Mobi is an open and collaborative knowledge graph platform for teams and communities to bridge the gap between your business knowledge and your disparate data silos by easily developing innovative knowledge graph solutions that self-validate and integrate into your complex data systems. These are the Release notes for the Mobi platform.

Release Notes for Mobi 4.0

Mobi 4.0 was released on January 15, 2025. This major release includes a complete "inversioning" of all commit histories, a brand new capability to search for entities across records, tailored statistics on records in the Catalog, caching of shapes graphs, tighter Enterprise publishing integration with the Anzo platform, and much more.

Due to the "Inversioning" of commit histories, the restoration process during migration will take longer than in previous upgrades. Pay attention to the log output as there may be some records that are rejected due to faulty data or duplicate data between records allowed in previous versions.
For Enterprise deployments utilizing the revamped publish to Anzo capability, please note that the integration now requires an Anzo version of 5.4.7 or later.

What’s New

  • We’ve completely restructured versioned RDF commit histories to better align with common usage patterns and power highly requested features such as those listed below

  • We’ve introduced a brand new entity search capability across the latest version of all Versioned RDF Records

  • We’ve added statistics about Record content to the Catalog views

  • We’ve introduced caching of shapes graph content for faster retrieval times

  • We’ve revamped enterprise only publishing to Anzo for more native integration and support for publishing shapes graphs

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Implemented "inversioning" of the data structures and algorithms behind all versioned RDF data by reversing the commit deltas such that the compiled latest resource on MASTER is always available

  • Aligned 401 and 403 HTTP error responses across the application to follow best practices, meaning if a request has invalid/missing credentials a 401 is returned and if a request has valid credentials without authorization a 403 is returned

  • Improved handling of expired login sessions while navigating the frontend by redirecting users back to the login page

  • Aligned logic to calculate the display name of all entities across the application

  • Added catch logic for RDF* and Turtle* uploads throughout the application until support is added


  • Added display of selected filters as removable chips

  • Added button to reset all selected filters

  • Added buttons to reset filters under each header

  • Changed Record Type filter to allow multiple selected values

  • Changed behavior to view the record metadata from clicking the whole card to a View button

  • Added display to Individual Record view of statistics based on the record’s type

  • Fixed an issue where a long record title pushed the Record Permission page content off the screen

  • Introduced new module for searching for entities across all Versioned RDF Records based off literal annotation values

  • Added display of matching annotation values

  • Added ability to sort the entity search results based off calculated entity display name

  • Added filter option for Record Type

  • Added filter option for record Keywords

  • Added display of selected filters as removable chips

  • Added button to reset all selected filters

  • Added buttons to reset filters under each header

  • Added button to entity search results to open the entity in the respective record’s module

  • Added button to entity search results to open parent record in the Catalog

  • Fixed an issue where selected keyword filters would clear when searching through the keyword filter items

Ontology Editor

  • Changed the predicate on Ontology Records tracking the ontology IRI on the MASTER branch from to NOTE: This means the same ontology cannot be uploaded as both an Ontology Record AND a Shapes Graph Record.

  • Fixed an issue where the entire compiled ontology was loading into memory before being streamed to a download

Shapes Editor

  • Changed the predicate on Shapes Graph Records tracking the ontology IRI on the MASTER branch from to NOTE: This means the same ontology cannot be uploaded as both an Ontology Record AND a Shapes Graph Record.

  • Introduced caching of Shapes Graph Record data using the same cache as Ontology Record data

  • Removed the DELETE /shapes-graphs/{recordId} endpoint in deference to the main DELETE /catalogs/{catalogId}/records/{recordId} endpoint

  • Fixed an issue where an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar was present for a selected record

Merge Requests

  • Added display of selected filters as removable chips

  • Added button to reset all selected filters

  • Added buttons to reset filters under each header


  • Updated frontend to use new centralized SSE endpoint for live updates

  • Added display of selected filters as removable chips

  • Added button to reset all selected filters

  • Added buttons to reset filters under each header

  • Changed interaction with Anzo systems to use Anzo REST API instead of custom logic for better maintainability

  • Added new optional parameter to Anzo connection configuration for the Datasource to use when creating FLDSes

  • Added ability to publish Shapes Graph Records to Anzo as Anzo Datasets

  • Fixed an issue where an Anzo connection configured with the http protocol instead of https threw an exception

  • Fixed an issue where a dangling reference to an Anzo Configuration was present in the system repository if the id in the configuration file changed

Mapping Tool

  • Fixed an issue where committing mapping data as updates to an ontology was setting the calculated added statements as both the additions and deletions of the commit


  • Transformed SSE endpoint used for live frontend updates into a centralized endpoint for use with other modules

  • Fixed an issue where the execution history table was blank when clicking on the Commits tab and back

  • Fixed an issue where invalid IRIs were generated for added Actions if the Workflow IRI included a #

  • Fixed an issue where the delete trigger button was enabled when editing a Workflow with no trigger set

  • Fixed an issue where an action could not be added to an edited Workflow if all actions were removed


  • (ENTERPRISE) Removed extra apostrophes from field names in the LDAP configuration form


Version 4.0.1

Hotfix 4.0.1 of Mobi was released on January 30, 2025.

  • Fixed an issue where the Open button on an Entity Search result would throw an error if the Record was not open already in the Ontology or Shapes Editor

Release Notes for Mobi 3.1

Mobi 3.1 was released on August 30, 2024. This release includes a new Enterprise UI for configuring LDAP and SSO integrations, the Enterprise ability to publish all types of Versioned RDF Records (including shapes graphs), concurrent workflow executions, and many more improvements and bug fixes.

What’s New

  • We’ve added a brand new UI for configuring LDAP and SSO integrations, both SAML and OAuth/OpenID, for ease of deployments

  • We’ve revamped the extensible publish framework for simplicity and expansion of capability to include publishing Shapes Graph Records

  • We’ve introduced the ability to execute workflows concurrently to support a larger range of use cases

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in the mobi:export-records command where commit revision graphs were not separately properly

  • (ENTERPRISE) Consolidated the LDAP configuration to a single property for the server hostname


  • Fixed an issue where tag names were not truncated in the commit history graph for Versioned RDF Records

  • (ENTERPRISE) Fixed an issue where the markdown editor for record overview’s was not rendering

Ontology Editor

  • Introduced a configuration property for read timeouts when resolving imported ontologies from the web

  • Improved upload changes performance with proper handling of option repository transactions

  • Fixed an issue where the "Go To" button did not work on the owl:Ontology object

  • Fixed an issue where long binding names would cause the SPARQL editor to expand horizontally off the screen

  • Fixed an issue where tag names were not truncated in the commit history graph

  • Fixed an issue where the Search tab results wouldn’t display a name for the owl:Ontology object if it had no label or title

  • Fixed an issue where entered keyword text would not clear in the new record modal when uploading more than one record at a time

  • Fixed an issue where the editor would intermittently report being behind the head commit of the target branch of a direct merge if the "Delete Source Branch" checkbox was checked

Shapes Editor

  • Improved upload changes performance with proper handling of option repository transactions

  • Fixed an issue where entered keyword text would not clear in the new record modal when uploading more than one record at a time

  • Fixed an issue where the editor would intermittently report being behind the head commit of the target branch of a direct merge if the "Delete Source Branch" checkbox was checked

Merge Requests

  • (ENTERPRISE) Fixed an issue where the markdown editors for merge request comments were not rendering


  • Moved the Publish tool out from under the Ontology Editor in the navigation menu to indicate the new support for publishing all types of Versioned RDF Records

  • Restructured the publish endpoint to simplify the expected RDF body and move the Record and Commit IRIs to publish from query parameters to the RDF body

  • Fixed an issue where GraphDB publishes were not run asynchronously

  • Fixed an issue where Anzo publishes could be submitted without specifying a target Anzo server

  • Fixed an issue where user displays in the Publish pages didn’t include a tooltip with the username

Mapping Tool

  • Added support for mapping properties with no range or a range of owl:Thing


  • Added datatype format validation to the instance creator/editor in the Explore page

  • Fixed an issue where long binding names would cause the SPARQL editor to expand horizontally off the screen

  • Fixed an issue where boolean property values could not be removed when creating/editing an instance in the Explore page


  • Introduced configuration, backend thread-handling, and UI support for running more than one workflow at a time including tracking when workflow executions are "rejected" with an activity

  • Added button to toggle a full screen view of the workflow graphical display

  • Fixed an issue where port numbers were stripped off URLs configured in HTTP Request Actions before execution


  • (ENTERPRISE) Added brand new UI for configuring LDAP, SAML, and OAuth/OpenID integrations with full file upload support and help text


Version 3.1.1

Hotfix 3.1.1 of Mobi was released on October 3, 2024.

  • Fixed an issue where datatype property values on Individuals and Concepts in the Ontology Editor could not be removed

Release Notes for Mobi 3.0

Mobi 3.0 was released on June 8, 2024. This major release includes a unified versioned RDF editing experience across ontologies and shapes graphs, a brand new UI for managing automated workflows for CI/CD-like processes, additional enterprise integrations with partner products, and much more.

What’s New

  • We’ve made it so the Ontology Editor and Shapes Editor now have the same exact unified editor layout giving a consistent experience for branching, commits, merges, tags, and more

  • We’ve added a whole new module for managing Workflows to achieve CI/CD governance for your semantic artifacts

  • We’ve added enterprise only integrations with the popular Anzo Platform to publish ontologies and vocabularies for use in your enterprise knowledge graphs

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Added support for textarea inputs in the SHACL web form framework

  • Added support for dropdown inputs in the SHACL web form framework that can pull values from a static list

  • Added support for autocomplete inputs in the SHACL web form framework that can pull values from the backend

  • Added a flag to the restore command to replace the Mobi home directory in any Binary File paths with a new installation directory

  • Updated the backup and restore commands to include the entire virtual files directory and unpack it in the new installation

  • Updated Checkstyle rules to support Java 17

  • Removed all usages of the net.sf JSON library

  • Updated nightwatch version to 3.4.0 used for automated functional tests

  • Fixed an issue where the Swagger UI was incorrectly splitting JSON-LD array data passed in form data to certain endpoints

Ontology Editor

  • Updated user experience to align with layout of the Shapes Editor with existing Ontology Editor tabs and functionality underneath the top header

  • Updated branch select to pull the latest details about branches, tags, and commits on open

  • Adjusted display of options in record and branch select to be more compact and clearly display which option is selected

  • Added ability to download and delete records from the record select

  • Added ability to edit branches from the branch select

  • Moved upload snackbar to a button that opens a log of recent uploads and their success/failure

  • Fixed an issue where English language SKOS-XL labels were not used in the Concepts and Schemes hierarchies and selected entity displays

  • Fixed an issue where the full IRI of a property was only displayed when hovering over the truncated IRI display, not the property title


  • Added support for publishing SKOS vocabularies and OWL ontologies to an Anzo instance

  • Fixed an issue where the username of displayed users was not displayed on hover

Shapes Editor

  • Aligned section headers to look the same as in the Ontology Editor

  • Updated branch select to pull the latest details about branches, tags, and commits on open

  • Adjusted display of options in record and branch select to be more compact and clearly display which option is selected

  • Added ability to download and delete records from the record select

  • Added ability to edit branches from the branch select

  • Added ability to create a new empty shapes graph in addition to uploading a shapes graph file

  • Added ability to upload multiple shapes graphs at once

  • Added button to open a log of recent uploads and their success/failure

  • Fixed an issue where extremely long shapes graph IRIs would trail off of the screen

  • Fixed an issue where the full IRI of a property was only displayed when hovering over the truncated IRI display, not the property title

  • Fixed an issue where blank nodes in the shapes graph data were not properly tracked in changes causing broken blank node chains

Merge Requests

  • Added support for reopening a closed merge request as long as both the source and target branches still exist

  • Fixed an issue where some unnecessary REST requests would occur when logging out while viewing an individual merge request

Mapping Tool

  • Fixed an issue where an uncommitted change to the source ontology of a mapping was displayed when previewing the mapping on the landing page


  • Added new UI that enables you to view, create, edit, delete, and maintain Workflow Records within the system

  • Added new type of Workflow Action for executing HTTP Requests

  • Added support for connecting to a password protected Dagu installation

  • Updated Workflows validation to pull any referenced entity information into the "closed-world" validation perspective

  • Updated Action Execution model to include a property pointing to the Action that was executed

  • Fixed an issue where exceptions thrown during the beginning of a workflow execution did not close out the activity properly

Release Notes for Mobi 2.5

Mobi 2.5 was released on February 4, 2024. This release includes a new Enterprise Publishing UI along with integration with OntoText’s GraphDB platform, a variety of enhancements to Merge Requests including a closed status, better handling of property ranges in the Mapping Tool, and many more improvements and bug fixes.

This version includes a critical fix to reduce duplication of system policies on disk. If you are restoring a backup that contains edited system policies, those edits will be reset during the process of deduplication.

What’s New

  • We’ve added a brand new UI built on an extensible framework for publishing Ontology Records to various external systems including an integration with GraphDB.

  • We’ve added a new "closed" status to Merge Requests that will prevent the request from being accepted and persist the reference to the changes and the discussion for reference.

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Revamped the restore process to be modular and extensible with detailed logging

  • All references to users through the application now display the first name and last name of the user if available and otherwise display the username

  • (ENTERPRISE) Updated OpenID SSO configurations to refetch the latest public keys if a token’s signing algorithm could not be found in the cached list

  • Fixed an issue where system policies would be duplicated on disk if restoring a backup that contained edited versions of the policies.

  • (ENTERPRISE) Fixed an issue where LDAP configurations with an admin account would not perform proper password validation on user logins

  • (ENTERPRISE) Fixed an issue where an LDAP exception displayed in the Login Page would cause the login form to go off screen


  • Updated the commit history graph to display all current branch titles whose head commits are visible in the selected graph

  • Fixed an issue where multiple error toasts would appear when logging out while viewing the permissions of an individual Record

Ontology Editor

  • Added manual zooming functionality to the Ontology Visualization with "zoom-to-fit" in addition to zooming via scrolling

  • Updated the commit history graph to display all current branch titles whose head commits are visible in the selected graph

  • Updated the landing page to disable the Create and Upload Ontology buttons if the user does not have permission to create ontologies. Also disables the drag and drop to upload functionality

  • Updated the Object Property Overlay used for individuals, concepts, and concept schemes to utilize the range of the selected property when displaying value options

  • Fixed an issue where the new entity snackbar would still be displayed after committing and navigating away from the Ontology Editor

  • Fixed an issue where type headers in the Search tab would open and collapse together instead of individually


  • Added new UI that displays all configured Publish Services from the Extensible Publishing Framework

  • Added new support for publishing Ontology Record data to a GraphDB repository (see GraphDB Publishing for more details)

Shapes Editor

  • Updated the commit history graph to display all current branch titles whose head commits are visible in the selected graph

Merge Requests

  • Added a new "Closed" status and workflows for Merge Requests including filtering support

  • Added better permissions to various Merge Request actions including: deletion of Merge Requests and editing of Merge Request metadata

  • Enabled support for editing comments made on a Merge Request

  • Fixed an issue where multiple error toasts would appear when logging out while viewing an individual Merge Request

Mapping Tool

  • Added a system policy for who can Create Mapping Records

  • Added the ability to edit mappings where the imports closure has been changed to be incompatible since the mapping was created

  • Added support for utilizing all ranges of an Object Property for a Property Mapping

  • Updated the commit history graph to display all current branch titles whose head commits are visible in the selected graph

  • Updated the landing page to disable the New Mapping button if the user does not have permission to create Mappings

  • Changed all backend query requests to use GET instead of POST to avoid browser URL limits

  • Fixed an issue where the form validity of the Add Property Mapping overlay would not always update properly when switching between selected properties


  • Updated the landing page to disable the New Dataset button if the user does not have permission to create Datasets


  • Fixed an issue where the Explore tool would throw an error when trying to add a data property with a boolean range to an edited instance


  • Fixed an issue with incorrect spelling in an internal IRI


Version 2.5.1 (ENTERPRISE ONLY)

Hotfix 2.5.1 of Mobi Enterprise was released on February 12, 2024.

  • Fixed an issue preventing restores where a missing configuration file was expected to be present

Version 2.5.2 (ENTERPRISE ONLY)

Hotfix 2.5.2 was released on April 3, 2024.

  • Fixed an issue where publish policy was not properly controlling users' ability to publish

Version 2.5.3 (ENTERPRISE ONLY)

Hotfix 2.5.3 was released on April 13, 2024.

  • Fixed an issue where the Create Mapping Record policy was not included by default, preventing users from being able to create Mappings

Release Notes for Mobi 2.4

Mobi 2.4 was released on October 6, 2023. This release includes the infrastructure for a new workflows feature, merge request support for Shapes Graph Records, major performance enhancements for the mapping tool, a SPARQL query UI within the Ontology Editor, and many more improvements and bug fixes.

What’s New

  • We’ve introduced a new framework for Workflows to automate actions throughout the platform. A custom tailored UI is planned for a later release, but the infrastructure is ready for extensions and fully usable via REST. See Workflows for more details.

  • We’ve revamped the Mapping Tool to dynamically load required ontology data instead of pulling the entire contents into memory leading to faster load times and better domain and range support for property mappings.

  • We’ve enhanced the Merge Requests tool to support all Versioned RDF Records including Shapes Graph Records and added new search and filter capabilities so governance workflows are easier to implement.

  • We’ve introduce a new SPARQL query UI within the Ontology Editor that enables execution of custom queries against any point of the ontology or vocabulary’s commit history.

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Generalized the ontology namespace and frontend logic behind the SHACL powered web forms (such as those in the Settings Framework)

  • Refactored the core OSGi Catalog services to be separated by purpose and reduce potential service injection cycles

  • Added new OSGi Event Topic for commits to branches to enable pub/sub workflows based on commit activity

  • Fixed styling inconsistencies with the help menu links

  • (ENTERPRISE) Fixed SAML redirect issue that caused the browser to redirect the user to the Swagger docs


  • Filtered the listed activities in each tab of the activity log by Record View permissions


  • Fixed an issue where bullet points were not rendered in markdown displays

  • Fixed an issue in keyword filter where the load more button would appear when all keywords were already displayed

Ontology Editor

  • Changed the "Search" tab to include both the original "Find" functionality and a new "Query" view with a SPARQL query editor

  • Added support for xsd:date as a range for datatype properties

  • Removed extraneous DELETE /ontologies/{ontologyId}/branches/{branchId} endpoint in deference to the general DELETE /catalogs/{catalogId}/records/{recordId}/branches/{branchId} endpoint

  • Added a 150 character limit to branch names

  • Fixed an issue where clearing a selected value in the Object Property Overlay would not re-add it to the displayed list of options

  • Fixed an issue where individuals could not be deleted from the "Individuals" tab

  • Fixed an issue where blank node values displayed in Manchester Syntax in the "Search → Find" view were not styled like the other tabs

  • Fixed an issue where intermittently incorrect usages were displayed when following links in Axiom sections

  • Fixed an issue where the Commits tab was not properly selected when checking out a commit that removed the Schemes and Concepts tabs

  • Fixed an issue where only the first 50 ontologies in alphabetical order were selectable in each dropdown

Shapes Editor

  • Added a 150 character limit to branch names

Merge Requests

  • Restructured the landing page to include pagination, a sort selector, a search bar, and a collection of filters to better assist users searching for specific requests

  • Added support for creating merge requests for any subtype of Versioned RDF Records, including Shapes Graph Records, and updated displays to indicate the Record type

  • Fixed an issue where bullet points were not rendered in markdown displays

  • Fixed an issue where replies to comments were not properly indented

  • Fixed an issue where a user could be selected as an assignee multiple times

Mapping Tool

  • Changed the module to pull ontology data as needed for each view and dropdown to drastically improve performance

  • Updated the Add Property Mapping overlay to better support properties with multiple ranges, super classes of object property ranges, and properties with no ranges

  • Added support for using properties whose domain includes the selected class within a owl:unionOf restriction

  • Fixed an issue where a long list of ontologies in the Mapping Configuration Overlay would cause some fields to not be visible

  • Fixed an issue where the save button height was not consistent with the other buttons within the tool


  • Fixed an issue where removing a selected ontology chip from the Create or Edit Dataset Overlays did not unselect the ontology checkbox in the list

*NEW* Workflows

  • Included new Versioned RDF Record type for Workflows

  • Included new extensible backend OSGi service API for adding to the triggers and actions supported by Workflows (see Workflows for more details)

  • Included implementation of a Workflow Engine based on Dagu

  • Included new REST API for creating, executing, and pulling metadata about Workflows

  • Included new Commit to Branch Trigger for Workflows based on commits to specified branches of specified records

  • Included new Scheduled Trigger for Workflows based on a specified cron expression


  • (ENTERPRISE) Introduced a new tab for viewing and updating the current license of the server

Release Notes for Mobi 2.3

Mobi 2.3 was released on July 3, 2023. This release includes major performance enhancements for ontology/vocabulary uploads and deletions, a revamped commit history graph, frontend framework upgrades, and a variety of bug fixes.

What’s New

  • We’ve upgraded our frontend to use Angular 14

  • We’ve significantly improved memory utilization and overall speeds of ontology uploads and deletions

  • We’ve completely changed the look and feel of the commit history graphs with more displayed details as well

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Upgraded RDF4J to 4.3.2

  • Upgraded Angular to 14.13.0

  • Replaced all usages of the ngx-uiscroll library with the Angular Material CDK virtual scroll functionality

  • Centralized core provenance ontology and extensions within the provenance repository to make the UI displays of individual activities extensible

  • Added underlines and consistent styling to all hyperlinks throughout the application

  • (ENTERPRISE) Fixed an issue where LDAP logins would fail if the authenticating user did not have the permission to search for groups when the admin account should be utilized instead


  • Added new tab to the Activity card to display recent activity only for the logged in user

  • Updated logic for displaying the Activity summary statements to dynamically pull from the repository data


  • Added the ability to filter the list of Records by the creator

  • Added a tab to the individual Record view to display all the provenance activity related to the Record

Ontology Editor

  • Changed upload process to use in progress commits and better transaction isolation levels to improve memory utilization and overall speeds

  • Changed commit graphs to use a new library for rendering and included display of branches associated with a merge and all known tags represented in the commit list

  • Updated differences display in merge conflict displays to match the differences display used throughout the rest of the application

  • Added a REST endpoint to retrieve an ontology’s contents based off the ontology IRI rather than the Record IRI

  • Added action to dropdowns in the list of ontologies for downloading the latest version of the ontology

  • Disabled Merge button if the user does not have permission to merge into the target branch

  • Fixed an issue where saved default ontology namespace did not require a valid separator

  • Fixed an issue where long imported ontology IRIs did not have tooltips on hover

  • Fixed an issue where long ontology titles extended past the edge of the list of ontologies

  • Fixed an issue where reopening an ontology with in progress changes would not display those changes until another change was made

  • Fixed an issue where Concept and Scheme tabs were not removed properly when switching to a branch without SKOS in the imports closure

  • Fixed an issue with the Go To button in the search tab would not properly open an entity if it had a transitively attached rdf:List without a rdf:rest property

  • Fixed an issue where the manchester editor for axioms would not save for datatype property domains

  • Fixed an issue where hyperlinks in the usages sections were not styled to appear clickable

  • Fixed an issue where hyperlinks in the Changes tab were not styled to appear clickable

Shapes Editor

  • Changed upload process to use in progress commits and better transaction isolation levels to improve memory utilization and overall speeds

  • Changed commit graphs to use a new library for rendering and include display of all branches and tags visible in the currently displayed commit history

  • Updated differences display in merge conflict displays to match the differences display used throughout the rest of the application

  • Disabled Merge button if the user does not have permission to merge into the target branch

Merge Requests

  • Disabled Accept button if the user does not have permission to merge into the target branch of a merge request

Mapping Tool

  • Changed commit graphs to use a new library for rendering and include display of all branches and tags visible in the currently displayed commit history


Version 2.3.1

Hotfix 2.3.1 was released on July 4, 2023.

  • Fixed missing underlines and styling for hyperlinks in the application

  • Updated to use proper path for Mobi logo and to have updated technology versions

Version 2.3.2

Hotfix 2.3.2 was released on July 18, 2023.

  • Fixed an issue where access policies were not cleaned up after deleting a Dataset

  • Fixed an issue where web imported ontologies with multiple types in the returned Content-Type header would not resolve

  • Enabled filtering of the Merge Requests list based on Record read permissions

Version 2.3.3

Hotfix 2.3.3 was released on August 7, 2023.

  • Fixed an issue where accepting a merge request with the branch deletion checkbox enabled would cause an endless spinner

Release Notes for Mobi 2.2

Mobi 2.2 was released on April 10, 2023. This release includes brand new filter functionality for the Ontology Visualization tool inside the editor, improvements to the build process for the frontend code, and a variety of bug fixes.

What’s New

  • We’ve upgraded our frontend to use Angular 9 and the provided Angular build processes over a custom Webpack build

  • We’ve upgraded the core RDF4J and Karaf libraries to the latest versions (RDF4J 4.2.1 and Karaf 4.4.3)

  • We’ve introduced a long awaited filtering capability into our Ontology Visualization tool to better facilitate exploration and discovery

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Upgraded RDF4J to 4.2.1

  • Upgraded Karaf to 4.4.3

  • Upgraded Angular to 9.1.13

  • Swapped custom webpack build for the frontend to the Angular CLI functionality

  • Updated Documentation links in the sidebar to the new comprehensive documentation site

  • Fixed an issue where restarting would reinstall any manually uninstalled a bundles by moving all startup Karaf features to boot features

  • (ENTERPRISE) Added support automatic redirects using OpenID/OAuth SSO when the request originates from a web solution hosted within the Mobi Platform

Ontology Editor

  • Added filtering capability to the Ontology Visualization tool enabling users to choose what nodes are displayed in the graph

  • Added support for specifying a datatype for annotation values

  • Added data and annotation property value validation according to the selected datatype

  • Fixed an issue where the Edit Individual Types modal would accept values that were not actual classes defined in the imports closure

  • Fixed an issue where changing the characteristics on a property would rerender the property hierarchy resulting in degradations in performance

  • Fixed an issue where the Ontology Imports modal would not follow HTTP 301 redirect responses when validating a provided URL

  • Fixed an issue where RDF/XML parser would accept invalid language tags on ontology upload

  • Fixed an issue where annotation values stored as IRIs could not be edited

  • Fixed an issue where switching ontologies when specific entities were selected was not updating the list of annotations and properties shown

Mapping Tool

  • Fixed an issue where invalid values were accepted in the Datatype Override field for Property Mappings


  • Added support for selecting the repository when creating a new Dataset


  • Fixed an issue where the warning message for large result sets would not clear once displayed


  • Fixed an issue where updating a user’s email manually would not persist

  • Fixed an issue where the groups for a selected user would not display when navigating away and back to the Administration page

Release Notes for Mobi 2.1

Mobi 2.1 was released on December 16, 2022. This release includes more intuitive changes displays, multiple improvements for "solutioneers" building on top of Mobi, and a variety of performance enhancements and bug fixes.

What’s New

  • We’ve updated all displays of changed triples to be consistently formatted and introduced a new toggle to display all unchanged triples as well, enabling more context when reviewing

  • We’ve moved all default policies and policy templates to a specific location in the installation directory so administrators can customize the default permissions for their Mobi instance

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Upgraded RDF4J to 4.2.1

  • Upgraded Karaf to 4.4.2

  • Created a folder in the installation directory to hold all policy templates used for new records and the default system policies (See Mobi Security Policies)

  • Added a new command to the Mobi Karaf shell that will revert all system policies to the defaults specified in the new directory (See Mobi Security Policies)

  • Enabled ability to reach the Swagger Documentation without specifying /index.html at the end of the URL

  • (ENTERPRISE) Added ability to provide a custom relay state on SAML redirects to support custom solutions in the platform to use the Mobi SSO connectivity


  • Updated all triple changes displays to display triples grouped by property and delineated with ++ and -- symbols

  • Added "Show Full" toggle to all changes displays except in the Commit Information modal which will display all triples for a particular subject alongside the changed triples

Ontology Editor

  • Updated all triple changes displays to display triples grouped by property and delineated with ++ and -- symbols

  • Added "Show Full" toggle to all changes displays except in the Commit Information modal which will display all triples for a particular subject alongside the changed triples

  • Added logic to clean up user state associated with a deleted record

  • Added success toast on commit

  • Improved performance of hierarchy renders on first load

  • Fixed an issue where updates to an IRI used in a complex restriction were not reflected

  • Fixed an issue where results were not shown for a new analysis if the previous analysis results were empty

Shapes Editor

  • Updated all triple changes displays to display triples grouped by property and delineated with ++ and -- symbols

  • Added "Show Full" toggle to all changes displays except in the Commit Information modal which will display all triples for a particular subject alongside the changed triples

  • Added logic to clean up user state associated with a deleted record

  • Added success toast on commit

Merge Requests

  • Updated all triple changes displays to display triples grouped by property and delineated with ++ and -- symbols

  • Added "Show Full" toggle to all changes displays except in the Commit Information modal which will display all triples for a particular subject alongside the changed triples

Mapping Tool

  • Updated all triple changes displays to display triples grouped by property and delineated with ++ and -- symbols

  • Added "Show Full" toggle to all changes displays except in the Commit Information modal which will display all triples for a particular subject alongside the changed triples


  • Introduced restrictions on uploads to datasets to protect system graphs


  • Changed the Permissions page to dynamically pull the list of system policies allowing new policies introduced to automatically appear in the list

  • Fixed an issue where deleting a group referenced in a policy would not allow that policy to be edited


Version 2.1.1

Hotfix 2.1.1 was released on December 19, 2022.

  • Reverted the Karaf version to 4.4.1 due to a bug with the bin/client script

Release Notes for Mobi 2.0

Mobi 2.0 was released on September 15, 2022. This major release includes major infrastructure updates throughout the platform along with a variety of performance enhancements and bug fixes. Most impactful changes are a new requirement for Java 17 and the entire web application is now built with Angular 6 and more consistent of an experience.

For those upgrading from 1.x to 2.0, follow our Migration Guide

What’s New

  • We’ve upgraded our Karaf, Angular, RDF4J, and OSGi dependencies to take advantage of the latest stability and functionality improvements

  • We’ve updated the required Java version to 17

Mobi will now no longer start the Java version is older than 17. Please ensure your Java version is correct and the $JAVA_HOME environment is set properly as described in Administration Guide.
With the latest version of Karaf, the password properties in $MOBI_HOME/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg that enable custom SSL certificates have changed. See Configure Custom SSL Certificates.

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Upgraded Karaf to 4.4.1

  • Upgraded Angular to 6.1.10 and removed all usages and references to AngularJS

  • Upgraded RDF4J to 4.1.0

  • Upgraded OSGi to 8

  • Updated the required Java version to 17

  • Updated the required NodeJS version for building the source to 14+

  • Updated the required Maven version for building the source to 3.6+

  • Replaced osgi-jax-rs-connector with Apache Aries Whiteboard Extender for all REST services

  • Removed all Mobi API wrappers around RDF4J and switched to using the library directly for drastic performance improvements

  • Removed the OWL API based implementation of our ontology API

Ontology Editor

  • Fixed an issue where blank nodes would be detached on upload changes if the IRI of the parent node changed

  • Fixed an issue where blank node IDs with hyphens would be affected when previewing the ontology data


  • Removed the outdated and underutilized Search tab


Version 2.0.3

Hotfix 2.0.3 was released on November 16, 2022.

  • Fixed an issue where clicking on a search result in the Ontology Editor Search tab did not bring up a display of the entity

  • Fixed an issue where the Ontology Editor would bring users to the Visualization tab after uploading changes instead of the Changes tab

  • Fixed an issue where the page index of the list of Changes in the Ontology Editor and Shapes Editor did not reset when the changes were removed

Version 2.0.2

Hotfix 2.0.2 was released on November 2, 2022.

  • (ENTERPRISE) Fixed an issue where certain screens with a lot of content were not scrolling properly

  • Fixed an issue where final blank nodes in RDF Lists were left dangling on delete and were not rendered properly in changes displays

  • Fixed an issue where the Load More buttons in the Ontology Editor and Shapes Editor merge previews did not render more content

  • Fixed an issue where failed upload changes processes in the Ontology Editor did not display any error messages

  • Fixed an issue where Mobi would not build or run on ARM based Machines

  • Fixed an issue where ontologies with mid to large size class hierarchies took a long time to open

  • Fixed an issue where IRIs of entities being created in the Ontology Editor could not be edited before being saved

  • Fixed an issue where the Schemes and Concepts tabs did not render immediately after SKOS was added to the imports closure

Version 2.0.1

Hotfix 2.0.1 was released on October 16, 2022.

  • Fixed an issue where Merge Requests could not be accepted

Release Notes for Mobi 1.22

Mobi 1.22 was released on June 22, 2022. This release includes extensive application of Dataset policies throughout the platform, full policy management in the Catalog, enhanced access control on Shapes Graph Records, and a prepackaged default trust store for secure SSL communications. It also includes various bug fixes and improvements.

What’s New

  • We’ve consolidated access control management of all records into the Catalog

  • We’ve included a default trust store with the platform to simplify the process to enable secure SSL communication with external sources

  • We’ve introduced a new policy for controlling who can create Shapes Graph Records

All system level policies will be reset to their defaults on a restore into this version and will need to be updated to the desired state again.

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Introduced a new bundled trust store that is used throughout the platform when establishing connections to outside sources, including importing ontologies from the web

  • Adjusted the setenv file to make setting the max and min memory usage more straightforward

  • Fixed an issue where un-encrypted configuration properties would be encrypted on restore even if auto-encryption was not enabled


  • Introduced new UI for editing the policy of any Record in the platform to centralize and simplify the functionality

Ontology Editor

  • Removed the UI for managing ontology access in favor of the new consolidated experience in the Catalog

  • Updated the backend SPARQL endpoints for querying ontologies to more closely align with the SPARQL 1.1 W3C specification and behave similarly to the overall SPARQL endpoint used for querying datasets and repositories

  • Fixed an issue where merges could be submitted even when there were no commits different between the source and target branches

  • Fixed an issue where entities with empty label values would prevent the ontology from being opened

Shapes Editor

  • Introduced a new policy for managing who can create a Shapes Graph Record

  • Improved user experience when a user’s access is limited within the editor

  • Adjusted the defaults set when creating new Shapes Graph Records such that managing, deleting, and modifying the master branch are limited to the creator of the Record while viewing and general modification are enabled for everyone

Merge Requests

  • Fixed an issue where merges could be submitted even when there were no commits different between the source and target branches

Mapping Tool

  • Adjusted the class select when creating a class mapping to dynamically pull the list from the source ontology and improve rendering time

  • Adjusted process to map data into a Dataset to take into account the Dataset’s policy


  • Adjusted the Explore tool to take into account the Dataset’s policy and display appropriate feedback to the user

  • Improved user experience in the Query tool when the user is unauthorized to submit

Release Notes for Mobi 1.21

Mobi 1.21 released on February 15, 2022. This release features the full release of the Ontology Visualization feature in the Ontology Editor, access control policies on datasets, a UI for defining the default IRI when creating new ontologies, and a brand new beta release of a Shapes Editor for Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) files. It also includes various bug fixes and improvements.

What’s New

  • We’ve added a new beta module for editing SHACL Graphs called the Shapes Editor

  • We’ve expanded the Ontology Visualization feature out of beta with a host of usability improvements

  • We’ve added a section to customize application-wide settings to the Administration page

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Upgraded AngularJS version to 1.8.2

  • Upgraded Lodash version to 4.17.21


  • Fixed an issue where a publisher was not set on the MASTER branch when a new record was created

Ontology Editor

  • Updated the Ontology Visualization feature to enable customization of the graph by hiding and showing classes and ontologies in a collapsible side panel

  • Updated merge workflow to prevent merges into the same branch as the source

  • Added application setting to customize the default IRI for new ontologies

  • Fixed an issue where tabbing quickly after typing a character into the title field when creating a class would not update the IRI properly

  • Fixed an issue where circular subclass relationships were not properly represented in the class hierarchy

  • Fixed an issue where IRIs with an invalid extra "#" were accepted when editing an IRI

NEW Shapes Editor

  • Introduced brand new beta module for editing SHACL shapes graphs with full versioning support. Behaves like the Ontology Editor with commits, branches, and tags to facilitate collaborative development. See Shapes Editor for more details

Merge Requests

  • Updated merge workflow to prevent merges into the same branch as the source

Mapping Tool

  • Improved formatting of JSON-LD preview


  • Introduced default access policies for Dataset Records. Default access only allows the creator to delete and manage record metadata


Release Notes for Mobi 1.20

Mobi 1.20 was released on October 11, 2021. This release features a beta for Ontology Visualization in the Ontology Editor, updated dct:modified dates on Records, Record filtering by keyword in the Catalog, UPDATE query CLI support, and an extension to the Settings framework to support application wide settings. It also includes updates to policy handling, such as the filtering Records based on the user’s ability to view the Record. Additionally, this release includes SPARQL query endpoint compliance, a REST interface for ETL, Basic Authentication on REST endpoints, Reflexive/Irreflexive property support, and various bug fixes and improvements.

What’s New

  • We’ve added a new beta feature for Ontology Visualization in the Ontology Editor

  • We’ve added Record filtering by keywords in the Catalog

  • We’ve introduced filtering Records based on the user’s ability to view the Record

Query System Repo policy will be reset to support updated SPARQL compliant endpoints.

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Removed deprecated OWLAPI Ontology Implementation bundle

  • Added support for UPDATE queries to the mobi:query CLI command. Has the ability to perform a dry run of the query displaying what will change

  • Created an experimental REST interface for automatically translating source files into RDF with an extracted ontology. Currently supports XML, JSON, and CSV files

  • Added Basic Authentication support to REST endpoints

  • Introduced POST support to SPARQL Query endpoint in order to be more aligned with the SPARQL query endpoint specification

  • Extended Settings framework to add support for application wide system settings

  • The User Management module in the frontend code have been converted from AngularJS to Angular

  • Added a REST endpoint to retrieve a Provenance Activity by resource ID

  • Fixed an issue with system policies being evicted from the policy cache and updated API for easier loading of policies

  • Fixed an issue where dangling graphs would persist across backup/restores

  • Fixed system policy to restrict permissions to do everything from anyone with the admin role to only the admin user

  • Fixed an issue with Swagger docs not displaying list parameters correctly


  • Added the ability to filter Records based on keywords on the Record

  • Updated dct:modified date of Records based on committing to a branch, adding/removing branches, editing branch metadata, and editing Record metadata

  • Fixed an issue where the markdown editor help text would be cut off by side component

Ontology Editor

  • Introduced a beta feature for Ontology Visualization that will render up to 500 classes as nodes in a network graph, using the subclass relationships and object properties as edges. Uses the source ontology and its imports

  • Added the source ontology IRI when viewing an imported entity

  • Added owl:ReflexiveProperty and owl:IrreflexiveProperty support to properties

  • Introduced a notification to the user when ontology state is updated on reopen of an ontology

  • Added the ability to see the full ontology title on hover when importing an ontology on the server

  • Updated query REST requests to stream results back to the frontend

  • Fixed an issue where failed imports did not truncate

  • Fixed an issue in the Search Tab where the warning message did not display for searches with more than 500 results

  • Fixed an issue when viewing an Entity’s history in a large ontology would cause server slowdowns

  • Fixed an issue where a long imported ontology IRI would extend past the confirm modal on deletion

  • Fixed an issue where a long imported ontology IRI would extend past modal on addition

Mapping Tool

  • Fixed an issue where Classes from uncommitted changes on MASTER of source ontologies appeared in Class selector


  • Updated the display of syntax error messages in the Query tab when submitting invalid SPARQL queries to be more human-readable

My Account

  • Fixed an issue where updated names wouldn’t immediately reflect the change in the side panel


  • Added handling for cleaning up User State when deleting a User

Release Notes for Mobi 1.19

Mobi 1.19 was released on May 7, 2021. This release includes improved performance for various actions within the Ontology Editor, support for uploading compressed ontology files, and new features for an improved editing and viewing experience. It also features a new SHACL based framework for setting user preferences in the UI, fully interactive Swagger documentation for our extensive REST APIs, and numerous bug fixes and improvements.

What’s New

  • We’ve added new Swagger-based REST API documentation where API calls can be tested live

  • We’ve introduced a new framework for configuring and generating web forms for user preferences powered by SHACL

  • We’ve introduced performance improvements to the Ontology Editor to better support uploading large ontologies and viewing the change history of ontology entities

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Encryption of sensitive information stored within service configuration files is now enabled by default

  • Changes to the master password used for service configuration encryption can be changed without having to restart the server

  • Swagger REST API documentation is available on every running server (see documentation here)

  • Enabled an experimental command-line feature for automatically translating source files into RDF with an extracted ontology. Currently supports XML, JSON, and CSV files

  • Added full Java and REST API framework for storing, updating, and retrieving preferences based on SHACL shape definitions (see documentation here)

  • Downgraded the jsonld-java library to fix issue where subjects could not be defined as a type of themselves

  • Fixed an issue where tags in an ontology were not included when exporting the record via the mobi:export-record command

  • Fixed an issue where icons did not load when not connected to the internet

  • Fixed an issue where logs viewed via the Karaf console did not display the Java Class names


  • Added ability to copy the full IRI of a commit when clicking on the hash in the commit info overlay

  • Fixed an issue where a new record "Overview" value would not immediately display after saving

  • Fixed an issue where In Progress Commits were not deleted from the repository when a Record was deleted

Ontology Editor

  • Changed calculation of differences on upload changes to deterministically skolemize blank nodes to provide a more accurate difference

  • Improved the performance of the See History view for individual entities in an ontology

  • Improved the performance of caching an retrieving ontology data

  • All ontology file uploads are automatically compressed before sending to the server for improved network performance

  • Changed wording of info messages to be more helpful

  • Combined the endpoints for uploading ontology JSON-LD and an ontology file such that the data and record metadata are both provided as form data parameters

  • Added new filter to hierarchies to remove deprecated entities (i.e. items annotated with owl:deprecated)

  • Added ability to upload zipped (.zip) and gzipped (.gzip) ontology files

  • Added ability to copy the full IRI of a commit when clicking on the hash in the commit info overlay

  • Added support for rendering SKOS-XL literal form as entity names in hierarchies and relationship labels

  • Added support for owl:TransitiveProperty and owl:SymmetricProperty in Property Characteristics block

  • Added ability to change the type of individuals in an ontology even if they do not contain the owl:NamedIndividual type

  • Added support for creating qualified restrictions on a class where the class is another restriction. An example in Manchester Syntax looks like this: isConnectedTo exactly 1 (Fin or Fuselage or Wing)

  • Added display of syntax errors to the upload changes overlay

  • Added prevention of trig upload which would cause unexpected behavior

  • Fixed an issue where the class hierarchy did not fully reset after a branch was created

  • Fixed an issue where uploading the same ontology as changes still created an In Progress Commit

  • Fixed an issue where uploading an ontology file with a non resolvable import threw an error

  • Fixed an issue where See History did not update when switching branches

  • Fixed an issue where a "IRI already exists" error would display for a split second when creating a new entity

Merge Requests

  • Fixed an issue where long ontology names caused the second step of creating a Merge Request to horizontally scroll

Mapping Tool

  • Added ability to copy the full IRI of a commit when clicking on the hash in the commit info overlay

  • Fixed an issue where full mapping definition was not returned when downloading a mapping


  • Fixed an issue where blank nodes defined as known classes caused errors in the Explore tool when viewing the class list and list of instances

My Account

  • New Preferences tab that will populate with User Preference SHACL definitions from the repository (see documentation here)

  • Confirm password input in Password tab was converted to a single field with the ability to unmask the value for verification


  • Confirm password input in Reset Password overlay and Create User overlay was converted to a single field with the ability to unmask the value for verification

Release Notes for Mobi 1.18

Mobi 1.18 was released on November 3, 2020. This release includes improved performance when viewing the differences of a specific commit or between two commits. It also has a brand new SPARQL query editor that supports CONSTRUCT queries as well, expressive syntax error displays on ontology uploads, support for encrypting passwords stored in service configuration files, and updates to several underlying libraries between the backend and frontend.

What’s New

  • We’ve introduced performance improvements to the Ontology Editor, Merge Requests, and Catalog to support viewing extremely large collections of differences while also displaying the calculated name for each entity instead of the local name of the IRIs

  • We’ve introduced a new SPARQL query editor in the Discover module with a better query editing experience, resizable editor and results areas, and support for CONSTRUCT SPARQL queries

  • We’ve added the ability to view syntax errors when an ontology upload fails

  • We’ve added configurable encryption of sensitive information stored within service configuration files

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Updated RDF4J version to 2.5.5

  • New support for configuring a master encryption password used to protect plaintext property values stored within service configuration files

  • The Login and Home modules in the frontend code have been converted from AngularJS to Angular

  • Improved memory usage when iterating through large sets of RDF statements in the backend

  • Fixed an issue where users would see a "Problem Getting States" error when logging in

  • Added security policy for Dataset creation.


  • Changed the display of commit differences to load incrementally and display the calculated names of each entity instead of the local name of the IRI

Ontology Editor

  • Added support for owl:versionInfo and owl:versionIRI

  • Added more intelligent identification of the RDF format of a file when uploading ontologies

  • Added display of syntax errors to the ontology upload snackbar

  • Changed the display of commit differences to load incrementally and display the calculated names of each entity instead of the local name of the IRI

  • Improved performance of the Concepts hierarchy by reworking a filter used within the Annotation, Data Property, and Object Property sections

  • Improved performance of the query to fetch entity names within the ontology leading to faster open times

  • Fixed an issue where the endpoint for fetching the list of branches had no default sort value

  • Fixed an issue where search text was not properly highlighting matches within the list of ontologies

  • Fixed an issue where modals for creating entities within an ontology accepted invalid characters at the beginning of the IRI

  • Fixed an issue where modals for editing an IRI accepted invalid characters

  • Fixed an issue where editing an owl:subPropertyOf axiom would cause Concept tab to lose identification of imported concepts

  • Fixed an issue where the text of the selected data or object property in the "Add Datatype Property Value" modal would extend past the edge of the modal

  • Fixed an issue where changing the language of a skos:prefLabel value on a Concept Scheme or Concept would cause an "Invalid JSON-LD" error

Merge Requests

  • Changed the display of commit differences to load incrementally and display the calculated names of each entity instead of the local name of the IRI

  • Fixed an issue where ontology IRIs would extend past their cards in the first step of creating a merge request on Firefox

Mapping Tool

  • Changed the display of commit differences to load incrementally

  • Fixed an issue where the selected property would not load when editing an existing property mapping


  • Introduced new policy to control who can create Datasets within the system (available in the User Management module)


  • Refactored Query submodule to re-skin YASGUI for Mobi

  • Introduced CONSTRUCT query support to both frontend Query editor and backend endpoints

  • Changed JSON response for SELECT SPARQL queries to conform to the W3C specification

  • Introduced utility Java class to support converting SELECT SPARQL query results to JSON, CSV, and TSV

Release Notes for Mobi 1.17

Mobi 1.17 was released on August 5, 2020. This release includes major performance improvements, allowing the Ontology Editor to support much larger ontologies than it could before. It also has a new "Active Entity" filter in each of the ontology tabs that will optionally filter out imported entities from the hierarchy view, configurable token duration for account logins, a limit on the amount of data shown in the Preview Block of the Ontology Editor, and now defaults to using the Repository Implementation for the ontology API.

What’s New

  • We’ve introduced performance improvements to the Ontology Editor to support extremely large ontologies with hundreds of thousands of entities as well increasing application response speed for various actions.

  • We’ve introduced a new filter for the hierarchy in each of the ontology tabs that will optionally filter out imported entities from the hierarchy view

  • We’ve added configurable token duration for account logins

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Added scaffolding that includes new packages and files to help facilitate the switch from angularJS to angular

  • Application now defaults to using the Repository Implementation for the ontology API

  • New support for configurable token duration for account logins

  • Added a line in the config specifying the default port for Mobi.

  • Fixed an issue where the username of the logged in user was replaced with "…​" if it was to long to fit in the navbar instead of truncating.

Ontology Editor

  • New "Active Entity" filter in each of the ontology tabs that will optionally filter out imported entities from the hierarchy view

  • Refactored the Ontology Editor to store only required data for rendering in the web application rather than the entire ontology RDF

  • New backend endpoint to retrieve full RDF for a specified entity along with it’s transitively attached blank nodes

  • Modified the behavior on click of an entity in the hierarchy so that it retrieves the entity RDF from the new GET entity endpoint.

  • Modified the GET ontology-stuff endpoint to include a map of entity IRIs in the imports closure to the values of properties used in calculating the display name

  • Removed the GET ontology calls from the frontend to improve performance, especially when opening large ontologies

  • Modified the GET commit endpoint to only retrieve commit metadata instead of full list of differences

  • Modified the GET differences endpoint to make the target commit ID optional

  • Improved performance of opening an ontology

  • Improved performance of switching branches

  • Improved performance of retrieving ontology data after a new commit

  • Improved performance of uploading an ontology

  • Improved the Ontology Editor module to support extremely large ontologies with hundreds of thousands of entities

  • Added a limit to the amount of data displayed in the Preview block to improve performance of large ontologies

  • Fixed an issue where the ontology upload modal would stop appearing if the user accidentally clicked off of the ontology upload modal

  • Fixed an issue where imported ontologies without an ontology IRI defined showed up blank in the Imports block of the Project tab

  • Fixed an issue where a long title for an ontology would expand the row on the ontology List page too far horizontally and push the page content to the right along with it

  • Fixed an issue where a modal would close if you clicked on something in the modal, held the click, and released outside of the modal

  • Fixed an issue where application would run out of memory when merging large ontologies with merge conflicts

  • Fixed an issue where incorrect blank nodes were generated from certain Manchester Syntax strings


  • Fixed an issue where the graph in the Catalog Commit table overlapped with the Creator column

Release Notes for Mobi 1.16

Mobi 1.16 was released on October 7, 2019. This release includes a Webpack and Typescript frontend, a new implementation of the backend ontology API, better SKOS and SKOS-XL vocabulary support, and various other performance improvements.

What’s New

  • We’ve introduced a completely new implementation of the backend ontology API that utilizes a triplestore for caching and querying information.

  • We’ve changed the build process and language of the frontend code from Gulp and JavaScript to Webpack and TypeScript.

  • We are continuing to create a more consistent look-and-feel across the application. To that end, we’ve included several UI updates to various tools.

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Switched certain backend services to OSGi DS annotations instead of deprecated BND annotations

  • Switched backup/restore methods to copy and replace all configuration files except for server specific files

  • Switched backend library for generated JSON from net.sf to Jackson for improved performance

  • New support for milliseconds for all stored xsd:dateTime values

  • New backend support for users external to Mobi

  • New support for committing mapped data to an ontology using the mobi:transform command

  • Refactored how tokens are generated and verified in the backend

  • New policy for controlling who can run a SPARQL query against the system repository

  • Fixed an issue with thread allocation in OWL API Ontology API implementation.

  • Fixed an issue where passwords with special characters could not be saved.

  • Fixed an issue where usernames were case sensitive.

  • Fixed an issue where restoring an older version of Mobi overwrote the version of the deployed bundles on a clean start

Ontology Editor

  • New implementation of the backend ontology API that allows for the uploading and opening of .OBO ontologies

  • New implementation of the backend ontology API that uses a repository for caching and querying

  • New backend endpoint for retrieving the list of ontology IRIs in the imports closure

  • Improved performance of opening and switching branches of large ontologies

  • Improved performance of displaying a commit’s changes for large ontologies

  • Improved performance of calculating conflicts between commits with a large number of changes

  • Improved performance of the Changes when displaying a large number of changes

  • Improved performance of uploading a large number of changes to an ontology

  • Default the commit dropdown in the See History view to the latest commit

  • New support for creating a branch when viewing a specific commit

  • New support for displaying values of the SKOS-XL literalForm property as the display name for SKOS-XL Labels

  • Reworked Concepts and Schemes tab to show all data and object properties

  • Fixed an issue where searches of large ontologies crashed the browser

  • Fixed an issue where imported concepts were not displayed underneath their parent concept schemes in the Schemes tab

  • Fixed an issue where a changed entity in a hierarchy would not update when a commit was made

  • Fixed broken "go to" functionality in the Object Property section of the Individuals tab

  • Fixed bug where JavaScript console errors appeared when closing an ontology with the new entity snackbar visible


  • Fixed an issue where updating record metadata would remove all other entities within the Record’s named graph (such as linked ontologies for Dataset Records)

  • Fixed an issue where commits would not display for a branch of a VersionedRDFRecord when switching which branch was open

Merge Requests

  • New backend support for editing comments on a merge request


  • New backend support for querying specific named graphs within a dataset using a Dataset Repository Connection

  • Fixed an issue where a SPARQL query in the form of CONSTRUCT WHERE {…​} against a Dataset would not be rewritten properly


  • Fixed an issue where the list of groups would not update after one was created

  • Fixed an issue where the table of members of a group would not update after removing a member

Release Notes for Mobi 1.15

Mobi 1.15 was released on March 28, 2019. This release includes a redesigned Catalog, new Ontology Editor usability features, and several performance and API improvements.

What’s New

  • We’ve completely reworked the Catalog to improve search and usability. We’ve added functionality for editing record metadata, including support for Markdown descriptions.

  • We’ve implemented several new features in the Ontology Editor to improve user experience. Users can now filter hierarchies based on search terms and view the change history of individual entities. We’ve implemented "scroll-to" functionality for quickly navigating to deeply nested terms, and provide a more complete list of language tags when annotating strings.

  • We’ve improved processing of large ontologies including better memory management and processing of complex hierarchies.

  • We are continuing to create a more consistent look-and-feel across the application. To that end, we’ve included several UI updates to various tools.

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Upgraded underlying RDF4J version to 2.4.3.

  • Upgraded underlying AngularJS version to 1.7.7.

  • Added support for SPARQL and HTTP backing repositories

  • Added documentation on how to use IRIs with URL encoded symbols in Mobi CLI.

  • Restructured web files to reduce nested directories and have a consistent naming scheme.

  • Made improvements to frontend routing so redirects to the login page are more intuitive.

  • Refactored the return structure of the users and groups REST endpoints to improve performance and correctly encode strings.

  • Fixed an issues with text overflow in several views.

  • Fixed an issue where backups made with the Mobi CLI on Windows machines would not restore correctly on Unix or Linux machines.

Ontology Editor

  • New support for filtering hierarchies based on search text. Matches any annotations used for calculating the display name along with the local name.

  • New support for viewing entity change history. Displays the list of commits where an entity was changed and what the entity looked like at each change.

  • New support for opening a newly created entity via a snackbar and auto scrolling to its location in the list.

  • New support for auto scrolling to an entity in the list when clicking "Go To" from the search tab.

  • New support for a much larger list of language tags when creating annotations.

  • In the ontology API, refactored retrieval of hierarchical relationships to use the ontology object rather than an in-memory repository.

  • Refactored ontology API to remove unused classes.

  • Changed the processing of hierarchical relationships in the ontology REST and frontend for faster processing.

  • Fixed an issue where the list of entities in the search tab where not sorted.


  • New support for opening a record in its respective module from the catalog.

  • New support for adding a Markdown description to records you have the permission to manage.

  • New support for editing the title, description, and keywords of records you have the permission to manage.

  • Developed new look and feel for the Catalog UI.

Merge Requests

  • Updated UI components to be consistent with the rest of the application.

  • Fixed an issue where Merge Requests were not properly deleted if they had reply comments.

Dataset Manager

  • Fixed an issue where invalid dataset IRIs spaces were accepted.

Release Notes for Mobi 1.14

Mobi 1.14 was released on January 18, 2019. This release includes several new features for ontology versioning, tools for creating better review and ingest workflows with merge requests and the mapping tool, and major performance improvements.

What’s New

  • We’ve developed new features for viewing older versions of an ontology in the Ontology Editor. You can now select commits from the Commits tab to open those versions in read-only mode. You can also tag any commit to create a human readable and persistent pointer to a particular commit to track multiple ontology versions.

  • We’ve implemented several performance improvements across the application to improve user experience when uploading, opening, and editing large ontologies.

  • We’ve added several new features to the Merge Request tool, including discussions, to help improve user experience for review workflows.

  • In our previous release, we added capabilities for mapping data into ontologies. In this release we’ve improved this capability by adding features for de-duplicating committed data and for calculating differences between mapping results and existing data. These features should enable workflows for versioning externally managed ontologies and vocabularies.

  • In order to ease the burden of upgrading Mobi to a new version, we’ve included Mobi command line tools for creating full system backups and restores. For instructions on upgrading from version 1.13 check out this KB Article.

  • We are continuing to create a more consistent look-and-feel across the application. To that end, we’ve included several UI updates to various tools.

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Upgraded underlying RDF4J version to 2.4.1.

  • Modified the default repository indexing strategy to include named graph indexing by default. This should increase performance considerably on larger repository sizes.

  • Added support for automatically compressing all web service responses.

  • Added support for full system backup and restore through the Mobi CLI.

  • Added support to the ORM framework for removing values of a functional property for an ORM Object.

  • Refreshed User Management modal UI design to be more consistent with the rest of the application.

  • Fixed an issue causing performance degradation when committing large sets of data to Versioned RDF Records.

Ontology Editor

  • New support for creating tags within an ontology. Tags are persistent identifiers for specific commits.

  • New support for opening specific commits and tags. These commits and tags are opened in read-only mode.

  • Added support for querying ontology data via web services and optionally including imported ontologies.

  • Added support for editing the types of owl:NamedIndividuals.

  • Added support for admins to bypass access control for Ontology Records.

  • Refreshed the UI display for the Search and Changes tabs to be more consistent with the rest of the application.

  • Added support for automatically updating the ontology list when a set of uploads completes.

  • Reworked the ontology import selector to enable search and a better ontology selection experience.

  • Fixed an issue where the ontology list was not properly loaded when filter queries were abnormally slow.

  • Fixed an issue where Ontology Record was corrupted if the client connection was lost during upload.

  • Fixed an issue preventing opening of an ontology that imports another ontology that has an identical ontology and version IRI.

  • Fixed performance issues when rendering large entity hierarchies.

  • Fixed an issue causing display of double scrollbars in some Ontology Editor panels.

  • Fixed an issue where circular subclass relationships prevent ontology opening.

  • Fixed an issue improperly displaying a success toast after closing access control management with no changes.

  • Fixed an issue that improperly opened a modal when ontology upload is cancelled.

Merge Requests

  • New support added for creating and deleting comments and replies in merge requests to facilitate discussions.

  • Added support for editing open merge requests.

  • Added support for removing the source branch upon merge.

Mapping Tool

  • Added support for committing mapped ontology entities to a specific branch rather than only the master branch.

  • Added support for removing data from the mapping results that already exists on the target branch during ontology mapping.

  • Added support for calculating differences between mapping results and data on the target branch during ontology mapping.

  • Refreshed modal UI design to be more consistent with the rest of the application.

  • Reworked the ontology selector to enable search and a better ontology selection experience.

  • Fixed an issue with improperly processing empty rows in a CSV file in certain situations.

  • Fixed an issue causing filename to improperly display when changing file selection in the Mapping Tool.


  • Added better support for rendering branches in a Versioned RDF Record view.

Dataset Manager

  • Reworked the ontology selector to enable search and a better ontology selection experience.

Release Notes for Mobi 1.13

Mobi 1.13 was released on October 10, 2018. This release includes a completely refreshed user experience, ontology access control, new tools for creating ontologies and vocabularies, and enhanced features for ontology review workflows.

What’s New

  • We’ve developed an entirely new look-and-feel for the Mobi application. This update includes a brand new Home Page and a redesigned Ontology Editor.

  • We released the beginnings of our policy-based access control in 1.12 and have expanded that to all Ontology Records. You can now control which users and groups can create, read, modify, and delete ontologies.

  • For those of you maintaining vocabularies in Excel files, you can now use the mapping tool to load those files into Mobi ontologies. Simply create a mapping based on SKOS or OWL and use the "Commit to Ontology" option.

  • Merge requests are a great way to create ontology review workflows and we’ve added new features for assigning, editing, and accepting them.

Detailed Notes

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Redesigned look and feel for the Mobi web application including new Home Page and Ontology Editor designs

  • Refactored conflict checking to provide better support for a variety of merge scenarios

  • Upgraded underlying Apache Karaf version to 4.2.0

  • Developed a new extensible framework for managing catalog records including record type specific implementations for export, delete, and create

  • Refactored file naming and storage strategy for Mobi Binary Store

  • Refactored policy services to use the Mobi Binary Store for policy storage and retrieval

  • Added support for managing access control for Ontology Records. Support includes user and group control for view, delete, record modification, and master branch modification.

  • Added support for configuring default location for the Mobi Binary Store

  • Added web service support for comparing differences between two commits on a Versioned RDF Record

  • Added service support for sending email notifications

  • Fixed an issue where passwords do not match error was not being properly cleared

  • Fixed an issue where merging duplicate changes from two branches sometimes resulted in statements remaining that should have been deleted

Ontology Editor

  • Properly implemented backend paging for the ontology list

  • Redesigned entity creation in the Ontology Editor. Creation now happens through the editor button stack instead of within each individual tab.

  • Prioritize rendering of english labels in hierarchy views

  • Added support for horizontal scrolling in hierarchy views

  • Added support for drag-and-drop upload of ontologies

  • Added web service support for querying ontology versions with SPARQL

  • Fixed an issue where adding and removing an import did not properly clean up the user’s in-progress commit

  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect error message when uploading an empty ontology

  • Fixed an issue with commit table rendering of long user names

  • Fixed an issue where uploading ontologies with missing entities on restrictions resulted in Error Entities being displayed

  • Fixed an issue where anonymous ontologies did not properly show the commit history

Merge Requests

  • Added support for assigning merge requests to users

  • Added support for accepting merge requests

  • Added support for resolving merge conflicts within a merge request. Request still available for review after conflict resolution.

Mapping Tool

  • Added support for mapping the same property to multiple columns of a tabular file

  • Added support for Annotation Properties in property mappings

  • Added support for selecting datatypes in property mappings

  • Added support for selecting languages in property mappings

  • Added support for committing mapping results to an Ontology Record

  • Fixed an issue when mapping ontology properties for blank cells

Release Notes for Mobi 1.12

Mobi 1.12 was released on May 18, 2018. This release includes new features for collaborating and reviewing changes to ontologies as well as a new policy-based security architecture.

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Released new, extensible service layer for managing hierarchical record types within the Mobi Catalog.

  • Updated underlying RDF4J version to 2.2.4

  • Updated underlying OWLAPI version to 5.1.4

  • Fixed an issue in being unable to delete a record that had no associated provenance data.

  • Fixed an issue affecting evaluation order of commits within branching commit chains for Versioned RDF Records.

  • Fixed an issue preventing Windows machines from running the Mobi CLI client.


  • Released new support for policy-based access control. New APIs and backend services support managing and evaluating security policies for controlling actions at all layers of the platform.

  • Support added for controlling which users and groups can create ontologies.

Merge Requests

  • Released new module for managing merge requests. Merge requests are long lived components that enable reviewing changes between branches of a record before performing a merge.

Ontology Editor

  • Reworked behavior of Ontology Editor when making changes while behind the head of a branch. New notifications and seamless merging has been implemented to make this process more intuitive.

  • Support added for viewing relevant commit list when merging two branches.

  • Support added for saving state of in-progress merge actions when switching tabs.

  • Fixed an issue where StackOverflowErrors were thrown when processing sufficiently deep class hierarchies.

  • Fixed an issue where the ontology creation page did not retain state when switching between modules.

  • Fixed an issue where exceptions during ontology upload still created a record.

  • Fixed an issue where the owl:deprecated property was not properly being recognized as a boolean value.

  • Fixed an issue where downloading an ontology while a mapping was being edited resulted in a page transition confirmation dialog.

  • Fixed an issue with languages and datatypes not being properly displayed in ontology search results.

  • Fixed an issue where failed ontology uploads were not being properly displayed in the ontology upload screen.

  • Fixed an issue where ontology search results did not include matches for all literal types.

  • Fixed an issue where the ontology commit table was showing the commit history for the entire branch even if the user was behind the head of that branch.

  • Fixed an issue with improper overflow of text in the ontology imports panel.

  • Fixed an issue allowing merge actions to be completed when a user has uncommitted changes.

  • Fixed an issue where re-uploading an ontology improperly indicates success after initially indicating failure.

Mapping Tool

  • Fixed an issue where local ontology changes affected mappings being edited at the same time.

Discover Module

  • Fixed an issue where navigating away from editing an instance would automatically save changes instead of cancelling.

Release Notes for Mobi 1.11

Mobi 1.11 was released on January 24, 2017. This release features improvements to ontology version control, data management and exploration, and numerous bug fixes and performance improvements across the platform.

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Support added for configuring Repositories based on standard SPARQL endpoints.

  • Support added for copying values from RDF preview blocks.

  • Support added for using minified web resources in production builds.

  • Added link to the Mobi Help Center in the application help menu.

  • Fixed an issue causing an intermittent "Application not found" error after the server has been unexpectedly shutdown.

  • Fixed an issue causing slow load time for the Activity Log.

  • Fixed an issue where triples were not properly being tracked if the same triple was added and removed in the same commit.

Ontology Editor

  • Improved branch merging process. Merges are now initiated through a button on the button stack. Commit changes are aggregated and shown beneath the branch selector. Finally, the conflicts view has been updated to improve readability of entity change conflicts. These improvements make it easier to review changes between branches before merging.

  • Support added for tighter integration between the Individuals tab and Concepts tab when developing SKOS vocabularies.

  • Support added for uploading multiple ontologies at once through file browser or drag-and-drop.

  • Improved web-app performance when managing large lists of entities in an ontology.

  • Support added for using inferences when suggesting relationships and creating new Concepts in the Concepts Tab.

  • Fixed an issue that caused an intermittent gray screen in the Ontology Editor after logging out and back in.

  • Fixed an issue causing incorrect overflow of long imported ontology labels.

  • Fixed an issue where skos:narrower is not properly nesting Concepts in the Concepts tab.

  • Fixed an issue where Top Concepts are not properly nested beneath Concept Schemes.

  • Fixed an issue with dropdown item selection when entities are defined within an ontology and its imports.

  • Fixed an issue where the property creation dialog box was cut-off on low resolution displays.

  • Fixed an issue causing an error when a user’s Ontology Editor state suggested opening an ontology to a previously deleted branch.

  • Fixed an issue where the ontology cache was not properly updated after deleting the source branch during a merge.

  • Fixed an issue where Concepts could be related to themselves.

  • Fixed an issue allowing users to add duplicate values for the same property to an ontology entity.

  • Fixed an issue with class folders being added to the individuals tab incorrectly when creating subclass axioms.

Dataset Manager

  • Support added for uploading RDF data files to a dataset through the Dataset Manager UI.

Discover Module

  • Support added for using inferences when suggesting link targets while editing instances in the Explore tool.

Release Notes for Mobi 1.10

Mobi 1.10 was released on November 27, 2017. This release features improvements to vocabulary editing, new instance management tools, and numerous bug fixes across the platform.

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Incorporated new automated web testing framework for testing web UI components.

  • Added many new backend services and features to support future distributed catalog capabilities.

  • Added many new backend services and features to support future ETL workflow capabilities.

  • Fixed an issue with ORM API causing ConcurrentModificationExceptions when editing functional properties with more than value assigned

Ontology Editor

  • Completed a major overhaul of the vocabulary editor. The vocabulary editor features have now been rolled into the Ontology Editor and dynamically become available upon declaration or import of SKOS classes. Additionally, various display improvements have been made for the Schemes and Concepts views.

  • Fixed an issue causing dropdowns with hundreds of items or more to become unresponsive. Dropdowns with large numbers of items now show a subset of items and allow searching.

  • Fixed a variety of issues causing performance problems when loading large ontologies

  • Fixed a variety of issues causing performance problems when loading ontologies with large import closures

  • Fixed an issue where imported classes retrieved via REST endpoint contained some incorrect values

  • Fixed an issue with the preview block not updating when switching ontology tabs

  • Fixed an issue with the preview block not correctly grouping triples by subject

  • Fixed an issue with missing ontology properties from the edit ontology properties block

  • Fixed an issue causing display problems when switching between web modules

  • Fixed an issue with poor display of long branch names in the branch select box

  • Fixed an issue with inconsistent use of inferred ontology entities

Mapping Tool

  • Mapping components (class and property mappings) now have associated titles so that they are more easily identified.

  • Support added for creating multiple class mappings of the same type. This allows mapping different properties to the same class type.

Dataset Manager

  • Added missing form label for ontologies list

  • Fixed an issue where linked ontologies were not correctly retrieved

  • Fixed an issue causing performance problems when importing large data files into a dataset

Discover Module

  • Support added for searching with property paths in the Search tool

  • Support added for creating new instances of classes from the class page in the Explore tool

  • Support added for showing labels of linked instances in the Explore tool

  • Support added for showing labels of available instances for linking in the Explore tool

  • Support added for deleting instances in the Explore tool

  • Fixed an issue when customizing IRIs of new instances in the Explore tool

  • Fixed an issue where editing an instance property did not correctly add datatypes in the Explore tool

Release Notes for Mobi 1.9

Mobi 1.9 was released on October 20, 2017. This release features new provenance, search, and visualization features as well as numerous bug fixes across the platform.

General Improvements and Fixes

  • New provenance features collect information about catalog record creation and deletion events, and provide an Activity Log in the web UI. This data collection joins existing capabilities tracking record modification to provide a detailed picture about how resources within Mobi are being created, used, and destroyed. Future improvements will provide more detailed visualization tools and collection capabilities to track all resources within Mobi at a detailed level.

  • Updated the project source code to reflect the rebranding from MatOnto to Mobi

  • New backend service capabilities added to manage ETL workflows. Future improvements will bring UI tools for creating and managing workflows that include ingest from relational database, XML, and directory-based data sources.

  • New backend service capabilities added for managing files and file systems

  • Fixed an issue where dates were not properly persisted with the xsd:dateTime datatype

Ontology Editor

  • Improvements made in how the Ontology Editor handles blank node data within the browser

  • Fixed an issue impeding the loading of ontologies with a large number of direct or indirect imports

  • Fixed an issue that caused the new ontology tab to disappear intermittently

  • Fixed an issue where commit change labels were not being properly rendered in some cases

  • Fixed an issue where users were not always able to pull the latest changes from the server when behind the HEAD of a branch

  • Fixed an issue where ontology entities were not being properly expanded and collapsed in entity trees

  • Fixed an issue where new Concepts were not being dynamically nested based on SKOS relationships

  • Fixed an issue where editing Concepts in the Scheme tab provided the wrong list of relationships

  • Fixed an issue where deleted Concepts could not be made again

  • Fixed an issue where searching on a newly created vocabulary resulted in many missing entities

  • Fixed an issue where clicking a Concept link in the Ontology Editor did not correctly navigate to the Individuals tab

Mapping Tool

  • Fixed an issue where updating the ontology version was not properly saved to the mapping record

  • Fixed an issue where mappings could not be run from the edit page unless changes were made

  • Fixed an issue where dropdown boxes were not correctly populated after modifying the mapping ontology

Dataset Manager

  • Fixed an issue where pagination in dataset creation overlay did not work properly

  • Fixed an issue with incorrect info messages on the Dataset Manager UI module

  • Fixed an issue where selected ontologies were improperly displayed when editing a dataset


  • Fixed an issue where catalog sorting options contained duplicate values

  • Fixed an issue where the catalog module broke when a selected record was deleted

Analytic Module

  • New module added to support development of analytics and visualizations in the Mobi web application. This initial release includes features for developing dynamic tables based on user-managed ontologies. Future improvements will bring charting, dashboard, and reporting capabilities.

Federation Services

  • Renamed services and data to reflect new federation naming scheme

  • Fixed an issue where modifying service configurations did not immediately reconfigure federation services

  • Fixed an issue where platform services were not able to start correctly if MAC address could not be determined


  • Support added for submitting SPARQL queries via the Mobi command-line client

Release Notes for Mobi 1.8

Mobi 1.8 was released on August 27, 2017. This release features the official rebranding of the MatOnto platform as Mobi. Key features include improved support for OWL Restrictions, new support for local ontology imports, new features for instance data editing and creation, and a new "Search" tool within the Discover Module.

General Improvements and Fixes

  • New support added for importing and exporting data from the Mobi console. Support includes importing data into an existing dataset and exporting dataset data and catalog records.

  • Support added to the Mobi console for exporting named graphs from a repository

  • Fixed several build errors related to running unit tests in Windows environments

  • Fixed an issue where commit fragments were not being properly removed when a Versioned RDF Record was deleted

Ontology Editor

  • Improved support for rendering OWL Restrictions including owl:oneOf and cardinalities

  • Support added for owl:inverseOf and owl:AsymmetricProperty

  • Support added for adding ontology imports from the local server

  • Support added for identifying indirect ontology imports in the imports closure

  • Support added for identifying missing ontology imports

  • Support added for creating a commit by uploading a modified version of an ontology (enabling external ontology modification)

  • Support added for applying owl:deprecated to ontology classes

  • Refactored the vocabulary editor to split schemes and concepts into their own editor tabs

  • Fixed an issue where SKOS relationships were not available within the vocabulary editor

  • Fixed an issue where entity usages were not being properly displayed within the Ontology Editor

  • Fixed an issue where IRI existence validation was improperly reporting errors

  • Fixed an issue where especially long RDF lists within an ontology would cause stack overflow errors

Mapping Tool

  • Support added for properly respecting owl:deprecated on ontology classes

  • Support added for versioning mapping records

  • Support added for processing formulas within Excel files

  • Fixed an issue where the mapping name was unmodifiable within the mapping editor

Discover Module

  • New "Search" tool added to the Discover Module. "Search" tool supports keyword, type, and data property search within a dataset.

  • Support added to the "Explore" tool for viewing, editing, and creating instance data

  • Support added to the "Explore" tool for applying properties to existing data through the use of reification

  • Support added to the "Explore" tool for respecting required properties when creating and editing instance data


  • Support added for editing datasets from the Datasets Module

Federation Services

  • New features added for creating federations of Mobi nodes as a first step toward enabling distributed collaboration

API Updates

  • Improved versioning services to properly version quads in addition to triples

  • Support added to properly edit blank node resources by skolemizing blank nodes between the triplestore and the web application

  • Fixed an issue for properly handling null values in DatasetConnection.remove(s, p, o, c)

Known Issues

  • In the Vocabulary Editor, adding hierarchical relationships (e.g. broader and narrower) to concepts does not properly nest them in the concept tree until the vocabulary is reopened.

  • There is a typo in the etc/ that causes the Karaf client to hang. This will be fixed in release 1.9.

Release Notes for MatOnto 1.7

MatOnto was 1.7 released on June 5, 2017. This release includes many bug fixes and performance improvements for the Ontology Editor and mapping tool as well as a new Discover Module for exploring datasets.

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where retrieving users with email addresses in the User Management tool caused an Internal Server Error

Discover Module

  • Replaced the existing SPARQL Editor Module with the new Discover Module

  • Added "Explore" tool to the Discover Module to enable quick exploration of datasets. This new tool will show the user what types of data are stored in the dataset and provide data samples. Future updates to the tool will allow users to explore and modify instance properties, create new instances, and delete existing instances.

  • Fixed an issue where comments were not allowed in SPARQL queries against datasets

Ontology Editor

  • Improved parsing of entity local names with acronyms used for display values (e.g. → "ABC Entity")

  • Support added for directly adding a subClassOf or subPropertyOf axiom when creating a new class or property

  • Fixed an issue allowing users to create multiple ontology entities with the same IRI

  • Fixed an issue where some commit data was not removed when deleting an ontology

  • Fixed an issue where the individuals tree was not updated correctly when the ontology class tree changed

  • Fixed an issue where a user could not assign a ConceptScheme when creating a new Concept

Mapping Tool

  • Support added for applying datatypes to literals based on the selected ontology properties

  • Support added for using basic rdfs and dcterms properties in a mapping

  • Support added for mapping multiple properties to the same source data column

  • Fixed an issue where modifying an ontology that was also being used in an active mapping broke the mapping ontology selector

  • Fixed an issue where the Mapping Tool was not properly including ontology updates when selecting the latest ontology version

API Updates

  • Refactored public Catalog API to include path validation when performing operations such as creating commits and merging branches

  • Significant performance improvements when retrieving commit data from the Catalog REST endpoints. Dramatically reduces load times for large ontologies.

  • Support added for creating commits from external data. This capability will enable future support for applying commits from files and merging records.

  • Various improvements to memory management when opening ontologies. Dramatically reduces memory usage when opening large ontologies.

Known Issues

  • In the Vocabulary Editor, SKOS relationship properties are missing from the property selector when using subclasses of skos:Concept. This issue will be fixed in Release 1.8.

  • Intermittent build errors occur in the Catalog REST bundle due to some shared resources. This issue will be fixed in Release 1.8.

  • The Mapping improperly includes InProgressCommit data when loading ontology properties and classes. This issue will be fixed in Release 1.8.

  • SPARQL queries against datasets that include SPARQL keywords as variable names cause a parsing exception. This issue will be fixed in a future release.

  • Classes that subclass each other should result in an equivalence relationship. This is not properly rendered in the Ontology Editor and produces errors. This issue will be fixed in a future release.

  • The Mapping Tool does not correctly handle mapping object properties with no range. The tool allows you to select the object property, but produces an error when trying to determine the target class type. This issue will be fixed in a future release.

  • The Mapping Tool does not correctly save mappings that have had their name changed. This issue will be fixed in Release 1.8.

Release Notes for MatOnto 1.6

MatOnto 1.6 was released on May 8, 2017. This release includes many bug fixes and performance improvements for the Ontology Editor as well as various improvements to the mapping tool and user management page.

General Improvements and Fixes

  • Google groups link added to help menu

  • User management user list now displays full name if available

  • Access to user management page restricted to admins only

  • Support added to list a user’s groups in the profile page

  • Fixed an issue where targeted spinner would lock up the application in several places

  • Fixed an issue where admin tags were not displayed correctly in the user list of the user management page

Ontology Editor

  • Support added for a click-to-copy feature for ontology entity IRIs

  • Support added to render complex class expressions and restrictions using Manchester Syntax in Axioms panel

  • Support added to render complex class expressions and restrictions using Manchester Syntax in Search panel

  • Support added to include imported entities in class, property, and individual list

  • Support added to roll-up large number of entity usages into a link to increase performance

  • Support added to render individuals of subtypes of skos:Concept in the concept hierarchy of the vocabulary editor

  • Support added to implement virtual scrolling on all entity lists, dramatically improving performance for large ontologies

  • Support added to render individuals as a tree based on their class hierarchy

  • Support added to implement ontology caching, dramatically improving performance when loading and editing large ontologies

  • Support added to immediately render icons associated with ranges of properties in the property hierarchy and overview tab

  • Fixed an issue where deleting an ontology did not delete the underlying revision data

  • Fixed an issue where creating and deleting classes sometimes resulted in incomplete class data remaining in the ontology

  • Fixed an issue where import statements were not correctly displayed in the changes tab

  • Fixed an issue where adding and deleting multiple imports did not correctly delete the specified import

  • Fixed an issue where deleting individuals did not always remove them from the individuals list

  • Fixed an issue where axiom values were not displayed properly in dropdowns

  • Fixed an issue where the String datatype was being removed from an individual’s data property when committing

  • Fixed an issue where modification badges would not be removed after performing a commit

  • Fixed an issue where the project tab would not update on branch change

Mapping Tool

  • Support added for editing full IRI in IRI templates

  • Support added to ignore property mappings for empty cells when mapping in delimited and excel files

  • Support added to ignore class mappings for empty rows when mapping in delimited and excel files

  • Support added to trim white space from values inserted into IRI templates

  • Support added to show a preview of mapped data in the property mappings list

  • Fixed an issue where the edit and delete buttons for property mappings would not work in Firefox

  • Fixed an issue where the user could not create a new class mapping when editing a previously created mapping resource

  • Fixed an issue where previewing mapping results intermittently did not display correctly

  • Fixed an issue where using an ontology with the same class defined in the ontology and one of its imports resulted in an empty dropdown when adding a class mapping

  • Fixed an issue where page leave confirmation message was displayed when downloading a mapped data


  • Support added to associate datasets with ontologies that describe the data within them

Release Notes for MatOnto 1.5

MatOnto 1.5 was released on April 4, 2017. This release contains the first features for MatOnto datasets and many improvements to the Ontology Editor user experience.


A new feature in 1.5, MatOnto Datasets provide collections of RDF graphs that can be managed and queried independently of other data stored within MatOnto repositories.

  • Datasets consist of a collection of RDF graphs that act as default named graphs or named graphs per the SPARQL 1.1 recommendation for RDF Datasets.

  • Java and REST services are now available for creating, managing, and querying datasets. The services ensure all operations on the Dataset are isolated to that specific set of RDF graphs.

  • A new UI module provides capabilities for creating and managing datasets.

Ontology Editor

  • Support added for displaying and editing language tags on string literals.

  • Support added for displaying and selecting if a property is functional.

  • Support added for importing ontologies from a URL. When adding an import, the editor will confirm the URL is resolvable and reload the ontology with the imported entities.

  • The Commits tab now renders a commit history chain with links to view the commit changes.

  • Added support for loading spinners over specific UI components when waiting on asynchronous calls to load data. This can be seen in the entity usages block.

  • All entity hierarchy trees are now sorted alphabetically.

  • When rendering labels for entities in hierarchy trees or detail blocks, a "pretty-print" label is displayed using the rdfs:label, dc:title, or the local name of the IRI in that order.

  • The editor now supports passive saving. When an ontology entity is modified, the ontology is automatically saved.

  • Modified entities are now highlighted using a modification badge and bold formatting.

  • Support added for creating custom Annotation Properties.

  • Each entity now displays a list of its rdf:type.

Mapping Tool

  • Integration with MatOnto Datasets provides the capability to upload transformed data to a Dataset.

  • Removed the idea of a "Base Class" from the mapping configuration. You now select from a list of classes in an order to create class mappings.

SPARQL Query Editor

  • Integration with MatOnto Datasets provides the capability to limit a query operation to a particular Dataset.

  • Malformed queries now properly display a message describing the parsing error.

  • New feature allows user to download the results of a SPARQL tuple query in CSV, TSV, or Excel format.

General Improvements and Fixes

  • User management tool now allows an admin to reset a user’s password.

Known Issues

  • Double-clicking an entity in the Ontology Editor search results wil not remove the loading spinner. Reload the browser tab to clear this issue.