, and required artifacts and dependencies will be automatically deployed by the runtime once started. The AVM web application should now be accessible at https://localhost:8443/avm/index.html
(or substitute localhost
with the hostname/IP address of the machine running the process dependant on firewall configurations). The default login credentials are admin:admin
Due to the self-signed SSL certificate that AVM comes with, your browser will likely show you a certificate warning when first loaded. This is safe to proceed past. See Configure Custom SSL Certificates for more details. |
You can check the status of the running server using the bin/status script or access the AVM shell using the bin/client script. If you are having problems starting AVM, check the log files in $AVM_HOME/data/log .
To stop the AVM server, run the following command:
Post-Installation Configuration
In addition to the steps below, AVM supports a number of configurations to customize your installation and users' experience. See the AVM Configurations section for more details.
Change the Default Java Heap Size
Set the max heap size in $AVM_HOME/bin/setenv
). In version 1.6, to include the JAVA_MAX_MEM
variables in the AVM startup, add the following line beneath them in the setenv
All versions from 1.7 onwards have this line already added. |
Set the Host Name
If the AVM installation will be communicating with external systems, most of those connections utilize a core hostname configuration in order to build the appropriate callback URLs. This setting is within $AVM_HOME/etc/com.mobi.platform.server.cfg
and defaults to https://localhost:8443. If your external systems are not hosted on the same machine, this needs to be a resolvable host that can be reached, for example a DNS record you have configured in your enterprise.
hostName = <APP_HOST_NAME>
Change the Default Web Port
If required, change the default SSL port in $AVM_HOME/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg
org.osgi.service.http.port.secure = <SSL_APPLICATION_PORT>
We recommend running AVM on the default port 8443 and using firewall configuration or a proxy server for SSL (port 443) termination and redirection. AVM does not run on non-SSL ports by default. |
Configure Custom SSL Certificates
AVM comes bundled with default self-signed SSL certificates stored in a Java Keystore file in $AVM_HOME/etc/keystore
. This self-signed certificate is why your browser will most likely show you a certificate warning when browsing to the web application.
To provide your own SSL certificates, simply replace the default keystore file with your own:
cp mycerts.jks $AVM_HOME/etc/keystore
If there is a keystore password, it can be configured in the $AVM_HOME/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg
file using the following configuration properties:
Configuration Property | Description |
org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.keystore.password |
The password used for keystore integrity check |
org.ops4j.pax.web.ssl.key.password |
The password used for keystore |
.p12 and .jks files should both be supported
In addition to the keystore, AVM also comes bundled with a custom truststore at $AVM_HOME/etc/truststore
to store any SSL certificates required for connecting to external systems. Common needs for this include SSO and Publishing capabilities. The truststore that AVM uses can be changed with the following properties in the $AVM_HOME/etc/system.properties
Configuration Property | Description |
The password used for truststore integrity check |
The path to the truststore AVM will utilize |
The type of truststore specified, such as |
Installing AVM as a Service
We recommend that you configure AVM as a Linux service for starting AVM automatically as the service user. Follow the instructions below to implement the service on a standard RHEL/CentOS environment.
The below steps should be run as the root user. |
Be sure to correctly configure the file locations and user. |
Create a file called
in the/usr/lib/systemd/system
directory. For example:[Unit] Description=AVM Service. After=network.target StartLimitIntervalSec=30 [Service] Type=forking PIDFile=/install_path/latest/karaf.pid User=anzo ExecStart=/install_path/latest/bin/start ExecStop=/install_path/latest/bin/stop ExecReload=/install_path/latest/bin/stop; /install_path/latest/bin/start Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=default.target
Save and close the file, and then run the following commands to start and enable the new service:
systemctl start avm systemctl enable avm
Once the service is enabled, AVM should be running. The AVM process will start and stop automatically with the server. Any time you start and stop AVM manually, run the following systemctl commands: sudo systemctl stop avm
and sudo systemctl start avm
Upgrading AVM
Upgrades of the AVM platform are performed via a backup/restore process where a .zip
file is created of all the system data of the current installation and loaded into the new version installation. This process will handle any migration steps required when migrating to newer versions. The basic steps are outlined below and are applicable for any upgrades within major version (e.g. 2.1 to 2.4).
$AVM_HOME is the extracted directory from your current Mobi distribution (e.g. /path/to/avm-distribution-2.3.2 ).
Run the following command to create a zipped backup of your old distribution. The name of the backup can be whatever you choose as long as it is a valid zip file name. NOTE: If you have any binary data represented in the system, such as Workflow Execution Logs, and you are going to restore into an installation on a different machine, you will want to add the
flag with the absolute path to the $NEW_MOBI_HOME directory. This will ensure all file paths on the binary file instances within the repositories reflect the new installation location.$AVM_HOME/bin/client "mobi:backup -o /path/to/avm-backup.zip"
Shut down your old installation. If you installed AVM as service, then use the appropriate
systemctl stop avm
Unpack and start up the new distribution. If you created a symlink for your installation, make sure to update that link with
ln -sfn $NEW_AVM_HOME latest
. If you installed AVM as a service, the use the appropriatesystemctl start avm
command after updating the symlink.tar -xf $NEW_AVM_HOME.tar.gz $NEW_AVM_HOME/bin/start
Run the following command with the path to your zipped backup to restore your data into the new installation. This process can take several minutes, but when it completes you will see a message that looks like "Restarting all services" and the application will restart with the new data.
$NEW_AVM_HOME/bin/client "mobi:restore /path/to/avm-backup.zip"
The AVM server can take several seconds to start up. If the client script fails, try again after a few seconds. If the server is not starting, check the logs in $NEW_AVM_HOME/data/log/karaf.log .
If restoring from a version prior to 1.22, There are two files which are not included in the backup whose contents will need to be manually updated in the new distribution. The $NEW_AVM_HOME/bin/setenv file contains the Java Max and Min Memory settings that should be updated to the desired levels post upgrade (See Change the Default Java Heap Size). The $NEW_AVM_HOME/etc/com.mobi.platform.server.cfg file holds a variable for the hostName of the application (See Set the Host Name). This will need to be manually updated to the previous value to support certain connections with other applications.
Upgrading to AVM 4.x
AVM 4.0 introduced a number of breaking changes from prior versions that also include a few notable configuration changes. The basic steps for upgrading must still be followed, but the following items should be taken note:
Due to the new "inversioning" paradigm for commit histories, the restore process is expected to take longer than previous upgrades as all the commit histories are restructured to the new format. Please account for this when planning any downtimes.
During the restoration process, a versioned RDF record may be marked as "incompatible" with the new installation for one of two reasons.
An Ontology/Shapes Graph Record might share an ontology/shapes graph IRI with another record. In this case, the restore operation will abort with a log statement about the failed records and steps to remedy the issue before attempting the restore again.
Invalid data might be discovered within older commits of records that were created in much older version (eg. < 2.x). In this case, the restore operation will not abort and will log any invalid records to be addressed for tailored migration process. If this situation occurs, reach out to the product team to help ensure your data is migrated completely and appropriately.
For Anzo publishing, no plugins are required to be deployed to a target Anzo system. Any pre-existing custom plugins (the previously required "AVM Ontology Loader" and "AVM Vocabulary Orchestration Service" plugins) should be removed from the Anzo installation.
Developer Guide
Load Dataset Data
Data can be manually loaded into an existing Dataset using the AVM shell. You will need the full path to the data file and the IRI of the target DatasetRecord.
Open the AVM Shell and run the mobi:import
command passing the IRI of the DatasetRecord and the path to the data file. For example, if you wanted to load data located at /Users/tester/Documents/testData.trig
into the https://mobi.com/records/my-dataset
DatasetRecord, you would run the following command:
mobi:import --dataset https://mobi.com/records/my-dataset /Users/tester/Documents/testData.trig
All triples that are not within a named graph will be loaded into the system default named graph. All triples within named graphs will be added and their named graphs associated with the Dataset.
Accessing Swagger REST API Documentation
Every installation of AVM provides Swagger Documentation for the full suite of AVM REST APIs. This documentation is provided as a standard Swagger YAML file as well as a fully interactive hosted version. The Swagger YAML file can be downloaded at $AVM_HOST/swagger-ui/mobi-swagger.yaml
. To reach the Swagger Documentation UI, navigate to $AVM_HOST/swagger-ui/index.html
. For example, in a default deployment these URLs would look like https://localhost:8443/swagger-ui/mobi-swagger.yaml and https://localhost:8443/swagger-ui/index.html, respectively. If the browser session is already logged into AVM, there is no need to click the Authorize button.
Translating Documents
Files in the xml, json, or csv formats can be transformed into an ontology and corresponding instance data using AVM’s document translation tool. This experimental feature can be utilized via REST endpoint, the AVM shell, or from the Swagger UI, with all methods providing users configuration options to alter the generated files.
Utilizing the AVM Shell
The tool can be run from the AVM shell with the mobi:document-translate
command. The command accepts the full path to both the input file to translate and output location for the result. Below is an example call to the command:
mobi:document-translate /Users/tester/Documents/example.json /Users/tester/Documents/outputDir
The Document Translate command accepts several additional configuration options to tailor the way the input file is processed. These options currently include the ability to set the default namespace of the generated ontology and instance data, specify the type of file being translated, and set a number of rows in a CSV to be analyzed before identifying a data property range. The command result is a zip file located at the output destination that contains two turtle files: ontology.ttl
which will contain an ontology describing the structure of the input file and data.ttl
which will contain the data within your input file translated into RDF data conforming to the ontology.
Utilizing the REST endpoints and Swagger UI
AVM’s REST endpoints & Swagger UI provide additional ways to use the document translation tool. When using either a direct REST call or the Swagger UI, users are able to select an input file from their filesystem and convert it to valid RDF. If successful, output is returned as a downloadable zip file. Similar to the output generated by the AVM shell, this zip file contains two turtle files containing the generated ontology and conforming instance data respectively. Additionally, these two methods provides users the same configurable options that the AVM shell does, with one additional option. When using Rest endpoints or the Swagger UI to translate a document, users are able to also specify the name of the output file. If one is not specified, the name of the input file will be used with a timestamp added on to the end.

Translating Different File Types
The XML translator uses the hierarchical structure of the XML input file in order to construct classes and object properties.

When generating the ontology, each element is simultaneously treated as a class and object property if it has child elements and is regarded as a datatype property if it does not. The output will resemble a file similar to the one below.

The generated data file is composed of elements that have been deemed a class and that have literal values attached to it. Each instance is given a unique IRI based on the namespace of the ontology with a trailing UUID attached at the end.

Given a JSON file like below, the JSON translator will use the nested structure of JSON objects in order to construct classes and object properties.

An output ontology is then generated using the passed in IRI or a UUID as the namespace. Classes and object properties relating these classes are created based on the keys present in the input file.

The generated data file is created by utilizing the literal values of each key object. For each instance of a JSON object there is in the input file an RDF entity is created with the same namespace as the ontology.

The CSV translation tool is the only translator that does not create multiple classes or any object properties. A singular class is generated per file, with the name of the file being used as the name of the class.

Each column header is treated as a different datatype property, with the translator parsing a certain number of rows to determine the range of the property.

When creating the instance data, each row within the file is treated as an instance of the class with the cell values being the object of the triples generated by the datatype properties.

Appendix A: AVM Mappings
AVM mappings are used to convert delimited data into RDF and are made up of instances of classes defined in a custom ontology. These main classes are:
All examples in this Appendix will be in Turtle RDF serialization and use the following prefixes:
The delim:Mapping
class represents the mapping itself. Every mapping must have one and only one instance of the Mapping
class. Properties associated with this class provide information about the mapping that are needed for the Mapping Tool to have context. These properties are:
The delim:sourceRecord
property specifies the OntologyRecord
a mapping uses for its classes and properties. The Mapping Tool requires this property along with sourceBranch
and sourceCommit
to retrieve a specific version of an ontology saved in AVM. A mapping will have access to all entities defined in ontologies within the imports closure of the source ontology. The Mapping Tool utilizes all class and property definitions to validate the class and property mappings and apply the correct datatypes to data property values.
example:DocumentExample delim:sourceRecord <http://mobi.com/records/uhtc> .
The delim:sourceBranch
property specifies the Branch
of the sourceRecord
a mapping uses for its classes and properties. The Mapping Tool requires this property along with sourceRecord
and sourceCommit
to retrieve a specific version of an ontology saved in AVM. A mapping will have access to all entities defined in ontologies within the imports closure of the source ontology. The Mapping Tool utilizes all class and property definitions to validate the class and property mappings and apply the correct datatypes to data property values.
example:DocumentExample delim:sourceBranch <http://mobi.com/branches/master> .
The delim:sourceCommit
property specifies the Commit
of the sourceBranch
a mapping uses for its classes and properties. The Mapping Tool requires this property along with sourceRecord
and sourceBranch
to retrieve a specific version of an ontology saved in AVM. A mapping will have access to all entities defined in ontologies within the imports closure of the source ontology. The Mapping Tool utilizes all class and property definitions to validate the class and property mappings and apply the correct datatypes to data property values.
example:DocumentExample delim:sourceCommit <http://mobi.com/commits/0> .
The delim:ClassMapping
class represents a blueprint for creating an instance of a class. Every ClassMapping
defined in a mapping will create an instance of the class it maps to for every row in a set of delimited data. Each class instance created will have a generated IRI. Properties associated with this class specify how the class instance it creates should be constructed. These properties are:
The delim:mapsTo
property specifies the class a ClassMapping
will create. This is a required property for a ClassMapping
since otherwise, the Mapping Tool will not know which class to create an instance of. It must point to a class that is defined either within the source ontology of the mapping or one of the ontologies in the source ontology’s imports closure.
example:ClassMappingExample delim:mapsTo <http://mobi.com/ontologies/uhtc> .
The delim:dataProperty
property specifies a DataMapping
that is associated with a ClassMapping
. It must point to a DataMapping
instance defined within the mapping. A ClassMapping
can have one or more of this property. Every instance of a class created from a ClassMapping
will have the property specified in the DataMapping
specified by dataProperty
example:ClassMappingExample delim:dataProperty example:DataMapping1 ; delim:dataProperty example:DataMapping2 .
The delim:objectProperty
property specifies an ObjectMapping
that is associated with a ClassMapping
. It must point to a ObjectMapping
instance defined within the mapping. A ClassMapping
can have one or more of this property. Every instance of a class created from a ClassMapping
will have the property specified in the ObjectMapping
specified by objectProperty
example:ClassMappingExample delim:objectProperty example:ObjectMapping1 ; delim:objectProperty example:ObjectMapping2 .
The delim:hasPrefix
property specifies the namespace of the IRI for every class instance created by a ClassMapping
. This property is required by the Mapping Tool so it knows how to construct the IRI for each class instance created by the ClassMapping
. The value of this property is a string and must be a valid namespace.
example:ClassMappingExample delim:hasPrefix "http://guide.org/example/" .
The delim:localName
property specifies how the local name of the IRI will be generated for every class instance created by a ClassMapping
. This property points to a string literal and must be in the following format. The string must start with a dollar sign ($) and contain either the string "UUID" or a number surrounded by curly braces "{}". The "UUID" string will generate a unique identifier for every class instance created by the ClassMapping
. A number will grab the value of the column at that zero-based index in the row being mapped. If the column specified has duplicate values, the Mapping Tool will combine the properties of every class instance with that IRI and combine them into a single instance. If this property is not set on a ClassMapping
, the Mapping Tool will default to generating a UUID for every class instance.
This means every class instance will have a unique identifier for a local name.
example:ClassMappingExample1 delim:localName "${UUID}" .
This means every class instance will have the value from the third column for a local name.
example:ClassMappingExample2 delim:localName "${2}" .
The delim:DataMapping
class represents a blueprint for creating a data property on a class instance. Since data properties in an ontology point to literal values, a DataMapping
specifies a column whose value in the row being mapped will be used as the value of the generated data property. Properties associated with this class define how a data property will be created. These properties are:
The delim:columnIndex
property specifies which column a DataMapping
should pull the value from to set as the value of the generated data property. This property is required for a DataMapping
so that the Mapping Tool knows where to get the value of a data property. All column values retrieved by this property are interpreted as strings. The value of this property must be a string and all the column indexes are zero-based.
This will retrieve the value from the first column.
example:DataMapping1 delim:columnIndex "0" .
The delim:hasProperty
property specifies which data property a DataMapping
will create. This property is required for a DataMapping
so that the Mapping Tool knows what property to create. It must point to a data property defined either within the source ontology of the mapping or one of the ontologies in the source ontology’s imports closure. This property can be associated with either a DataMapping
or a ObjectMapping
for DataMapping
example:DataMapping1 delim:hasProperty <http://mobi.com/ontologies/uhtc/aDataProperty> .
The delim:datatypeSpec
property specifies a manual override for the datatype of generated data property values resulting from a DataMapping
. By default, the datatype will be determined from the range of the property if found with a fallback of string. This setting has precedence over the range of the property. This property is optional for a DataMapping
. The value of this property must be the IRI of a standard XSD datatype.
This will set the datatype of all values to xsd:double.
example:DataMapping1 delim:datatypeSpec xsd:double .
The delim:languageSpec
property specifies a language for all generated data property values resulting from a DataMapping
. If this property is set, the mapper will manually change the datatype of the value to be rdfs:langString
. Any datatype specified by the range of the property will be ignored. This property is optional for a DataMapping
. The value of this property must be a valid language tag string (found here under the ISO 639-1 column).
This will set the language of all values to be English.
example:DataMapping1 delim:languageSpec "en" .
The delim:ObjectMapping
class represents a blueprint for creating an object property on a class instance. Since object properties in an ontology point to other classes or class expressions, an ObjectMapping
specifies a ClassMapping
that will be created for the same row and whose generated class instance will be used as the value of the generated object property. Properties associated with this class define how an object property will be created. These properties are:
The delim:classMapping
property specifies which class instance generated from a ClassMapping
will be used as the value of the generated object property. This property is required for an ObjectMapping
so that the Mapping Tool knows which class should be the value of the object property. The generated value will be the class instance created by the specified ClassMapping
for the row being mapped. The value must be a ClassMapping
defined within the mapping.
example:ObjectMapping1 delim:classMapping delim:ClassMappingExample .
The delim:hasProperty
property specifies which object property an ObjectMapping
will create. This property is required for an ObjectMapping
so that the Mapping Tool knows what property to create. It must point to a object property defined either within the source ontology of the mapping or one of the ontologies in the source ontology’s imports closure. This property can be associated with either a ObjectMapping
or a DataMapping
for ObjectMapping
example:ObjectMapping1 delim:hasProperty <http://mobi.com/ontologies/uhtc/aObjectProperty> .
Appendix B: AVM Datasets
AVM datasets are used to group and store RDF data into various graphs for enhanced query isolation, data segmentation, and management. This custom ontology design is loosely based on the W3C Specification for SPARQL Datasets wherein a collection of graphs can be queried as default named graphs or named graphs. The primary class is dataset:Dataset
, and the properties associated with this class provide information about all the named graphs within the dataset. These properties are:
All examples in this Appendix will be in TriG RDF serialization and use the following prefixes:
The dataset:systemDefaultNamedGraph
property specifies the default named graph that AVM will use when loading data that does not specify a graph (e.g. data from a Turtle file). For example, this approach is currently used for data created by the Mapping Tool. This named graph will be cleared, but not removed when a dataset is cleared.
GRAPH example:DatasetExample { example:DatasetExample a dataset:Dataset ; dataset:systemDefaultNamedGraph example:sdng . } GRAPH example:sdng { example:Subject a example:Object . }
The dataset:defaultNamedGraph
property specifies a default named graph within the dataset. These graphs are not maintained by the system and can be used when data segmentation is required within a dataset. These graphs are removed when a dataset is cleared.
GRAPH example:DatasetExample { example:DatasetExample a dataset:Dataset ; dataset:defaultNamedGraph example:dng . } GRAPH example:dng { example:Subject a example:Object . }
The dataset:namedGraph
property specifies a named graph within the dataset. These graphs are not maintained by the system and can be used when data segmentation is required within a dataset. These graphs are removed when a dataset is cleared.
GRAPH example:DatasetExample { example:DatasetExample a dataset:Dataset ; dataset:namedGraph example:ng . } GRAPH example:ng { example:Subject a example:Object . }
Appendix C: SHACL Web Forms
AVM utilizes a custom framework for generating forms within the UI based on SHACL Shapes Graphs such that the forms can generate valid RDF conforming to the configured constraints. This framework is utilized in several key experiences within the AVM web application, such as the Publish Framework and the Workflows.
All RDF examples will be provided in either Turtle format. The following prefixes will be used in the rest of this appendix:
Prefix | Namespace |
http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl# |
http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# |
http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl# |
https://mobi.solutions/ontologies/form# |
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# |
Web Form NodeShape
AVM SHACL generated web forms require a top level sh:NodeShape
that uses implicit class targeting to specify the type of the RDF instance that the form will generate. An example Node Shape looks like the following:
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
@prefix : <http://mobi.solutions/example#> .
:ExampleClass a owl:Class, sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:label "Example Class" .
To indicate the fields to display in the form, this sh:NodeShape
must include sh:property
values pointing to conformant sh:PropertyShape
instances. The web form will create an RDF subject defined as the IRI of the sh:NodeShape
and will populate predicates on that subject based on the sh:path
values of the related sh:PropertyShapes
Web Form PropertyShapes
Every sh:PropertyShape
associated with the top level sh:NodeShape
provided to a SHACL web form will become a field. The framework expects the sh:PropertyShape
to meet the following criteria:
Must have a
predicate with a simple predicate path, i.e. a single property IRI -
May have a
predicate with a valid value (see the following sections for descriptions of the supported input types) -
May have a
predicate with a string value that will be used as the label of the field in the UI. If none provided, the UI will display a "beautified" version of the local name of the property IRI value ofsh:path
May have optional
fields denoting the min and max number of possible values for the preference which will be enforced in the UI. -
May have optional
characteristic set which will set the value of the form field if no instance data is populating the form. -
May use the
constraint to reference anothersh:NodeShape
so that the RDF instance the web form generates can point to one or more associated instances. The associatedsh:NodeShape
must meet the same criteria listed, excluding the allowance of thesh:node
constraint on its associatedsh:PropertyShape
instances, i.e. the framework only allows one level of nesting instances.
The sections below describe the different input types supported by the framework and thus the valid values of the wf:usesFormField
The wf:ToggleInput
type will create a Material Design toggle input. This is meant to be used for boolean property values. Below are the supported SHACL constraints.
Constraint | Description |
Expected to be set to |
Recommended to be set to 1 as most boolean properties are Functional in that the instance should only have one value set. |
Recommended to be set to 1 as most boolean properties are Functional in that the instance should only have one value set. |
An example sh:PropertyShape
for this input type is shown below.
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
@prefix wf: <https://mobi.solutions/ontologies/form#> .
@prefix : <http://mobi.solutions/example#> .
:ExamplePropertyShape a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path :exampleProperty ;
sh:datatype xsd:boolean ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
wf:usesFormField wf:ToggleInput .
The wf:TextInput
type will create a standard text input. This is meant to be used for short textual or numeric property values. Below are the supported SHACL constraints.
Constraint | Description |
Expected to be set to |
May be set to 0 or more. If set to 1 and |
May be set to 1 or more. If set to 1 and |
Will ensure that the entered value matches the specified Regular Expression. Can specify any needed REGEX flags using |
An example sh:PropertyShape
for this input type is shown below.
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
@prefix wf: <https://mobi.solutions/ontologies/form#> .
@prefix : <http://mobi.solutions/example#> .
:ExamplePropertyShape a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path :exampleProperty ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:pattern "[A-Z]+" ;
wf:usesFormField wf:TextInput .
The wf:TextareaInput
type will create a standard textarea input. This is meant to be used for long textual property values. Below are the supported SHACL constraints.
Constraint | Description |
Expected to be set to |
May be set to 0 or more. If set to 1 and |
May be set to 1 or more. If set to 1 and |
Will ensure that the entered value matches the specified Regular Expression. Can specify any needed REGEX flags using |
An example sh:PropertyShape
for this input type is shown below.
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
@prefix wf: <https://mobi.solutions/ontologies/form#> .
@prefix : <http://mobi.solutions/example#> .
:ExamplePropertyShape a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path :exampleProperty ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:pattern "[A-Z]+" ;
wf:usesFormField wf:TextareaInput .
The wf:CheckboxInput
type will create a collection of checkboxes with assigned values. This is meant to be used for selecting one or more values for a property based a configured list of valid values. Below are the supported SHACL constraints.
Constraint | Description |
Expected to be set to |
Expected to be set to a list of the acceptable values for the property which will become separate checkboxes in the form. |
May be set to 0 or more. Will ensure at least the specified number of checkboxes are checked. If both this and |
May be set to 1 or more. Will ensure no more than the specified number of checkboxes are checked. If both this and |
An example sh:PropertyShape
for this input type is shown below.
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
@prefix wf: <https://mobi.solutions/ontologies/form#> .
@prefix : <http://mobi.solutions/example#> .
:ExamplePropertyShape a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path :exampleProperty ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:minCount 4 ;
sh:in ("Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet") ;
wf:usesFormField wf:CheckboxInput .
The wf:RadioInput
type will create a collection of radio buttons with assigned values. This is meant to be used for selecting one value from a configured list of valid values. Below are the supported SHACL constraints.
Constraint | Description |
Expected to be set to |
Expected to be set to a list of the acceptable values for the property which will become separate radio buttons in the form. |
Recommended to be set to 1 as most radio button like values are meant to be Functional in that the instance should only have one value set. If both this and |
Recommended to be set to 1 as most radio button like values are meant to be Functional in that the instance should only have one value set. If both this and |
An example sh:PropertyShape
for this input type is shown below.
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
@prefix wf: <https://mobi.solutions/ontologies/form#> .
@prefix : <http://mobi.solutions/example#> .
:ExamplePropertyShape a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path :exampleProperty ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:in ("Yes", "No", "I don't know") ;
wf:usesFormField wf:RadioInput .
The wf:DropdownInput
type will create a select field with a specified list of values. This is meant to be used for selecting one value from a configured list of valid values, especially a long list of values. Below are the supported SHACL constraints.
Constraint | Description |
Expected to be set to |
Expected to be set to a list of the acceptable values for the property which will become separate options in the form. |
May be set to 0 or more. If set to 1 and |
May be set to 1 or more. If set to 1 and |
An example sh:PropertyShape
for this input type is shown below.
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
@prefix wf: <https://mobi.solutions/ontologies/form#> .
@prefix : <http://mobi.solutions/example#> .
:ExamplePropertyShape a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path :exampleProperty ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:in ("Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Watermelon", "Mango", "Grape", "Cherry", "Raspberry", "Blackberry", "Blueberry", "Peach", "Pear", "Kiwi", "Strawberry", "Cantaloupe", "Apricot", "Plum") ;
wf:usesFormField wf:DropdownInput .
The wf:AutocompleteInput
type will create a Material Design autocomplete field. This is meant to be used for selecting one value from a variable list of valid values that is dynamically retrieved from the system repository. Below are the supported SHACL constraints.
Constraint | Description |
May be set to |
May be set to a static list of options for the autocomplete field. Should not be set if the |
May be set to the IRI of the type of instances to fetch from the system repository. The IRIs of the instances will be returned as options for the autocomplete field along with display names. Should not be set if the |
May be set to a SPARQL query that will filter out any instances that are not valid options for the autocomplete. The |
May be set to 0 or more. If set to 1 and |
May be set to 1 or more. If set to 1 and |
An example sh:PropertyShape
for this input type is shown below.
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#> .
@prefix mcat: <http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#> .
@prefix wf: <https://mobi.solutions/ontologies/form#> .
@prefix : <http://mobi.solutions/example#> .
:ExamplePropertyShape a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path :exampleProperty ;
sh:class mcat:MergeRequest ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:sparql [
a sh:SPARQLConstraint ;
sh:prefixes dct: ;
sh:select """
SELECT $this ?value
$this $PATH ?value .
?value dct:title ?title .
FILTER(STRSTARTS(LCASE(?title), "draft"))
] ;
wf:usesFormField wf:DropdownInput .
Appendix D: AVM Security Policies
AVM utilizes XACML standards to support Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC). See the ABAC section for more detail.
Attribute-Based Access Control
Attribute-Based Access Control is an alternative to the traditional Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) - an authorization model where users are permitted to access resources based on the roles assigned to the user. As the name implies, ABAC evaluates a combination of Attributes to determine the user’s access permissions.
The base Attributes in AVM’s ABAC model are:
Subject: The subject is the user requesting access to a resource in order to perform an action. These are typically gathered from a token or an existing database/HR system.
Resource: The resource is an object or asset (e.g., files, records, metadata, application, etc.) that the user wants to access. Resource attributes in AVM are typically the IRIs of object.
Action: The action is what the user wants to do with the resource. The typical actions in AVM are "Create", "Read", "Update", "Delete", and "Modify".
Attribute-Based Access Control Workflow
As an example, a policy in AVM may state "Only users who have the admin role may view Ontology Record 1." When a request is made, AVM’s XACML Engine (discussed below) will evaluate the request and grant view permission if the request has the following attributes:
Subject is the IRI of the User making the request
Action is the "Read" action
Resource is the IRI of Ontology Record 1
eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) is an XML based language that enables security policy definitions and request evaluation to determine if a user has access to given resource. It is composed of the following components:
Policy Decision Point (PDP): Evaluates requests against authorization policies before issuing access decisions
Policy Enforcement Point (PEP): Intercepts user’s access request to a resource, makes a decision request to the PDP to obtain the access decision (i.e. access to the resource is approved or rejected), and acts on the received decision
Policy Information Point (PIP): The system entity that acts as a source of attribute values (i.e. a resource, subject, environment)
Policy Retrieval Point (PRP): Point where the XACML access authorization policies are stored, typically a database or the filesystem.

The XACML specification supports both Attribute-Based Access Control and Role-Based Access Control. AVM’s implementation of XACML only supports ABAC. Requests made to the PEP are evaluated in the PDP and return whether a user can access a Resource based on the ABAC schema defined above.
AVM’s XACML definitions are structured using combinations of the following top level elements:
Policy: contains a set of Rule elements and a specified procedure for combining the results of their evaluation. It is the basic unit of the policy used by the PDP, and so it is intended to form the basis of an authorization decision
Rule: contains a Boolean expression that can be evaluated in isolation, but that is not intended to be accessed in isolation by a PDP. A Rule can be comprised of the following sub-elements:
Target: defines the set of requests to which the rule is intended to apply in the form of a logical expression on attributes in the request.
Effect: indicates the rule-writer’s intended consequence of a "True" evaluation for the rule. Two values are allowed: "Permit" and "Deny".
Condition: represents a Boolean expression that refines the applicability of the rule beyond the predicates implied by its target. Therefore, it may be absent.
Obligation Expressions: An operation specified in a rule, policy or policy set that should be performed by the PEP in conjunction with the enforcement of an authorization decision. These are currently unused in AVM policies.
Advice Expressions: A supplementary piece of information in a policy or policy set which is provided to the PEP with the decision of the PDP. These are currently unused in AVM policies.
XACML Example
Here is an example policy that is used in AVM to control what users may create an Ontology Record:
<Policy xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17" PolicyId="http://mobi.com/policies/ontology-creation" RuleCombiningAlgId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:rule-combining-algorithm:deny-unless-permit" Version="1.0">
<Description>Who can create an OntologyRecord in the Local Catalog?</Description>
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">http://mobi.com/catalog-local</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id" Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:attribute-category:resource" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">http://mobi.com/ontologies/policy#Create</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id" Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:attribute-category:action" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">http://mobi.com/ontologies/ontology-editor#OntologyRecord</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator AttributeId="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type" Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:attribute-category:action" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
<Rule RuleId="urn:createOntologyRecord" Effect="Permit">
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">http://mobi.com/roles/user</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator AttributeId="http://mobi.com/ontologies/user/management#hasUserRole" Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
<Rule RuleId="urn:createOntologyRecordAdmin" Effect="Permit">
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">admin</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject" AttributeId="http://mobi.com/ontologies/user/management#username" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
The Target
of this policy matches requests where:
The Resource is the AVM Catalog
The Action is Create
The Action Attribute for the RDF Type is an Ontology Record
Any request that have these 3 criteria are evaluated against the rule section. If either rule resolves to be True, then the request’s response is a Permit
as defined in the Effect
field in each Rule
The first Rule
states that the user making the request must be a user in AVM:
) ofuser
The second Rule
states that the user must be the admin
) must equaladmin
These match operator is defined by the MatchId
field of the Match
element. Most AVM policies use the basic equals
operator urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal
. See the XACML Functions section of the specification to see other possible operations.
XACML Workflow
Let’s modify our previous example to only allow the admin
user to create Ontology Records by deleting the Rule
with the hasUserRole
section. Our new modified policy now looks like this:
<Policy xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17" PolicyId="http://mobi.com/policies/ontology-creation" RuleCombiningAlgId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:rule-combining-algorithm:deny-unless-permit" Version="1.0">
<Description>Who can create an OntologyRecord in the Local Catalog?</Description>
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">http://mobi.com/catalog-local</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id" Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:attribute-category:resource" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">http://mobi.com/ontologies/policy#Create</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id" Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:attribute-category:action" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">http://mobi.com/ontologies/ontology-editor#OntologyRecord</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator AttributeId="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type" Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:attribute-category:action" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
<Rule RuleId="urn:createOntologyRecordAdmin" Effect="Permit">
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">admin</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject" AttributeId="http://mobi.com/ontologies/user/management#username" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
The following request is for a user that is not the admin user and is attempting to create an Ontology Record:
Resource is
Action is
Action Attribute for Type is
Subject is user with username
Let’s now go through the typical XACML workflow from request to evaluation to response.
A REST request is made to a AVM endpoint where the request is intercepted by the Policy Enforcement Point
Relevant user information is extracted from the request
Action and Resource information is extracted from the targeted endpoint
These are defined by Java Annotations on the endpoints in the AVM source code.
A XACML request is generated from the data extracted from the REST request.
The XACML request is then passed along to the Policy Decision Point
The Policy Decision Point reaches out to the Policy Information Point and Policy Retrieval Point to retrieve additional attributes and relevant policies to evaluate against.
The Policy Decision Point evaluates the request against any relevant policies. In this case it is our policy listed above.
The Policy Decision Point sees that the User making the request is
and notadmin
. Using a deny unless permit model the Policy Decision Point returnsDeny
as the response to the request. -
The Policy Enforcement Point propagates this
out, never actually entering the code for the REST request, and returns a 401 Unauthorized error to the system making the REST request.
AVM Policies
AVM System Policies
AVM stores default system policies in the ${karaf.etc}/policies/systemPolicies
directory. Custom XACML system policies should be added to this directory. On initial startup these policies are loaded into the Repository and Virtual Filesystem.
Any edits made to these policies after initial system startup will not be applied unless a mobi:reload-system-policy command is run from the Karaf terminal.
Reload System Policy Command
A helper utility exists in the Karaf terminal for reloading manually edited system policies. The command take a path to a system policy.
System policy file names must be a URI Encoding of the Policy IRI. |
karaf@avm()> mobi:reload-system-policy --help
Reloads a system policy in AVM
mobi:reload-system-policy [PolicyFilePath]
The path to the system policy file
This command will replace existing system policies with the policy file provided as an argument
AVM Policy Templates
AVM makes use of policy templates for generating default policies for different Record Types. There are two main record policy template types:
Record Policy: A policy for managing the READ/DELETE/MODIFY permissions of a Record
Policy Policy: A policy for managing the Record Policy and adjusting who can edit the permissions of a Record Policy
Unlike System Policies, these policies do not need to be reloaded after editing. They are picked up by the AVM Record Services when a user creates a new Record. |
The following policy templates can be found in the ${karaf.etc}/policies/policyTemplates
directory with their system defaults:
datasetRecordPolicy.xml: Default policy template for Dataset Records
Read Permissions: Any user with the User role
Delete Permissions: The user who created the Record
Update/Manage Permissions: The user who created the Record
Modify Permissions: Any user with the User role
mappingRecordPolicy.xml: Default policy template for Mapping Records
Read Permissions: Any user with the User role
Delete Permissions: Any user with the User role
Update/Manage Permissions: The user who created the Record
Modify Permissions: Any user with the User role
Modify Master Branch: Any user with the User role
recordPolicy.xml: Default policy template for Versioned RDF Records (Ontology Records and Shapes Graph Records)
Read Permissions: Any user with the User role
Delete Permissions: The user who created the Record
Update/Manage Permissions: The user who created the Record
Modify Permissions: Any user with the User role
Modify Master Branch: The user who created the Record
policyPolicy.xml: The default policy template for managing access control for a Record. This policy is tied to each type of Record and is associated with the Update Permission for the Record. If the User has the Update Permission, then they can also change who else can Read/Delete/Manage/Modify a given Record.
Read Permissions: The user who created the Record
Update/Manage Permissions: The user who created the Record
These default policy templates for Records can be manually adjusted in the filesystem to reflect any organization specific need for access control for Records. The templates use a few tokens to do string replacement on when processed by the AVM Record Services on creation. These tokens are:
: The IRI of the created Record -
: The IRI of the User creating the Record -
: The IRI of the Record Policy - this is used by the policyPolicy.xml for managing who can adjust permissions for a given Record -
: The IRI of the Master branch if it is a Versioned RDF Record
The most common patterns utilized within the rules of the policy templates are described below. Pay close attention to the values on the AttributeDesignator
element as they will change for each case.
Allow "Everyone"
To allow any authenticated user within AVM to execute an action, the Target
of the Rule
should include a Match
block that looks like this.
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">http://mobi.com/roles/user</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator AttributeId="http://mobi.com/ontologies/user/management#hasUserRole" Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
Allow "Creator" or Specific User
To allow only the creator of the Record to execute an action, the Target
of the Rule
should include a Match
block that looks like this.
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">%USERIRI%</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id" Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
If you want to hardcode a specific User, change the %USERIRI%
to that user’s IRI.
Allow Specific Group
To allow only users in a specific group to execute an action, the Target
of the Rule
should include a Match
block that looks like this with substituting %GROUPIRI%
for the IRI of the Group in question (%GROUPIRI%
is not a recognizing substitution within the platform).
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">%GROUPIRI%</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject" AttributeId="http://mobi.com/policy/prop-path(%5E%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fxmlns.com%2Ffoaf%2F0.1%2Fmember%3E)" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
Allow admin Users
To allow only all admin users to execute an action, the Target
of the Rule
should include a Match
block that looks like this.
<Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
<AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">admin</AttributeValue>
<AttributeDesignator Category="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject-category:access-subject" AttributeId="http://mobi.com/ontologies/user/management#username" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string" MustBePresent="true"/>
Appendix E: Workflows
AVM supports the automation of actions and activities within the platform using an extensible framework called Workflows. Workflows are defined using a simple RDF schema and managed via the AVM Catalog via Versioned RDF Records. The framework is built to support different underlying software, or Workflow Engines, to run the actual Workflows while keeping the RDF definition agnostic of the chosen engine.
A Workflow is made up of a central set of configurations, an optional trigger to initiate the workflow without manual interaction, and a set of actions to be executed. This appendix will describe the RDF structure of a Workflow and the "out-of-the-box" supported functionality as well as how to extend the framework with additional types of triggers and actions.
Workflow RDF Definition
All workflows managed by the system must follow the same general structure that is validated via SHACL constraints. All extended types of actions and triggers comes with their own SHACL definitions to ensure compliance as well.
The following prefixes will be used in the rest of this appendix. All RDF examples will be provided in either Turtle or JSON-LD format:
Prefix | Namespace |
http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl# |
http://www.w3.org/ns/prov# |
http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# |
http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl# |
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# |
http://mobi.com/ontologies/user/management# |
http://mobi.com/ontologies/documents# |
http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows# |
https://mobi.solutions/ontologies/form# |
A complete example of a compliant Workflow RDF definition is shown below.
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>.
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>.
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>.
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#>.
@prefix w: <http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#>.
@prefix : <http://avm.inovexcorp.com/test#>.
@base <http://avm.inovexcorp.com/test>.
:WorkflowA a w:Workflow ;
w:hasAction :TestActionA .
:TestActionA a w:TestAction, w:Action ;
w:testMessage "This is a test." .
Every Workflow RDF definition must have exactly one w:Workflow
object with a unique subject IRI. This object is used to hold top level metadata about the Workflow’s execution as well as links to the optional w:Trigger
used to initiate executions and the list of w:Action
definitions to conduct when the Workflow executes. It can have a max of 1 value for w:hasTrigger
and must have a minimum of one value for w:hasAction
Instances of w:Trigger
specify configuration details for how an execution of the Workflow can be initiated by the system outside of manual user interaction. If a workflow execution should be initiated based off an event occurring elsewhere in the platform, there is a specific subtype of w:Trigger
called w:EventTrigger
which provides additional functionality in the Java OSGi services side. This is one of the areas of extensibility of the framework where custom subtypes of w:Trigger
can be loaded into the platform and made available to the core framework.
It is required that each w:Trigger instance be defined with all super types as well.
The "out of the box" supported w:Trigger
types are described below.
Trigger Type | Description | Fields |
Enables triggering of a Workflow on a scheduled basis based on a configured cron expression. |
Enables triggering of a Workflow when a Commit is made on a configured Branch on a configured Versioned RDF Record. Subtype of |
Instances of w:Action
describe what a Workflow should do when it is executed. These are sequentially executed. Logs are stored from the execution of each individual action in addition to the overall workflow logs. This is one of the areas of extensibility of the framework where custom subtypes of w:Action
can be loaded into the platform and made available to the core framework. The exact implementation of each of these Actions is dependant on the chosen underlying Workflow Engine.
It is required that each w:Action instance be defined with all super types as well.
The "out of the box" supported w:Action
types are described below.
More Action types are coming soon! |
Action Type | Description | Fields |
Outputs a static log message to the workflow execution logs. Meant for testing Workflow executions. |
Executes an HTTP Request and outputs the response to the workflow execution logs. |
Creating and Using Workflows
Complete management and execution of Workflows can be accomplished through AVM’s extensive REST API suite. Common flows when maintaining Workflows are described below. The described REST requests can be performed via a REST API client like Postman or using the provided Accessing Swagger REST API Documentation from the installation. If you are using a separate software like Postman, be sure to authenticate either using Basic Auth or the dedicated POST $AVM_HOST/mobirest/session
endpoint, passing the username
and password
as query parameters.
Create a Workflow
To create a workflow, follow the steps below.
Create a file containing the RDF definition of your Workflow. An example file is shown below.
workflow.ttl@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>. @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>. @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>. @prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#>. @prefix w: <http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#>. @prefix : <http://avm.inovexcorp.com/test#>. @base <http://avm.inovexcorp.com/test>. :WorkflowA a w:Workflow ; w:hasAction :TestActionA . :TestActionA a w:TestAction, w:Action ; w:testMessage "This is a test." .
Send a POST REST request to
with the following form data contents. The response from this endpoint will include the IRI of the newly created Workflow Record, which will the unique identifier for your Workflow needed for any further requests.Parameter Description file
The required binary RDF file containing your workflow definition
The required title for the Workflow Record you are creating
An optional description for the Workflow Record you are creating
An optional markdown overview of the Workflow Record you are creating
An optional list of keywords to associate with the Workflow Record you are creating
Once created, the Workflow Record will appear in the Catalog UI in the application so record metadata and permissions can be adjusted from there.
Activate/Deactivate a Workflow
When a Workflow Record is first created, it is inactive to start, meaning that even manually initiating an execution will not succeed. This is done to ensure that all required edits to the Workflow can be performed without fear of it executing before the changes are complete. To activate a Workflow and enable it to run, you will need to update the Workflow Record metadata following the steps below.
Send a GET REST request to
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of the target Workflow Record. This will return the full JSON-LD of your Workflow’s metadata, which should look like below.Example Workflow Record JSON-LD[ { "@id": "https://mobi.com/records#19ee2b35-aa29-4a86-a0b1-892633b1d0bc", "@type": [ "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#WorkflowRecord", "http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#VersionedRecord", "http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#VersionedRDFRecord", "http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#Record" ], "http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#branch": [ { "@id": "https://mobi.com/branches#19b8cc92-00a9-4594-b759-8565d2f0537a" } ], "http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#catalog": [ { "@id": "http://mobi.com/catalog-local" } ], "http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#masterBranch": [ { "@id": "https://mobi.com/branches#19b8cc92-00a9-4594-b759-8565d2f0537a" } ], "http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#active": [ { "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean", "@value": "true" } ], "http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#latestActivity": [ { "@id": "http://mobi.com/activities/2001f136-5a37-47f2-95b0-ec3f083d634a" } ], "http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#workflowIRI": [ { "@id": "http://test.com/workflows-example#WorkflowB" } ], "http://purl.org/dc/terms/issued": [ { "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "@value": "2023-09-15T08:55:30.954519-04:00" } ], "http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified": [ { "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "@value": "2023-09-15T08:57:28.801002-04:00" } ], "http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher": [ { "@id": "http://mobi.com/users/d033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997" } ], "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title": [ { "@value": "Workflow B" } ] } ]
Copy the returned JSON-LD. Send a PUT REST request to
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of the target Workflow Record. The paste the Record JSON-LD into the body of the request and change the@value
value ofhttp://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#active
to the desired activation state (true
for active andfalse
for inactive).
Update a Workflow Definition
Workflows are managed by Workflow Records, which are types of Versioned RDF Records. This means that all changes to the definition of the Workflow must go through the standard graph-versioning flow in order for the changes to be recognized by the system. Thus, to update the definition of a Workflow, you will need to first create an In Progress Commit with the changes and then commit those changes to the MASTER branch. This can be done by either uploading a new version of the workflow as a file or manually creating an in progress commit with the added and deleted triples. Regardless of which option you choose, you will need to follow steps similar to those below.
Make a GET REST request to
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of the target Workflow Record. This will return the full JSON-LD of the MASTER Branch of the Workflow Record. We will need both the IRI of the Branch and the IRI of the head Commit for the subsequent requests. An example response is shown below.{ "@id": "https://mobi.com/branches#19b8cc92-00a9-4594-b759-8565d2f0537a", "@type": [ "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#Branch" ], "http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#head": [ { "@id": "https://mobi.com/commits#d78190647e4e9b2e8555c036349fbf8928417c50" } ], "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description": [ { "@value": "The master branch." } ], "http://purl.org/dc/terms/issued": [ { "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "@value": "2023-09-15T08:55:30.955812-04:00" } ], "http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified": [ { "@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "@value": "2023-09-15T08:55:31.003336-04:00" } ], "http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher": [ { "@id": "http://mobi.com/users/d033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997" } ], "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title": [ { "@value": "MASTER" } ] }
Make a GET REST request to
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of the head Commit retrieved from the last call. This will return the compiled RDF of the latest/current version of the Workflow definition. An example response is below.[ { "@id": "http://test.com/workflows-example#WorkflowB", "@type": [ "http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#Workflow" ], "http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#hasAction": [ { "@id": "http://test.com/workflows-example#WorkflowBAction" } ] }, { "@id": "http://test.com/workflows-example#WorkflowBAction", "@type": [ "http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#Action", "http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#TestAction" ], "http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#testMessage": [ { "@value": "This is a test from Workflow B" } ] } ]
Here you can either manually update the In Progress Commit with the added and deleted statements or upload a new version of the workflow.
To manually update the In Progress Commit, make a PUT REST request to
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of the target Workflow Record with the following form data contents. If successful, the endpoint will return an empty 200 response.Parameter Description additions
The new desired Workflow definition in JSON-LD RDF format
The contents of the previous compiled resource call with the full JSON-LD of the current Workflow RDF definition
To upload a new version of the workflow, make a PUT REST request to
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of the target Workflow Record with the following form data contents. If successful, the endpoint will return an empty 200 response. If the Workflow definition is invalid, the endpoint will return a 400 response with the Turtle serialization of the SHACL validation report in the body.Parameter Description file
The file with the new version of the Workflow definition.
Make a POST REST request to
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of the target Workflow Record andENCODED_BRANCH_IRI
is replaced the URL encoded version of the IRI of the MASTER Branch of the Workflow Record. This will commit the changes you created/uploaded in the previous call to the system and update the associated trigger service if appropriate. The response from this endpoint will be the IRI of the newly created Commit.
Manually Initiate a Workflow Execution
Workflows can be configured with automated triggers that will initiate executions, but a Workflow can always be triggered manually following the steps below.
Send a POST REST request to
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of the target Workflow Record. This will initiate an execution of the target Workflow in an asynchronous process and provide the IRI of the generatedw:WorkflowExecutionActivity
in the response to be used in subsequent calls to fetch the status and logs.
Retrieving Workflow Provenance and Logs
As Workflows are executed, provenance is tracked for each execution along with logs with more details about the complete workflow execution and each individual action. The RDF structure of this data can be summarized in the image below, with the key classes described underneath.

- Every execution of a Workflow is tracked with an instance of this class. They will have properties for the start/end time, the IRI of the User who initiated the execution, a boolean indicating the success of the execution, a relationship to thevfs:BinaryFile
for the log file generated by the execution, and a relationship back to the Workflow Record in question. -
- Used to represent a file stored on a file system that the platform has access to. -
- Represents an individual execution of a singlew:Action
within a Workflow. They will have properties for the start/end time, a boolean indicating the success of the action, a relationship to thew:Action
that was executed, and a relationship to thevfs:BinaryFile
for the log file generated by the individualw:Action
This can all be retrieved via various REST endpoints provided by the platform. Common scenarios are described below with the appropriate REST endpoints.
Retrieve Workflow Activity
Send a GET REST request to $AVM_HOST/mobirest/workflows/ENCODED_RECORD_IRI/executions/ACTIVITY_ID
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of the target Workflow Record and ACTIVITY_ID
is either replaced by latest
, to get the latest execution details, or the URL encoded version of the IRI of a specific w:WorkflowExecutionActivity
. The response will be the full JSON-LD of the w:WorkflowExecutionActivity
requested. An example response is shown below.
"@id": "http://mobi.com/activities/2001f136-5a37-47f2-95b0-ec3f083d634a",
"@type": [
"http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#logs": [
"@id": "https://mobi.solutions/workflows/log-files/agent_98d3918e09cf5791eee7ad55c6ac67cadbab484e.20230915.14:42:49.158.cbfd8c5c.log"
"http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#succeeded": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean",
"@value": "true"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#endedAtTime": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T14:42:59.176399-04:00"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#startedAtTime": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T14:42:48.974369-04:00"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#used": [
"@id": "https://mobi.com/records#19ee2b35-aa29-4a86-a0b1-892633b1d0bc"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasAssociatedWith": [
"@id": "http://mobi.com/users/d033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997"
Retrieve All Workflow Activities
Send a GET REST request to $AVM_HOST/mobirest/provenance
and provide the URL encoded version of the IRI of the target Workflow Record as the value of the entity
query parameters. The response will be a JSON object containing a key called activities
, which will include a sorted array of all the provenance activities about the target Workflow Record, including all w:WorkflowExecutionActivity
and the initial creation activity. An example response is shown below.
"activities": [
"@id": "http://mobi.com/activities/2001f136-5a37-47f2-95b0-ec3f083d634a",
"@type": [
"http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#logs": [
"@id": "https://mobi.solutions/workflows/log-files/agent_98d3918e09cf5791eee7ad55c6ac67cadbab484e.20230915.14:42:49.158.cbfd8c5c.log"
"http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#succeeded": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean",
"@value": "true"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#endedAtTime": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T14:42:59.176399-04:00"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#startedAtTime": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T14:42:48.974369-04:00"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#used": [
"@id": "https://mobi.com/records#19ee2b35-aa29-4a86-a0b1-892633b1d0bc"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasAssociatedWith": [
"@id": "http://mobi.com/users/d033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997"
"@id": "http://mobi.com/activities/86c8db82-066d-4531-8526-2f6c39556567",
"@type": [
"http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#logs": [
"@id": "https://mobi.solutions/workflows/log-files/agent_98d3918e09cf5791eee7ad55c6ac67cadbab484e.20230915.13:19:53.994.67ebcf55.log"
"http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#succeeded": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean",
"@value": "true"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#endedAtTime": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T09:20:04.09355-04:00"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#startedAtTime": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T09:19:53.86763-04:00"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#used": [
"@id": "https://mobi.com/records#19ee2b35-aa29-4a86-a0b1-892633b1d0bc"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasAssociatedWith": [
"@id": "http://mobi.com/users/d033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997"
"@id": "http://mobi.com/activities/f2df2cde-7eec-4fb7-aa22-4e4ec6cabfd8",
"@type": [
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#atLocation": [
"@value": "9832af45-7488-3b7c-928e-0618de48a3e3"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#endedAtTime": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T08:55:31.854546-04:00"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#generated": [
"@id": "https://mobi.com/records#19ee2b35-aa29-4a86-a0b1-892633b1d0bc"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#startedAtTime": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T08:55:30.942226-04:00"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#wasAssociatedWith": [
"@id": "http://mobi.com/users/d033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997"
"entities": [
"@id": "https://mobi.com/records#19ee2b35-aa29-4a86-a0b1-892633b1d0bc",
"@type": [
"http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#branch": [
"@id": "https://mobi.com/branches#19b8cc92-00a9-4594-b759-8565d2f0537a"
"http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#catalog": [
"@id": "http://mobi.com/catalog-local"
"http://mobi.com/ontologies/catalog#masterBranch": [
"@id": "https://mobi.com/branches#19b8cc92-00a9-4594-b759-8565d2f0537a"
"http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#active": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean",
"@value": "true"
"http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#latestActivity": [
"@id": "http://mobi.com/activities/2001f136-5a37-47f2-95b0-ec3f083d634a"
"http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#workflowIRI": [
"@id": "http://test.com/workflows-example#WorkflowB"
"http://purl.org/dc/terms/issued": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T08:55:30.954519-04:00"
"http://purl.org/dc/terms/modified": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T08:57:28.801002-04:00"
"http://purl.org/dc/terms/publisher": [
"@id": "http://mobi.com/users/d033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997"
"http://purl.org/dc/terms/title": [
"@value": "Workflow B"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#atLocation": [
"@value": "system"
"http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#generatedAtTime": [
"@type": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime",
"@value": "2023-09-15T08:55:31.853903-04:00"
Retrieve Specific Workflow Activity Logs
Send a GET REST request to $AVM_HOST/mobirest/workflows/ENCODED_RECORD_IRI/executions/ENCODED_ACTIVITY_IRI/logs
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of the target Workflow Record and ENCODED_ACTIVITY_IRI
is replaced by the URL encoded version of the IRI of a specific w:WorkflowExecutionActivity
. The response will be a preview of the plain text contents of the logs file generated by the overall Workflow execution in question. An example response is shown below.
2023/09/15 14:42:49 server is running at "/tmp/@dagu-98d3918e09cf5791eee7ad55c6ac67cadbab484e-4c93e3159bb697634261e271087fbeb1.sock"
2023/09/15 14:42:49 start running: http://test.com/workflows-example#WorkflowBAction
2023/09/15 14:42:49 http://test.com/workflows-example#WorkflowBAction finished
2023/09/15 14:42:49 schedule finished.
2023/09/15 14:42:49
Summary ->
| cbfd8c5c-56e3-4861-aefc-f3b833336322 | 98d3918e09cf5791eee7ad55c6ac67cadbab484e | 2023-09-15 14:42:49 | 2023-09-15 14:42:49 | finished | "https://localhost:8443" "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9tb2JpLmNvbVwvIiwic3ViIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJleHAiOjE2OTQ4ODk3NjksInNjb3BlIjoic2VsZiBcLyoifQ.aEpjpZZMW5mucXQSQ35fU7_aVxj5_yj-hU_fH7mbFZQ" | |
Details ->
| 1 | http://test.com/workflows-example#WorkflowBAction | 2023-09-15 14:42:49 | 2023-09-15 14:42:49 | finished | echo This is a test from Workflow B | |
Extending Workflows
The Workflows feature is designed to be extensible, in that customers and third parties can develop their own types of triggers and actions specific to their enterprise needs. This can be accomplished with only some RDF and a few code changes, but does require a coding background.
Trigger/Action RDF Definition
In order to introduce a new w:Trigger
or w:Action
to AVM, a developer must create an RDF representation of the Trigger/Action they want to add. The Workflows framework uses SHACL to define constraints on the attributes of the new Triggers/Actions and to describe how these attributes should be set in the UI.
A UI module for creating and maintaining Workflows is coming soon! |
A full example of a w:Trigger
and w:Action
definition is shown below.
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>.
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>.
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>.
@prefix sh: <http://www.w3.org/ns/shacl#>.
@prefix w: <http://mobi.solutions/ontologies/workflows#>.
@prefix wf: <https://mobi.solutions/ontologies/form#>.
@prefix : <http://avm.inovexcorp.com/example/extension#>.
@base <http://avm.inovexcorp.com/example/extension>.
:NewTrigger a owl:Class, sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf w:Trigger ;
rdfs:label "New Trigger"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A specification for a new type of Trigger."@en ;
sh:property :newTriggerPropertyShape .
:newTriggerPropertyShape a sh:PropertyShape ;
wf:usesFormField wf:TextInput ;
sh:path :newTriggerAttribute ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:maxCount 1 .
:newTriggerAttribute a owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty ;
rdfs:label "new trigger attribute"@en ;
rdfs:comment "An attribute for a new trigger type."@en ;
rdfs:domain :NewTrigger ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
:NewAction a owl:Class, sh:NodeShape, rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf w:Action ;
rdfs:label "New Action"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A new extended action."@en ;
sh:property :newActionPropertyShape.
:newActionPropertyShape a sh:PropertyShape ;
wf:usesFormField wf:TextInput ;
sh:path :newActionAttribute ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:maxCount 1 .
:newActionAttribute a owl:DatatypeProperty, owl:FunctionalProperty ;
rdfs:label "new action attribute"@en ;
rdfs:comment "An attribute for the new action."@en ;
rdfs:domain :NewAction ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
Every new
definition must also be defined as ash:NodeShape
and ardfs:Class
and meet the requirements of the NodeShape referenced in the SHACL Web Forms Framework -
Every new
must have ardfs:subClassOf
predicate with the appropriate parent type -
Any configurable properties desired for the new
must be defined as newowl:DatatypeProperty
instances -
Every new
must have associated SHACL Property Shapes defined that describe any desired constraints on the values of the configurable properties and meet the requirements of the PropertyShapes referenced in the SHACL Web Forms Framework-
Must have a
of one of the configurable properties of the neww:Trigger
Adding Custom Triggers/Actions
In order to load a new Trigger or Action into AVM, there are four steps:
Create RDF to model the new Trigger/Action inside of a new OSGi bundle.
Generate Java classes from the Trigger/Action RDF using the AVM
. -
For new Triggers, develop
implementations. For new Actions, develop anActionHandler
implementation. -
Deploy your OSGi bundle to the platform.
Create Workflow Extension Bundle with RDF
Make sure your development environment matches the requirements in the Developer Guide. Create a Maven project somewhere on your system.
Include RDF file containing your new Trigger/Action definition in the
directory of your project. -
Adapt the
of your Maven project to look like the contents below. Each change is called out with explanations.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <!-- Replace this with your desired group ID, artifact ID, and version numbers --> <groupId>my.plugin</groupId> <artifactId>root</artifactId> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <name>my.plugin</name> <!-- Select the Maven bundle plug-in, maven-bundle-plugin, to perform packaging for this project. This setting on its own, however, has no effect until you explicitly add the bundle plug-in to your POM. --> <packaging>bundle</packaging> <!-- Sets the full bundle name--> <name>${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}</name> <!-- These properties are utilized to set defaults and centralize dependency versions --> <properties> <!-- Declares UTF-8 as the default encoding --> <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding> <!-- Sets a timestamp format for the builds (this will be important for your bundle versions) --> <maven.build.timestamp.format>yyyyMMddHHmm</maven.build.timestamp.format> <!-- Set the default versions for the plugin you will be using to generate bundles and important dependencies --> <maven-bundle-plugin.version>5.1.4</maven-bundle-plugin.version> <osgi-service-jaxrs.version>1.0.0</osgi-service-jaxrs.version> <osgi-service-cm.version>1.6.1</osgi-service-cm.version> <osgi-service-component>1.5.0</osgi-service-component> <osgi-component-annotations.version>1.5.0</osgi-component-annotations.version> <osgi-metatype-annotations.version>1.4.1</osgi-metatype-annotations.version> <osgi-versioning.version>1.1.2</osgi-versioning.version> <osgi.version>8.0.0</osgi.version> <rdf4j.version>4.3.2</rdf4j.version> <!-- Replace this with the version of AVM you are deploying into. NOTE: Workflows are only supported from version 2.4 onwards --> <avm.version>3.1.0</avm.version> </properties> <!-- Establishes the dependencies for several libraries you will need to compile our code and complete the project --> <dependencies> <!-- These dependencies are needed for compiling the OSGi services --> <dependency> <groupId>com.mobi</groupId> <artifactId>rdf.orm</artifactId> <version>${avm.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.mobi</groupId> <artifactId>workflows.api</artifactId> <version>${avm.version}</version> </dependency> <!-- Include --> <!-- OSGi and other dependencies we'll need when defining the services --> <dependency> <groupId>org.osgi</groupId> <artifactId>osgi.core</artifactId> <version>${osgi.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.osgi</groupId> <artifactId>org.osgi.service.cm</artifactId> <version>${osgi-service-cm.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.osgi</groupId> <artifactId>org.osgi.service.component</artifactId> <version>${osgi-service-component}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.osgi</groupId> <artifactId>osgi.annotation</artifactId> <version>${osgi.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.osgi</groupId> <artifactId>org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations</artifactId> <version>${osgi-metatype-annotations.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.osgi</groupId> <artifactId>org.osgi.service.component.annotations</artifactId> <version>${osgi-component-annotations.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.osgi</groupId> <artifactId>org.osgi.annotation.versioning</artifactId> <version>${osgi-versioning.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.eclipse.rdf4j</groupId> <artifactId>rdf4j-model-api</artifactId> <version>${rdf4j.version}</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>com.github.jsonld-java</groupId> <artifactId>*</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> </dependencies> <!-- Defines some defaults for plugins you will be using for building the bundle --> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId> <version>${maven-bundle-plugin.version}</version> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <obrRepository>NONE</obrRepository> <!-- Instructs the plugin how to generate our MANIFEST.MF file for the OSGi bundle --> <instructions> <Bundle-SymbolicName>${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}</Bundle-SymbolicName> <Bundle-Name>My Plugin</Bundle-Name> <!-- Replace this with your desired bundle name --> <!-- Ensures the OSGi bundle version is our Maven project version --> <Bundle-Version>${project.version}</Bundle-Version> <Export-Package> <!-- Include this line if you are creating a new trigger --> com.mobi.workflows.api.trigger;provide:=true, <!-- Include this line if you are creating a new action --> com.mobi.workflows.api.action;provide:=true, </Export-Package> <_metatype>*</_metatype> <build>${maven.build.timestamp}</build> <!-- Substitutes the build timestamp for SNAPSHOT in the bundle version. Will be important for later steps --> <_snapshot>${maven.build.timestamp}</_snapshot> </instructions> </configuration> </plugin> <!-- Tells the Maven project to compile with the appropriate Java version --> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.8.0</version> <configuration> <release>17</release> </configuration> </plugin> <!-- This plugin is needed to generate the Java classes for your new Trigger/Action --> <plugin> <groupId>com.mobi.orm</groupId> <artifactId>rdf-orm-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${avm.version}</version> <executions> <execution> <id>generateOrmSources</id> <phase>generate-sources</phase> <goals> <goal>generate-orm</goal> </goals> <inherited>false</inherited> <configuration> <generates> <ontology> <ontologyFile>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/filename.ttl</ontologyFile> <!-- Replace this with your file name --> <outputPackage>my.plugin.workflows</outputPackage> <!-- Replace this with your desired output package name --> <ontologyName>MyOntologyName</ontologyName> <!-- Replace this with your desired name for the definitions in your file. Will be used as the top level class name --> </ontology> </generates> <references> <ontology> <ontologyFile>jar:http://nexus.inovexcorp.com/nexus/repository/public-maven-prod-group/com/mobi/rdf.orm.ontologies/${avm.version}/rdf.orm.ontologies-${avm.version}.jar!prov-o.ttl</ontologyFile> <outputPackage>com.mobi.ontologies.provo</outputPackage> </ontology> <ontology> <ontologyFile>jar:http://nexus.inovexcorp.com/nexus/repository/public-maven-prod-group/com/mobi/prov.api/${avm.version}/prov.api-${avm.version}.jar!mobi_prov.ttl</ontologyFile> <outputPackage>com.mobi.prov.api.ontologies.mobiprov</outputPackage> <ontologyName>MobiProv</ontologyName> </ontology> <ontology> <ontologyFile>jar:http://nexus.inovexcorp.com/nexus/repository/public-maven-prod-group/com/mobi/vfs/${avm.version}/vfs-${avm.version}.jar!mobi_documents.ttl</ontologyFile> <outputPackage>com.mobi.vfs.ontologies.documents</outputPackage> <ontologyName>Documents</ontologyName> </ontology> <ontology> <ontologyFile>jar:http://nexus.inovexcorp.com/nexus/repository/public-maven-prod-group/com/mobi/catalog.api/${avm.version}/catalog.api-${avm.version}.jar!mcat.ttl</ontologyFile> <outputPackage>com.mobi.catalog.api.ontologies.mcat</outputPackage> <ontologyName>MCAT</ontologyName> </ontology> <ontology> <ontologyFile>jar:http://nexus.inovexcorp.com/nexus/repository/public-maven-prod-group/com/mobi/workflows.api/${avm.version}/workflows.api-${avm.version}.jar!workflows.ttl</ontologyFile> <outputPackage>com.mobi.workflows.api.ontologies.workflows</outputPackage> <ontologyName>Workflows</ontologyName> </ontology> </references> <outputLocation>${project.basedir}/src/main/java</outputLocation> </configuration> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build> <!-- Repositories that your project will be pulling the AVM dependencies from --> <repositories> <repository> <id>inovex</id> <url>https://nexus.inovexcorp.com/nexus/content/repositories/public-maven-prod-group/</url> </repository> </repositories> <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>inovex</id> <url>https://nexus.inovexcorp.com/nexus/content/repositories/public-maven-prod-group/</url> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories> </project>
Create Workflow Extension Services
In the Maven project you created in the last section, you will need to implement different services depending on whether you are adding a Trigger or an Action. Each option is described in the sections below.
Trigger Extension Services
Create a class that implements the
generic interface and extends thecom.mobi.workflows.api.trigger.BaseTriggerHandler
generic abstract class.-
Include a static String field with your desired name for the service in the OSGi runtime. The class should look like this to start.
package my.plugin.trigger; import com.mobi.workflows.api.trigger.BaseTriggerHandler; import com.mobi.workflows.api.trigger.TriggerHandler; import my.plugin.workflows.NewTrigger; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; public class NewTriggerHandler extends BaseTriggerHandler<NewTrigger> implements TriggerHandler<NewTrigger> { static final String NAME = "my.plugin.trigger.NewTriggerHandler"; }
Add the following annotation to the class definition to instruct the runtime that this is an OSGi service.
@Component( immediate = true, name = NewTriggerHandler.NAME, service = { TriggerHandler.class, NewTriggerHandler.class })
Add a protected method to activate the service that calls a method from the abstract class.
@Activate protected void start() { startService(); }
Add an implementation of the
method from theBaseTriggerHandler
class that returns your service’s name.@Override protected void setPid() { this.pid = NewTriggerService.NAME; }
Add an implementation of the
method from theTriggerHandler
interface that returns the IRI of your Trigger definition.@Override public String getTypeIRI() { return NewTrigger.TYPE; }
Add an implementation of the
method from theTriggerHandler
interface that returns anInputStream
of the contents of the RDF file in the bundle. You should be able to just replace the name of the file in the code snippet below.@Override public InputStream getShaclDefinition() { return NewTriggerHandler.class.getResourceAsStream("/filename.ttl"); }
Add an implementation of the
method from theBaseTriggerHandler
class that retrieves the properties from the RDF definition of an instance of your new Trigger type and sets appropriate OSGi service properties on the provided map. An example is shown below, but the exact contents of this method depend on the logic required for your new Trigger.@Override protected void setConfigurationProperties(NewTrigger trigger, Map<String, Object> properties) { String attribute = trigger.getNewTriggerAttribute() .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("NewTrigger missing required newTriggerAttribute property")); properties.put("customProperty", attribute); }
Create a class that implements the
and extends either thecom.mobi.workflows.api.trigger.BaseTriggerService
or thecom.mobi.workflows.api.trigger.BaseEventTriggerService
depends on whether the new Trigger subclassesw:Trigger
respectively. If extending theBaseEventTriggerService
, be sure to implementorg.osgi.service.event.EventHandler
as well. The contents of this class will depend largely on how the new Trigger is meant to behave, but there are a few key changes that should be made.-
Include a static String field with your desired name for the service in the OSGi runtime. The class should look like this to start.
package my.plugin.trigger; import com.mobi.workflows.api.trigger.BaseTriggeService; import com.mobi.workflows.api.trigger.TriggerService; import my.plugin.workflows.NewTrigger; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.ConfigurationPolicy; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Modified; import org.osgi.service.event.Event; import org.osgi.service.event.EventConstants; import org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler; import java.util.Map; public class NewTriggerService extends BaseTriggerService<NewTrigger> implements TriggerService<NewTrigger> { static final String NAME = "my.plugin.trigger.NewTriggerService"; }
Add a protected method to activate the service and update on modification that calls a method from the abstract class and performs any other startup logic needed. including fetching the OSGi properties set by the new TriggerHandler implementation you created.
@Activate @Modified protected void start(Map<String, Object> properties) { startService(properties); this.attribute = vf.createIRI(properties.get("customProperty").toString()); }
Add the following annotation to the class definition to instruct the runtime that this is an OSGi service.
@Component( immediate = true, name = NewTriggerService.NAME, service = { TriggerService.class, NewTriggerService.class }, configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE)
If the new Trigger is a just a subclass of
, include any methods or logic needed by the new Trigger requirements, but utilize thetrigger
method from theBaseTriggerService
class to kick off the workflow. -
If the new Trigger is a subclass of
include the following changes as well.-
Include the
class in the list ofservice
classes in the@Component
annotation and include aproperty
with the name of the OSGi Event Topic you are subscribing to.@Component( immediate = true, name = NewTriggerService.NAME, service = { TriggerService.class, NewTriggerService.class, EventHandler.class }, property = EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC + "=TOPIC_NAME", configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE)
Add an implementation of the
method from theEventHandler
interface that will validate anything required in the event that is caught by your service and if everything is valid, calls thetrigger
method from theBaseTriggerService
class. An example is shown below, but the exact logic will depend on your new Trigger requirements.@Override public void handleEvent(Event event) { String someProperty = event.getProperty("someProperty").toString(); if (someProperty.equals(this.attribute)) { this.trigger(); } }
Action Extension Services
Creating a new Action depends on identifying how to conduct your desired’s Action within the chosen Workflow Engine framework. The following example assumes you are using the default Dagu-based Workflow Engine. Interaction with the AVM platform via Dagu is intended to be conducted via REST and there are several utility methods provided by the services to assist with that interact. Read through the Dagu documentation and the AVM REST API documentation to identify how to accomplish your desired tasks using Dagu steps before creating the extension service.
Create a class that implements the
generic interface. -
Include a static String field with your desired name for the service in the OSGi runtime. The class should look like this to start.
package my.plugin.action; import com.mobi.workflows.api.action.ActionHandler; import my.plugin.workflows.NewAction; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; public class NewActionHandler implements ActionHandler<NewAction> { static final String NAME = "my.plugin.action.NewActionHandler"; }
Add the following annotation to the class definition to instruct the runtime that this is an OSGi service.
@Component( immediate = true, name = NewActionHandler.NAME, service = { ActionHandler.class, NewActionHandler.class })
Add an implementation of the
method from theActionHandler
interface that returns the IRI of your Action definition.@Override public String getTypeIRI() { return NewAction.TYPE; }
Add an implementation of the
method from theActionHandler
interface that returns anInputStream
of the contents of the RDF file in the bundle. You should be able to just replace the name of the file in the code snippet below.@Override public InputStream getShaclDefinition() { return NewActionHandler.class.getResourceAsStream("/filename.ttl"); }
Add an implementation of the
method from theActionHandler
interface that returns acom.mobi.workflows.impl.dagu.actions.DaguActionDefinition
containing the Dagu step definitions that accomplish your desired Action behavior based on the provided instance of the new Action. TheDaguActionDefinition
class provides a a few utility methods to assist with creating the string definition. In general, it is recommended that each Dagu step name is associated with the IRI of the new Action instance itself in some manner. A simple example of acreateDefinition
method is shown below, but for more complex use cases, it’s usually easiest to create a template YAML file inside the bundle that gets read into the OSGi service and populated with the appropriate configurations.@Override public ActionDefinition createDefinition(NewAction action) { String attribute = action.getNewActionAttribute() .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("NewAction must have an attribute")); String step = "- name: " + action.getResource() + "\n" + " command: echo \"" + attribute + "\""; return new DaguActionDefinition(step); }
method will return a String containing Dagu step definitions that will validate that an environment variable set by a previous step has a value. The inputs are the environment variable name and the name of the parent step. -
method will return a String containing acurl
command that will hit a specific REST endpoint on the host AVM application. The inputs are a string containing any additional flags needed for thecurl
command and the REST endpoint path in question (i.e. the path for the endpoint after$AVM_HOST/mobirest/
Deploy OSGi Bundle
Once all the steps above are complete for the new Triggers/Actions being added to the platform, all that’s left is to build the OSGi bundle and deploy it to your AVM installation.
In the root of your Maven project, run
mvn clean install
to build the OSGi bundle. Be sure that the build succeeds. If the build succeeds, your OSGI bundle for has now been created within thetarget
directory of the bundle and has been installed in your local maven repository. -
To deploy the bundle to your AVM installation, you can copy the
file generated in your project’starget
directory into the$AVM_HOME/deploy
directory of your running installation. -
Validate that the bundle was installed and activated properly by opening the AVM Karaf Client with
for Unix (orbin\client.bat
for Windows) and then runningbundle:list
. You should see your bundle’s Name listed with the version you specified in thepom.xml
and a state of "Active".
Now that your bundle is active and your extension services are running, the platform can execute and manage any Workflows defined that utilize the newly defined Triggers/Actions provided in the bundle!
Appendix F: Publish Framework Examples
AVM comes with an extensible framework for publishing versioned RDF managed by records (including ontologies, vocabularies, and shapes graphs). This framework is built on top of the SHACL Web Forms Framework and utilizes the SHACL definitions to validate publish requests. AVM comes with two publish services configured to publish an ontology/vocabulary to an Anzo model or Anzo dataset.
The publish framework has a generic POST $AVM_HOST/mobirest/publish
endpoint as the entrypoint for all publish activities. The body of a request to the endpoint should be a JSON-LD serialization of a collection of RDF that defines the inputs for the publish as defined by the publish service configuration.
Core Publish Definitions
At the core of the Publish Framework is a collection of classes and properties defining the extension points for a new integration. A diagram of these definitions is shown below.

A pub:PublishService
represents the capability of the platform to push data from Mobi to a certain type of external system with a human readable name and how many concurrent publishes can be made with the specific service. The instances of this class are what populate the dropdown in the Publish Configuration modal in the UI (see Publish). The pub:PublishConfig
class represents an individual request to publish a Versioned RDF Record to an external system. Instances of this class are required to have a pub:useService
predicate pointing to which Publish Service to use along with the IRI of the Versioned RDF Record to publish. It can also optionally have a pointer to a specific Commit of that Versioned RDF Record that should be published. In the absence of this predicate on an instance of pub:PublishConfig
, the head Commit of the MASTER Branch will be used.
An extension of the core framework will:
Define a new instance of
representing the new publish capability -
Define a subclass of
that is also a SHACL Node Shape aligned with the requirements of the SHACL Web Forms Framework -
Define the configuration properties for the new type of Publish along with SHACL Property Shapes aligned with the requirements of the SHACL Web Forms Framework
Define a SHACL Property Shape for the
predicate withsh:defaultValue
set to the IRI of the new instance ofPublishService
and withwf:usesFormField
set towf:HiddenTextInput
Include a constraint on
to restrict the types of Versioned RDF Records that the service supports
Given this framework, the JSON-LD sent to the generic publish endpoint should look like the following.
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix pub: <http://mobi.com/ontologies/publish#> .
@prefix : <http://mobi.solutions/example#> .
:test a :CustomPublishConfig, pub:PublishConfig ; # An instance of the publish configuration to execute
pub:record <https://mobi.com/records#7dbc162b-592c-4742-bf10-4c156c381781> ; # the required IRI of the Versioned RDF Record to publish
pub:useService :CustomPublishService ; # the required value for this property given the publish configuration
pub:commit <https://mobi.com/commits#7dbc162b-592c-4742-bf10-4c156c381781> ; # the optional IRI of the Commit to publish
# any additional custom properties for the type of publish configuration
Anzo Config Selector
All Anzo publish services utilize the same SHACL Property Shape for the property specifying which Anzo server to publish to (http://mobi.com/config#hasId
). This property is required and must line up with the ID of an Anzo Configuration within the platform, i.e. instances of `http://mobi.com/config#AnzoConfiguration` (see Anzo Connection Configuration).
Anzo SKOS Publish Example
AVM has the capability to publish ontology/vocabulary data to an Anzo dataset as SKOS Concepts. The Anzo Publish SKOS SHACL configurations define:
The Anzo SKOS Publish Service (
) with an unlimited concurrency -
The Anzo SKOS Publish Configuration (
) -
A property for whether to publish whether to pull SKOS Concepts from the specified record and/or to transform the OWL Class hierarchy into SKOS concepts within the generated Anzo Dataset along constraints to ensure there’s at least one value, list the acceptable values of "Concepts" and "Classes", and set the default to "Concepts" (
) -
Required value for
Support only for
REST Request
Below is an example request to publish a record as SKOS to a configured Anzo instance:

The body of the request represented in turtle is below (See comments for explanation of fields):
@prefix ns0: <http://mobi.com/config#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix pub: <http://mobi.com/ontologies/publish#> .
@prefix anzoskos: <http://mobi.com/ontologies/publish/anzo/skos#> .
a anzoskos:AnzoSkosPublish ; # The type of publish configuration
ns0:hasId "dev"^^xsd:string ; # The Anzo config (instance) to publish to
pub:commit <https://mobi.com/commits#7932ffdabee02aed1063ac6f691b21f7bff2e0b3> ; # The IRI of the Commit on the Record to publish
pub:record <https://mobi.com/records#bc631ae0-6296-465e-a999-53c240df6878> ; # The IRI of the Record to publish
pub:useService anzoskos:AnzoSkosPublishService ; # The PublishService to use, required to line up with the type of publish configuration
anzoskos:publishMode "Concepts"^^xsd:string, "Classes"^^xsd:string . # Publish both Concepts and Classes to an Anzo dataset as SKOS Concepts
Anzo OWL Publish Example
AVM has the capability to publish ontology/vocabulary data to either an Anzo Model or an Anzo dataset. The Anzo Publish SKOS SHACL configurations define:
The Anzo SKOS Publish Service (
) with an unlimited concurrency -
The Anzo SKOS Publish Configuration (
) -
A property for whether to publish whether to pull SKOS Concepts from the specified record and/or to transform the OWL Class hierarchy into SKOS concepts within the generated Anzo Dataset along constraints to ensure there’s at least one value, list the acceptable values of "Concepts" and "Classes", and set the default to "Concepts" (
) -
Required value for
Support only for
REST Request
Below is an example request to publish a record as OWL to a configured Anzo instance:

The body of the request represented in turtle is below (See comments for explanation of fields):
@prefix ns0: <http://mobi.com/config#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
@prefix pub: <http://mobi.com/ontologies/publish#> .
@prefix anzoowl: <http://mobi.com/ontologies/publish/anzo/owl#> .
a anzoowl:AnzoOwlPublish ; # The type of publish configuration
ns0:hasId "dev"^^xsd:string ; # The Anzo config (instance) to publish to
pub:commit <https://mobi.com/commits#c8687ca9a4baa3339ac8344788a408af6046bafd> ; # The IRI of the Commit on the Record to publish
pub:record <https://mobi.com/records#bc631ae0-6296-465e-a999-53c240df6878> ; # The IRI of the Record to publish
pub:useService anzoowl:AnzoOwlPublishService ; # The PublishService to use, required to line up with the type of publish configuration
anzoowl:publishMode "As Model"^^xsd:string . # Publish to an Anzo model. If this value was "As Dataset", it would publish to an Anzo Dataset